May 11, 2014

10:00 AM Service
Rev. W. Oord
Kingdom Seekers sing2 songs
Pre-service Song: (S) 24
Call to Worship
Silent Prayer & singing of #489
*Votum and Salutation
*Opening Hymn: 117:1-3
Law of God
Hymn of Response: 132:1,3,5
Hymn: 416
Congregational Prayer
*Hymn of Preparation: 397
Old Testament Reading: Proverbs 31:10-31
New Testament Reading: II Timothy 1:2-7
Text: II Timothy 1:5
Theme: Faith and Motherhood
I. In Jesus Christ
II. In Biblical Teaching
III. In Cooperation
Prayer of Application
*Hymn of Thanks: 446
Offering: Budget Kingdom Seekers
*Doxology: 472:7
Voting for one more elder / 6:00 PM Service
Rev. W. Oord
Pre-service Songs: (S) 67, (S) 68
Call to Worship
Silent Prayer & singing of #489
*Votum and Salutation
*Opening Hymn: 190
Creedal Song- Inside Back Cover
Congregational Prayer
*Hymn of Preparation: 91
Old Testament Reading: Genesis 5:21-32
New Testament Reading: II Peter 3
Text: Genesis 5:27; II Peter 3:9
Theme: A Very Old Man and a Very Patient God
I.  A Strange Name
II.  A Patient God
III.  A Final Judgment
Prayer of Application
*Hymn of Thanks: 425
Offering: Kingdom Seekers
*Doxology: 493

*Denotes invitation to stand


e welcome all visitors who are worshiping with us. We pray for a blessing as we receive the Word with open hearts that we may apply it to our lives. Please join us for refreshments after our A.M. service.

Pastors: Rev. Hank Van der Woerd: 403.524.2982; Bulletin: Brenda Vroom: 403.329.9025,


Rev. Wybren Oord: 403.320.1474; deadline: Thurs 8 PM

Rev. Jelle Tuininga, Minister Emeritus Church phone: 403.327.6434

Clerk email: Deacons:

Church Bookings: Alice Houweling; 403.320.2416

Elders: A. Brandsma, W. Barwegen, J. Bekkering, S. Bos, H. Doeve, D. Greidanus, J. Halma, M. Houweling,

B. Konynenbelt (Clerk), D. Mazereeuw, J. Nymeyer, G. Post, G. Schalk (Vice-Chair), P. Schalk, W. Scholten,

G. Vanderwal, C. VanEeden Petersman, M. Van Hill, E. Veldman (Chairman), J. Veldman, D. Visser, J. Voth

Deacons: M. Bekkering (Treasurer), R. Mercer (Secretary), C. Poelman, B. Langendoen, M. Vanderwal,

A. Veldman (President), R. Winkelaar

RENEWING YOUR MIND-WEEKEND EDITION!May 10, 11: “Reliability of Sense Perception” - We’ve all had our senses fooled at one time or another. Perhaps a magician tricked your eyes. Or a chef deceived your taste buds. But generally speaking, we trust our senses. We believe what they tell us without questioning. This weekend, Dr. R.C. Sproul examines this assumption from a biblical perspective.Listen to Renewing Your Mind right here on 98.1 CKVN Saturday/Sunday at 8:00 pm

VOICE OF THE MARTYRS – Iran - Thank the Lord that Farshid was eventually able to receive medical attention after being injured by the guards in the brutal Evin prison. Pray that he will continue to recover, and that he will promptly receive any further necessary treatment. Also pray that Farshid will be filled with renewed hope and joy as he faces a six-year prison sentence. May he continue to look to our resurrected Lord for strength and grace while serving Him behind bars until granted release.

Today, The Young Peoples’ year end social is at Pavan Park after the evening service. Please bring your own roasting sticks and lawn chairs. Also if any of you have firewood, please bring that also. If it is raining it will be cancelled.
May 24 – Day Trip to Waterton- For those Young People interested in going on the trip to Waterton onMay 24,please contactAliceProsper so she can get an accurate head count and so the leaders know who to wait for before departure.

JULY 14 - 18, 2014, SHINE VBS 2014 - VBS NURSERY - We are still in need of volunteers for our nursery program: 3 more part time, if not full-week helpers are needed to work with the 2/3 year old age. Please prayerfully consider this. The nursery is usedfor all the Moms who help out with VBS Program. Please contact Stephanie Bekkering. Thank you.

VOTING FOR ONE MORE ELDER TODAY from the following two brothers: Peter Wynaldaand Louis Ypma.Voting is this morning. Scrutineers: Fred Olthof, Johan Knol and John Lobbezoo

Elected to the office of Elder last week: Andrew Barwegen, Harry Halma, Peter Houweling, Pieter Kamper, Lloyd Van Eeden Petersman and Derek Veldman.

Elected to the office of Deacon last week: Ken Barwegen, Darryl Hiemstra and Ryan Van Eeden Petersman.

