Exchange Supervisory Board of

JSC «The Crimean Stock Exchange»

(Minutes № 11

dd «22» July 2016)

Exchange Supervisory Board Chairman ofJSC «The Crimean Stock Exchange»

______V. S. Russak


«22» July 2016.





1. / GENERAL CONDITIONS……………………………………………………………………….. / 3
1.1. / Subject of the present Rules Regulation …………………………………………………… / 4
1.2. / The Electronic Document Flow Regulation …………………….…………………………. / 4
1.3. / Orderand conditions of admission of the Participant for document flow processing in SEDF / 5
1.4. / Order of the Present Rules entrance into force and making amendments ..………..………... / 5
1.5. / Order of notification of making amendments in the present Rules ……..……………...... / 5
2. / ELECTRONICDOCUMENT…..………………………………………………………….....…… / 6
2.1. / Requirementsto the electronic documents …...……...…….……………………..…………. / 6
2.2. / Use of the digital signature and ciphering in the electronic documents flow………………. / 6
2.3. / Use of the electronic document………………………………………………………………. / 6
2.4. / Original of the electronic document ……………...…………….…………………………… / 7
2.5. / Copies of the electronic documents in hard copies ……..……………………………..…… / 7
3.1. / The Electronic documents flow………………………………..…………………………… / 7
3.2. / Theelectronic document processing……….…………….…………………………………. / 7
3.3. / Sending and delivery of the electronic document ……………….……………………….… / 8
3.4. / Verification of the delivered electronic document …………………………………………. / 8
3.5. / Confirmation of receiving of the electronic document …………………………………….. / 8
3.6. / Revocation of the electronic document ………………………………………..…………… / 9
3.7. / Accounting of the electronic documents ……………………………………………..…….. / 9
3.8. / Storage of the electronic documents …………………………………………………….…. / 10
4. / SYSTEMOFINFORMATIONALSECURITY……………………………... …………………… / 11
4.1. / Facilities of informational security…………………………………………………………. / 11
4.2. / Operating procedures at compromise of the ciphering keys ………….……………….….... / 12
PROCESSING …………..…………………………….…………………………………………… / 12
5.1. / Circumstances, which can cause emergencies, including technical
faults……………………………………….………………………………………………… / 12
5.2. / Order of notification of circumstances, which can cause
emergencies…………………………………………………………………………………. / 13
5.3. / Effects of a qualifier decision making by the Board of SEDF Organizer / 13
5.4. / Means of handling of emergencies …………………….……………………………………. / 14
6.1. / Emergence of conflicts at the usage of the electronic documents
flow in the SEDF …………………………..………….…………..………………………... / 14
6.2. / Notification of the conflictsituation….….…………………………………………………. / 15
6.3. / Handling of conflicts in a working order ……………………………………………………. / 15
6.4. / Technical commission building, its members …….………………………………………… / 15
6.5. / Responsibilities and powers of the technical commission ….……………………………… / 16
6.6. / Protocol of work of the technical commission….……………………………………….…. / 16
6.7. / Report of the results of the technical commission work……………………………………. / 16
6.8. / Order of the disputes and conflicts legal regulations ….…………………………………… / 17
7. / OTHER PROVISIONS ………………………………………………………………………….…. / 17
7.1. / Appendixes to the present Rules…….……………………………………………………… / 17
7.2. / Termination of the present Rules for all Participants of SEDF ………..………………….… / 17


Terms and Definitions

StockExchangeRules– documentsapproved by the Exchange Supervisory Board of JSC «The Crimean Stock Exchange» concerningtheset of requirements to the trading Participants and/or access to the trading, rules and forms of presentationof reports and other documents; documents which set the order of trading (Trading Rules for the commodity market of JSC «The Crimean Stock Exchange») as well as contracts, regulating the interrelations of JSC «The Crimean Stock Exchange» (hereinafter – Stock Exchange) with the Participants of SEDF.

