Radiographic Pathology (2nd edition), Linn-Watson
Chapter 3 – The Respiratory System
Radiographic Pathology (2nd edition), Linn-Watson
Lesson Plans
Chapter3: The Respiratory System
Goals of the Lesson:
Cognitive: The student will learn how pathology of the respiratory system affects radiographic images.
The student will be able to accurately explain the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system.
Motor: The student will determine how to accurately change the technical factors that will demonstrate different pathology.
Affective: The student will analyze the image and determine what common pathologic process is represented.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this chapter, the student will be able to…
a. Successfully define basic terms regarding pathology of the respiratory system in either a written or an oral examination
b. Successfully determine how disease affects the body’s structure and function and therefore the technical factors that are used
c. Successfully analyze radiographic images of the respiratory system and determine what common pathologic process is representedand suggest the possible other imaging modalities that might be used to demonstrate that process
Learning Objectives:
The lesson section for each objective starts on the page shown below.
3.1Identify anatomic structures on both diagrams and radiographs of the respiratory system………………………….2
3.2Describe the physiology of the respiratory system…………………………….……………………………………..3
3.3Explain how congenital abnormalities of the respiratory system affect the patient throughout life…………….…...4
3.4Describe the various pathologic conditions affecting the respiratory system and their radiographic manifestations..5
3.5Explain how a specific pathologic process will affect the technical factors that the radiographer must consider……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….6
3.6Explain how the various imaging modalities used in the diagnosis of pathology of the respiratory system helps in diagnosis……………………………………………………………………………………………….……………...7
You Will Need:
Gather the following materials and teaching aids for the following lessons:
3.1Anatomy diagram of respiratory system
3.2Internet access
3.3Radiographic images
3.4Radiographic images
3.5Radiographic images
3.6Radiographic images
Identify anatomic structures on both diagrams and radiographs of the respiratory system
Lecture Outline
/Figures, Tables, and Features
/Resources andIn-Class Activities
/Outside Assignments/Evaluation
/Instructor’s Notes
Content / Text page / PPT slideTrachea, bronchi, hilum, alveoli
Fissure of lungs
Pleural cavity / 4 and 5 / 3-1 / In-Class Activity
On diagrams, indicate the different anatomy
Large diagram / Outside Assignments
Assign the student to write flash cards
Legend: IR: Instructor's Resource; SR: Student's Resource; PPT: PowerPoint; TG: Test Generator (IR): IB: Image Bank
Describe the physiology of the respiratory system
Lecture Outline
/Figures, Tables, and Features
/Resources andIn-Class Activities
/Outside Assignments/Evaluation
/Instructor’s Notes
Content / Text page / PPT slidePurpose
Perfusion / 6 / In-Class Activity
Use the Internet to add to the lecture on physiology of the respiratory system / Outside Assignments
Assign the students to write and study flash cards
Legend: IR: Instructor's Resource; SR: Student's Resource; PPT: PowerPoint; TG: Test Generator (IR): IB: Image Bank
Objective 3.3
Explain how pathologies of the respiratory system affect the patient throughout the life
Lecture Outline
/Figures, Tables, and Features
/Resources andIn-Class Activities
/Outside Assignments/Evaluation
/Instructor’s Notes
Content / Text page / PPT slideCongenital
Inflammatory / 8–47 / Figure 3.2
Figures 3.3 to 3.33 / In-Class Activity
Review images from all of the pathologies, then consider how that happens and how it will affect the breathing of the patient
Radiographic images / Outside Assignments
Instruct the student to create flash cards
Legend: IR: Instructor's Resource; SR: Student's Resource; PPT: PowerPoint; TG: Test Generator (IR): IB: Image Bank
Objective 3.4
Describe the various pathologic conditions affecting the respiratory system and their radiographic manifestations
Lecture Outline
/Figures, Tables, and Features
/Resources andIn-Class Activities
/Outside Assignments/Evaluation
/Instructor’s Notes
Content / Text page / PPT slideAtelectasis = collapse
Croup = narrow airway in neck
Emphysema = long heart, flat diaphragms, barrel chest
Pleural effusion = meniscus
Pneumothorax = lung edge
TB = scarring, cavity, streaks
Hamartoma = popcorn
Primary carcinoma = coin lesion
Metastatic carcinoma = cotton ball / 10–47 / Figure 3.2
Figures 3.3 to 3.33 / In-Class Activity
Have radiographic images and explain how each pathology can be identified by specific manifestations
Radiographic Images / Outside Assignments
Instruct the student to create flash cards
Legend: IR: Instructor's Resource; SR: Student's Resource; PPT: PowerPoint; TG: Test Generator (IR): IB: Image Bank
Objective 3.5
Explain how a specific pathologic process will affect the technical factors that the radiographer must consider
Lecture Outline
/Figures, Tables, and Features
/Resources andIn-Class Activities
/Outside Assignments/Evaluation
/Instructor’s Notes
Content / Text page / PPT slideAdditive pathology
Pulmonary edema
Destructive pathology
Pneumothorax / 10–47 / Figures3.3 to 3.33 / In-Class Activity
Look at multiple radiographic images of all the different pathologies and determine how technical factors should be changed to properly image the condition and discuss the reason
Radiographic images / Outside Assignment
Instruct the students to create flash cards
Legend: IR: Instructor's Resource; SR: Student's Resource; PPT: PowerPoint; TG: Test Generator (IR): IB: Image Bank
Objective 3.6
Explain how the various imaging modalities used in the diagnosis of pathology of the respiratory system helps in diagnosis
Lecture Outline
/Figures, Tables, and Features
/Resources andIn-Class Activities
/Outside Assignments/Evaluation
/Instructor’s Notes
Content / Text page / PPT slideNormal chest X-ray
Nuclear medicine / 48–51 / Figure 3.34 / In-Class Activity
Look at images of each modality
Various images of different modalities / Outside Assignments
Instruct the students to create flash cards
Assign students to research each modality on the Internet
Legend: IR: Instructor's Resource; SR: Student's Resource; PPT: PowerPoint; TG: Test Generator (IR): IB: Image Bank
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