YOUNG ADULTS RETREAT 2014:LORD willing, the Young Adults Retreat will take placethis Friday, May 16–Monday, May 19at our church.We are are requesting donations of hamburger, baking and soup to be able to serve to those attending the retreat weekend. Any donations can be labeled & put in the small kitchen. We would be grateful for any contributions! If you have questions or need more information, please contact Ashley via phone @ (403) 892-6053 or email @.

ATTENTION LADIES - Kingdom Seekers is looking for new counselors for the fall season 2014 to 2015. Please prayerfully consider this and contact Nancy Winkelaar @ 403-795-9329 or Glenda Barwegen @ 403-715-8663.

DURING CHURCHSUNDAYSCHOOL is looking for more helpers. Please contact Cynthia Holtrop (317-937) or Sandy Van Reeuwyk (929-0472). Thank you.

THE TABER SOCIETY FOR CHRISTIAN EDUCATION would like to invite you to their annual celebration dinner to be held Wednesday, May 28 at 6:00 p.m. at Taber Christian School. Please RSVP by calling the school at 403.223.4550 by Wednesday, May 21.

REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES will be hosting their 21st Annual Golf Tournament at Paradise Canyon Golf Club on Saturday May 31st, 2014. The goal this year is to raise $50,000! All funds raised will stay in the Coaldale area and will enhance the lives of the clients we serve. Golfer registration fees are $200, which will include a $100 tax receipt, 18 holes of golf, cart rental, and dinner. There are also various ways to sponsor through business sponsorships. Please contact Sigrid Miklos at 403-345-5199 or by email: for more information. Our tournament is all about fun and fellowship. Enter now! First come first serve

THANK YOU to all who donated buckets for VBS! We are pleased to announce that we have reached our bucket quota - we appreciate your quick and willing response to our need. From the VBS craftteam

TODAY: Rev. Oord will be leading the worship service at the Canadian Reformed Church in Coaldale this afternoon.

will be held in our church gym at 7:30 p.m.
on Tuesday, May 20, for

Alissa and Oliver Nagtegaal

( wife and son of Jacob Nagtegaal)
Ladies, come as a show of support for this new mother and son of our church family
Come for a time to meet and fellowship with those present.
Please bring a food item along for a potluck lunch.
Beverages will be provided
All ladies welcome!!!!! – young and old Acquainted or not!!!
For more info please contact one of the Fellowship committee
May 11
Organist: AM Barb Vanderwal
Organist: PM Elaine Van Hill
Greeters: Peter & Theresa Teerling
Offerings: Budget & Kingdom Seekers / May 18
Organist: AM John Lobbezoo
Organist: PM Maria Barwegen
Greeters: Tony & Aly Heins
Offerings: Budget & Redemption Prison Ministries
AM Sleepers: Melissa Heins, Michelle Van Reeuwyk, Jenae Veldman, Arlene Feenstra,
Glenda Barwegen, Chantelle Konynenbelt;
AM Creepers: Annet Beumer, Alyssa Ingold,
Jenaya Van Dellen, Stephanie Feenstra;
AM Leapers: Alicia Vanderwal, Linda Nymeyer, Heidi VE Petersman;
PM Sleepers: Nellie Konynenbelt, Marianne Hanna, Taryn Post, Michelle Senneker, Jacqueline Tams;
PM Creepers: Heidi Oldenburger, Kristin Houweling, Jorike Bennen, Heather Bos.
Library: Berdena Korthuis
Mother of the Month: Karen Van Hill, May
Van Driver: Henry Prosper (May)
After Church Coffee: Chris VE Petersman, May
Singing at Legacy & G.A. (2:15 & 3:00):
Group 1, Ken VanHill / Nursery:
AM Sleepers: Sadie Dykslag, Madyson Mazereeuw, Darlene Van Dellen, Yvonne Winkelaar, Amanda VE Petersman;
AM Creepers: Cynthia Holtrop, Julie Konynenbelt, Tianna Ingold, Mikaela K-belt;
AM Leapers: Laura Veldman, Brenda Vroom,
Kienna Van Dellen;
PM Sleepers: Sylvia Veldman, Marlene Hoogerdijk, Debbie VE Petersman, Rachel Vroom, Kaitlyn Grisnich;
PM Creepers: Jackie Poelman, Dalyce Mazereeuw, Kimberlee Vroom, Bethany Beck.
Library: Lorna Scholten
Mother of the Month: Karen Van Hill, May
Van Driver: Henry Prosper (May)
After Church Coffee: Chris VE Petersman, May
Singing at Legacy & G.A. (2:15 & 3:00):
Group 2, John Schalk

OFFERING TODAY is for Kingdom Seekers

OFFERING NEXT WEEK is for Redemption Prison Ministry (formerly Cornerstone Bible Institute) - a ministry providing bible correspondence classes, reintegration support, assorted inmate services, and assistance to chaplains. Cornerstone works for authentic change in the hearts and lives of men and women in Canadian prisons by sharing the life changing message of Jesus Christ.

BIBLES FOR MISSIONS: The Annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner will be heldTuesday May 20that 5:30 pm at the Coaldale Community Centre. This appreciation dinner is compliments of the Board of Directors in thankfulness for your many hours of hard work! Please stop by the store for your tickets.