TheOwnerofthecertificateofdigitalsignaturekey– personatwhosenamethe certificate of digital signature key was given and who owns the corresponding private (secret) digital signature key, which allows with the help of MES to create his digital signature in an electronic document (to sign the electronic document with the digital signature).

Private (secret) ciphering key– uniquedatasequence used for ciphering of the electronic document

Private (secret) digital signaturekey– uniquedatasequenceknowntothe owner of the certificate of digital signature key and is meant for creation of digital signature in electronic document with the help of MES.

RegistrationKey– identifier of the digital signature, processed by the Organizer of SEDF at the registration of the new owner of the certificate of digital signature key.

KeyCarrier– informational carrier, containing ciphering keys.

KeyCompromise– statementbytheperson, whoownsprivate (secret) digital signature and/or ciphering keyof the circumstances at which non-authorized persons can use this key.

CipheringKey– generalnameforpublicandprivate (secret) digital signature and/or ciphering keys.

SEDFOrganizer (StockExchange)– Joint Stock Company “Crimean Stock Exchange”.

Publicdigitalsignaturekey– uniquedatasequencecorrespondingtoprivate (secret) digital signature keyand available to each SEDF Participant and meant to confirm the authenticity of the digital signature in the electronic document with the help of MES.

Publiccipheringkey– uniquedatasequence correspondingtoprivate (secret) ciphering key used for ciphering of the electronic document.

ED Sender–legal body (individualentrepreneur) which sends itself or on which behalf the electronic document is sent, excluding the persons, who act as the informational broker relatively to this document.

EDRecipient –legalbody (individualentrepreneur) towhichelectronic document is sent by the sender itself or on which behalf, excluding the persons, who act as the informational broker relatively to this document.

TheUserofthecertificateofdigitalsignaturekey– personwhousesgotfromtheSEDFOrganizerinformationof the certificate of digital signature keyto check the digital signature belonging to the owner of the certificate of digital signature key.

BoardofSEDFOrganizer (Stock Exchange Board)– Joint Stock Company “Crimean Stock Exchange” Board.

SystemoftheElectronicDocumentFlow(SEDF) – structuralandtechnicalsystem, whichisthecomplex of programming, informational and hardware of the SEDF Organizer and SEDF Participants, implementing the Electronic Document Flow. SEDFisaninstitutionalinformationalsysteminwhichtheSEDFOrganizerprovides management of the certificate of digital signature keys.

Means of informational ciphering security(MICS) – complex of programming and technical means, which provides the use of digital signature and ciphering for the electronic document flow organization. MICScanbeusedasindependentprogrammodulesandasIKVM tools, built-in applied software.

MeansofElectronicSignature (MES)– hardwareand/orprogrammeans, providingatleastoneofthefollowingfunctionsprocessing – creationofdigitalsignatureintheelectronicdocumentwithuseofprivate (secret) keyofdigitalsignature, confirmationwithuseofprivate (secret) keyofdigitalsignaturetheauthenticityofthedigitalsignatureintheelectronicdocument, creationofpublicandprivate (secret) digitalsignature keys. MEScanbeusedasindependentprogrammodulesandasIKVMtools, built-inappliedsoftware.

SEDFParticipant– legalbody (individualentrepreneur) whichsignstheContractwiththeSEDFOrganizeroftheaccessionthepresentRules.

ElectronicDocumentFormat– thestructureofthecontentspartoftheelectronic message, on which base the electronic document is done.

Ciphering – cryptographicdata transforming, which allows to prevent the access of non-authorized persons to the contents of ciphered ED.

ElectronicDocument(ED) – electronic message, which corresponds to the set format and signed with the digital signature and can be transformed in the form suitable for clear perception of its contents.

ElectronicDocumentsFlow(EDF) – exchange of electronic documents under the present Rules.

ElectronicSignature – substituteofautographicsignatureoftheindividualentrepreneur, authorizedrepresentativeoflegalbodypresentedintheelectronicformastheresultofthecryptographictransformationofthemessageusingprivate (secret) keyofdigitalsignature which allows to the owner of the certificate of digital signature keyto be sure of the message integrity as well as of the information who is the owner of the digital signature key. DigitalsignatureisanintegralpartoftheElectronicdocument.

ElectronicMessage(EM) –logicallyintegralsetofstructureddata, which has the meaning for the Participants of the informational influence, coded by the way, which allows to provide its processing by the means of computer engineering, transmission and storage at the computer readable media of information.

1.1. Subject of the present Rules Regulation

1.The present Rules and the Appendixes to the present Rules set the general principles of Electronic documents flow processing between the SEDF Organizer and SEDF Participants. Therequirementstotheexecutionofthedocuments, theirformatsandrequisites, the peculiarities of their processing, execution and storage are defined in the Rules of the Stock Exchange. Suchrequirementsarenottocontravene the principles set in the present Rules.

2.TheregulationsofthepresentRulesareapplied, unlesstheotherwiseprovided by the Law or regulative legal acts of the RF, including the regulative legal acts of the Bank of the RF.

3.ThepresentRulesdonotregulatetheissuesofexchangeofelectronicmessages which are not the electronic documents under the present Rules.


1.Electronic Documents FlowinSEDFisregulatedby the following documents:

–The present Rules;

–The Stock Exchange Rules;

  1. The following can be defined by the Stock Exchange Rules:

–ListandformatsofthetransmittedEDpolicyofinformationalinfluence, theorderofEDaccounting, theorderofforming of confirmations of ED delivery, theorderofEDstorageand other peculiarities of EDF connected with providing services to the EDF Participants;

–Theorderandthepeculiaritiesof access engineering to the SEDF.

1.3OrderandconditionsofadmissionoftheParticipantforthe documentsflowpracticinginSEDF

EDFParticipantisallowedtotheelectronic document flow processing in SEDF after he fulfilled all the set of the following actions:

1)ReceivingofhisownkeyoftheEnhancedencryptedand certified digital signature at the authorized informational control centre (at the absence);

2)SigningtheContractofthejoining to the present RuleswiththeSEDFOrganizer;

3)Setupofthenecessaryhardwareof the Client’s software and firmware;

4)Receiving the necessary passwords and identifiers for the access to the SEDF from the SEDF Organizer;

5)Registration Key assignment for the authorized person of the SEDF Participant by the SEDF Organizer.


1.ThepresentRules, includingalltheAppendixes, areapprovedbythe Exchange Supervisory Board of JSC «The Crimean Stock Exchange». Amendmentsandaddenda to the present Rules are made by the suggestion of the Exchange Supervisory Board. The Exchange Supervisory Board has the right to define the terms and the order of entrance into force of amendmentsandaddenda to the present Rules.

2.ThepresentRulesenterintoforcefortheSEDFParticipantastheresultofthesigningtheContractofthejoining to the present Rulesbetween the SEDF Participant andtheSEDF Organizermade under the standard form, attached in the Appendix 1 to the present Rules.

1.5Orderofnotificationofmakingamendments in the present Rules

1.UnlesstheotherwiseisprovidedbythedecisionofSEDFOrganizer, theSEDFParticipantsareinformedoftheamendmentsandaddendatothepresentRulesanditsAppendixesaswellasofthedecisionsoftheExchangeSupervisoryBoardofthetermsandorderofentranceintoforceofamendmentsandaddendatothepresentRulesby the SEDF Organizer by means of the electronic documents of “B”-category or any other way, which provides the acknowledgement of documents service to the Recipient on or before 10 working days before these amendments and addenda enter into force.

2.Electronic documents sending is done to the addresses written down by the SEDF Participant in the Blank.

3.ThetextsofthePresentRulesandalltheiramendmentsandaddendaaretobekeptinahard copy by the SEDF Organizer for 5 years after their termination.