Current Week – May 11 – May 17, 2014

Today: AM - Voting for one more Elder

-  Kingdom Seeker Sunday; KS will sing 2 songs before the service

-  Trinity Choir Practice after the AM Service for 45 minutes

PM – YPS have a social at Pavan Park, hosted by the YPS leaders; bring lawn chairs,

roasting stick and firewood if you have any; cancelled if raining

Young Adults study Daniel Chapter 11 at church, hosted by Deb Oord and Taryn Post

-  Sunday Bible Study meets in the Fireside Room; John Ooms leads Lesson 16

Tuesday: 7:00 p.m. – Kingdom Seeker Final Night

Friday – Monday: Young Adults’ Retreat at our church


May 20: Baby Shower for Alissa and Oliver Nagtegaal in our fellowship hall at 7:30; all ladies welcome

May 20: Bibles For Missions Volunteer Appreciation Dinner in the Coaldale Community Centre at 5:30 p.m.

May 24: YPS Day Trip to Waterton

May 26: Council Meeting

May 28: Taber Christian School Celebration Dinner at the school at 6:00 p.m.

May 29: Ascension Day Service; 7:00 p.m. (Thursday)

May 31: Rehoboth’s Annual Golf Tournament at Paradise Canyon Golf Club

June 2-6: Synod - Visalia, California

June 7: Annual Lethbridge Pro-Life Hike for Life at Henderson Lake Kiwanis Shelter

June 8: Pentecost Sunday; Profession of Faith; Trinity Choir will sing

June 14: Pancake Breakfast and Community Garage Sale at our church; hosted by Evangelism Committee

June 15: During-Church Sunday School will sing 3 songs before the service

June 22: Communion

July 5: Word & Deed Baseball Tournament at Softball Valley

July 8-10: Kingdom Seeker Camp at Camp Impeesa

July 14-18: Vacation Bible School, Shine in our church

July 12-19: RYS Convention – Oregon

July 23-30: Cadet Camporee near Lacombe

WORD AND DEED BASEBALL TOURNAMENT: We have the baseball diamonds booked! Please mark your calendars forSaturday,July 5thfor the Word and Deed baseballtournament. It will be down in Softball Valley again. Lunch will be provided for a small fee. This year we are raising funds for an agricultural project in Nicaragua. Each team must have 10 players and a $500 registration fee upon registering. Please have your team registered byJune 25.For more information on the project in Nicaragua please check Please o register or if youhave any questions! Seeyou there!

TRINITY CHOIR – It’s not too late to join The Trinity Choir! We started practicing last Sunday with the goal to sing on Pentecost, June 8. Practices continue today, May 11, then May 18, May 25 and June 1. We practice directly after the morning service, beginning as soon as possible after church, for about 45 minutes. Please bring a 1 inch black binder to hold your music. We hope many more of you will join us in singing praise to our Lord!


This morning we give thanks that we may witness the Sacrament of Baptism as it is administered to Darren Riley, infant son of Mike and Rhonda Heins; Oliver Simon, infant son of Jake and Alissa Nagtegaal; Hallie Rynelle, infant daughter of Danny and Justine Veldman; and Nash Levi, infant son of Reuben and Cheryl Winkelaar. How precious are the blessings that God brings to us through the covenant relationship He has established with His people.

We express our sincere sympathy to Mrs. Willy Dykslag in the death of her husband, Louis. “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.” Condolences are also expressed to brother John & Hilda Dykslag, sisters-in-law Audrey Dykslag and Betty Dykslag, nieces Patty Dykslag and family, Brenda (Brent) Irvine & fam. and Bev (Richard) Grisnich & fam., nephew John (Sadie) Dykslag & fam., and the extended Dykslag and DeJager families.

Congratulations to Judith Van der Kooi who is 80 years today and to Teresa DeGraaf who will be 89 years on Monday, May 12!

"Thank you for all the cards, well wishes and prayers for my hip surgery and recovery. Healing is going very well. Praise be to God!" Akkie Vanderwal

The following Young People appeared before Council with a desire in their hearts to profess their faith in Jesus Christ according to the Reformed Confessions: Heather Bos, James Halma, Ryan Hoogerdijk, Breanne Houweling, Cody Ingold, Chris Kleinjan, Davis Konynenbelt, Ryan Konynenbelt, Robyn Prummel, Jenaya VanDellen, Jordan Veldman, Matthew Veldman and Rachel Vroom. The Council rejoiced in their professions. Barring any lawful objections, Public Profession of Faith will take place June 8, 2014 D.V. in the morning service.

Received membership Duane and Joanne Thompson. They come to us from the Braeside Presbyterian Church of St Albert. Barring any lawful objections, they will be welcomed into our congregation in one weeks’ time. This is in accordance with Article 44 of the Church order.

FROM JAMES AND RAYLENE OORD: “To our church family in Lethbridge:

As the school year is drawing to a close, we just wanted to once again express our thanks to the congregation for their faithful support of us while we're at seminary. Your financial support has kept us from having to worry about money too much, so we've really been able to focus on our calling here, as well as growing together as a married couple. We thank you also for your faithful prayers and encouragement to us.