4.TheSEDFParticipanthastherighttorequest the copies of the texts of the present Rules andalltheiramendmentsandaddendainahard copy. The pointed in the present Part documents are to be presented to the SEDF Participant for 15 days after the corresponding request was received from the SEDF Participant.



  1. Electronicdocumentprocessedinthe SEDFshallbefullybindingandbring legal sequences established for this Document under the present Rules.
  1. Electronicdocumentusedinthe SEDFisconsideredtobeproperlyprocessedpursuanttoitsauthenticitytotheRussianFederationLaw, tothepresentRulesandtothe Stock Exchange Rules.
  2. ElectronicmessagegetsthelegalstatuspursuanttoitsauthenticitytothepresentRulesandtotheStockExchangeRules.
  3. Electronicdocumentistobeprocessedinoneoftheformats, definedbythepresentRulesandthe Stock Exchange Rulesand signed by the digital signature.
  4. Electronicdocumentinformatfailingtomeettherequirementsof the electronic document underthepresentRulesisnotexamined.

2.2.Useofthe digitalsignatureand cipheringinthe electronicdocumentsflow

1.Electronicdocumentcanbesignedonlybytheprivate (secret) keyofdigitalsignature, for which the certificate of the private (secret) keyofdigitalsignature for the authorized person of SEDF Participant was done.

2.Electronicdocumentisconsideredtobesignedbytheauthorizedpersonifitissignedbythatprivate (secret) keyofdigitalsignature,for which the certificate of the private (secret) keyofdigitalsignature for the authorized person of SEDF Participant was done.

3.Private (secret) keyupdatedoesnotinfluenceonthelegalforceoftheelectronicdocument, ifatthemomentofsigningitwassignedbytheprivate (secret) keyofdigitalsignatureunderthepresentRules.

4.EachSEDFParticipanthasindividualprivate (secret) keysofdigitalsignature by which he signs ED with his own digital signature.

5.ED which contains confidential information is to undergo ciphering. ConfidentialityofEDisdefinedbytheSender.

6.Atreceivingciphered ED it is deciphered under the applied technology and then the digital signature is examined.

7.Establishedforthisdocumentlegalsequencescanenterintoforceonly if the positive result of the digital signature examination is received.

8.Toreducethevolumeofthetransmittedinformationattheelectronic documents delivery special information contraction algorithms can be used. Inurgentcasescontractedelectronicdocumentcanbeciphered.

2.3.Useofthe electronicdocument


2. Electronic document enter into force depending on the category of the document:

–Category“А”–startingfromthemomentofreceivingbytheSender from the Recipient of the electronic document “Confirmation”, signed with the digital signature of the Recipient;

–Category“B”–startingfromthemomentofreceivingbytheSender from the Recipient of the automatic confirmation (receipt) without the digital signature;

–Category“C”–startingfromthemomentofsending of the electronic document by the Sender;

–Category“D”–startingfromthemomentofreceivingof the electronic document by the Recipient.

  1. Ratingoftheelectronicdocumentspointedinp.2 of the present Partisdefinedbythe Stock Exchange Rules.

3.1.Original of the electronic document

1.Electronic document can have unlimited number of copies, including those done in computer readable means of different types. Tocreatetheadditionalcopyoftheexistingelectronicdocumentthe copy of the contents of the document with the digital signature is performed.

2.All the copies of the electronic document are the originals of the electronic document.

3.Electronicdocument can not have copies in electronic form.


–ThereisnoevenoneregisteredbytheSEDFOrganizercopyoftheelectronic document and their re-issue is impossible;

–Thereisnowaytoidentify the authenticity of the digital signature, by which the document was signed.

3.2.Copiesofthe electronicdocumentsinhardcopies

1.Copies of electronic documents canbedone (published) in hard copies andverifiedbytheautographicsignatureofthepersonauthorizedbytheSEDFOrganizerorbySEDFParticipant, whoistheSenderortheRecipientoftheED.

2. Copies of electronic documents in hard copies are tomeet the requirements of the acting Law and state standards and to contain the note ”Copy of the Electronic Document”.

3.Electronicdocumentand its hard copies are to be authoritative.



Electronic documents flowincludes:


2)Sending and delivery of the electronic document;


4)Confirmation of receiving of the electronic document;

5)Revocation of the electronic document;

6)Electronicdocumentsaccounting(registration of incoming and outgoing EDs);

7)Electronicdocumentstorage (filing of EDs);

8)Creation of copies of the electronic document;

9)Creation of hard copies of the electronic document.



–Electronicmessageprocessingin the format set for this electronic document;

–Signing of the processed electronic message with the digital signature.

3.3.Sending and delivery of the electronic document

  1. InrelationsbetweentheSenderandtheRecipient, the ED is considered to be outgoing from the Sender if the Electronic document is sent by:

–The Sender himself;

–Bythepersonauthorizedtoactonbehalfofthe Sender relatively to this document

2.The ED is not considered to be outgoing from the Sender if:

– The Recipient knew or had to know, including in case of check execution, that ED does not go out from the Sender;

–TheRecipientkneworhadtoknow, includingincaseofcheckexecution, thatcorrupted ED is received.

3.Peculiarities of sending, delivery and receiving of electronic documents can be set by the present Rules, the Stock Exchange Rules.


1.Verification of delivered electronic documentincludes:


–Verification of all the digital signatures of the electronic document.

2.IncaseofthepositiveresultoftheEDchecking, this electronic document is taken to the execution and further processing. In the opposite case this ED is considered as not received, the Recipient is to send the notification to the Sender of this factin form of the document of the Category “B” mentioning the reasons of non-receiving of the document. Forthedocumentsof “D” category the Sender has the possibility to be informed of the document’s receiving from its Recipient.

3.At receiving the ciphered ED the deciphering of the electronic document is done before verification of the document. Incaseoffailure to decipher the electronic document the Recipient is to send notification to the Sender in form of the document of the Category “B” mentioning the reasons of non-receiving of the document.Forthedocumentsof “D” category the Sender has the possibility to be informed of the document’s receiving from its Recipient.

3.5.Confirmation of receiving of the electronic document

1.Confirmation of receiving of the electronic document is done:

–Forthedocumentsof “A” Category – bytheelectronicdocument – “Confirmation” with the sending it to the Sender;

–Forthedocumentsof “B” Category- by the automatic sending of the electronic message “Receipt” from the Recipient to the Sender;

–Forthedocumentsof “D” - the Sender has the possibility to be informed of the document’s receiving from its Recipient.

2.Forthedocumentsof “C” Category– receiving confirmation is not necessary.

3.ElectronicDocument “Confirmation” rankstothedocumentsof “B” Category.

4.The Format of the ElectronicDocument “Confirmation” is defined by the Stock Exchange Rules.

5.UnlesstheotherwiseprovidedbytheStockExchangeRules, electronicdocumentof “A” “B” Categories (exceptthe ElectronicDocument “Confirmation”) is considered to be not received by the Recipient until the Sender gets the corresponding confirmation.

6.If the Confirmation is not received by the Sender in the defined term, the Sender can inform the Recipient of non-receiving of the Confirmation and fix the term, when the Confirmation is to be received.

7.IftheConfirmationisnotreceivedbytheSenderinthedefinedterm, he has the right to consider the ED as not-sent. Inthecaseofnon-receivingoftheConfirmationinthedefinedterm, theStockExchangeRules cover the responsibility of this Sender to pass to the Recipientthe information, contained in the ED by communication media including telex, fax etc.

3.6.Revocation of the electronic document

1.The SEDF Participant can revoke the sent electronic document by sending to the Recipient the electronic document “Notification ofRevocation”.

2. “NotificationofRevocation” is the document of the same category as the revoked document.

3.The reasons of the electronic document are to be pointed in “NotificationofRevocation”.

4.ElectronicdocumentcanberevokedbytheSenderonlybefore the recipient starts execution of the document.

5.The order of revocation and the format of the electronic document is set by the SEDF Organizer Rules.

3.7.The Electronic Documents Accounting

1.ElectronicDocumentsAccountingisdonebyregistrationinelectronicregistersorintraditionalpaperregisters. Thetechnologyoftherecordsintheelectronicregistersare to include software based procedures of filling and administration of the electronic registers and the media of storage of this information. Softwaretoolsoftherecordsintheelectronicregistersaretheparts of the software used for processing of electronic documents flow.

2.Tofulfillthecurrentworkofelectronic documents flow in the SEDF, the SEDF Organizer and the SEDF Participants are to appoint an authorized person.

3.Peculiaritiesofelectronicdocumentsflowinthe SEDFaredefinedby the Stock Exchange Rules.

4.Ataccountingof an outgoingdocumenttheSEDFOrganizeristoprovidetheaccountingofthefollowingdata:

Uniqueoutgoingnumberofthedocument, processedbytheuseofprefixofthe definite electronic system of the information processing and unique numberassigned within the definite electronic register;

Thetypeofthedocumentanditscode, usedinthedefiniteelectronicsystemoftheinformationprocessingor the name of the document (for the documents of the general destination, which do not have set standard types);

ExecutorIdentifierortheCodeoftheelectronic system of the information processing, which prepared the document (for the automatically prepared documents);

Thedateandthetimeofthedocument’spreparation(the date and the time of the digital signing by the document’s executor);

TheDocument’sSenderIdentifier (can coincide with the Executor Identifier);

The Addressee’s Identifier;

The document’s category (“А”, “B”, “C” or “D”);

Noteofthedocument’ssending (the date and the time of the document’s sending can coincide with the date and the time of the document’s preparation);

Noteofthedocument’sdelivery (the date and the time of the document’s delivery for the documents of the categories “А” and “B”);

Uniqueincomingnumberofthedocument “Confirmation” (for the documents of the category “А”);

Noteofthe “Confirmation” of the document’s receiving (date and time - for the documents of the category “А”);

Outgoing number of the revoked document (for the document “Notification of Revocation”);

Otherdataat the SEDF Organizer discretion.

5.Ataccountingof incomingelectronicdocumenttheSEDFOrganizeristoprovidetheaccountingofthefollowingdata:


–The date and the time of the document’s receiving;

–Outgoingnumberof the received document;


–Thedateandthetimeofthedocument’spreparation (the date and the time of the digital signing by the document’s executor);

–Noteofthedocument’ssending (the date and the time of the document’s sending can coincide with the date and the time of the document’s preparation);

–Thetypeofthedocumentanditscode, usedinthedefiniteelectronicsystemoftheinformationprocessingor the name of the document (for the documents of the general destination, which do not have set standard types);

–The document’s category (“А”, “B”, “C” or “D”);

–Outgoingnumberofthedocument “Confirmation” (for the documents of the category “А”);

–Noteofthe “Confirmation” of the document’ssending (the dateandthe timeofthe “Confirmation ”document’ssending - forthedocumentsofthecategory “А”);

–Noteofthe “Confirmation” of the document’sdelivery (the dateandthe timeofthe “Confirmation ”document’sdelivery - forthedocumentsofthecategory “А”);

–Incoming number of the revoked document (for the document “Notification of Revocation”);

–Outgoing number of the revoked document (for the document “Notification of Revocation”);

–Otherdataat the SEDF Organizer discretion.

6.TheSEDFOrganizeristoprovidetheaccesssecurityagainstinadvertentdeletion and/or corruption of data contained in the registers of the accounting of the electronic documents flow. The storage term of the data is to be not less than 5 years.