My Professional Learning
This guide will outline the features of My Professional Learning and frequently asked questions about the site.
Minimum Credit Guidance
All Staff are required to complete a minimum guidance of 42 credits:
-15One College CPD credits
-15 Big Impact CPD credits
-12 Optional Credits
Staff that are part time or on a reduced contract should complete the 15 cross college credits and any other CPD credits to be agreed with their line manager. Staff that do not work on a Wednesday or teach during CPD time will need to contact an AdL for a 1:1 catch up session and arrange small group sessions.
Personal Development Plan
All staff are to complete a detailed personal development plan (PDP) and upload this to the Professional Development area, following the My Professional Learning training during enrolment. A copy of this is to be taken into your September appraisal. This is a reflection on 16/17 but also bespoke CPD that you want to complete during 17/18.
You will have 2 PDPs during the academic year and they must be completed before your appraisals.
- PDP: September 2017 - this should include a reflection on your performance in the last academic year and your professional development priorities for the current academic year.
- Mid-year PDP: 16th February 2018 - this is a reflection of your performance in year including targets and professional development priorities.
Teaching, Learning & Assessment Review
During the year and after each observation, staff are expected to reflect on the session strengths and areas of development by completing an in-year Teaching, Learning and Assessment Review. All staff are expected to have a professional discussion with an AdL and outline their review with them following an observation. This will link strengths and areas of development to CPD, targets and/or course performance.
My CPD Dashboard
Updates for Professional Development
Activity / DescriptionOne College CPD / All One College Dates are available on the calendar on My CPD. These sessions are mandatory.
IMPACT Course / 6 week One College IMPACT course commencing during enrolment.
Inspire – How to inspire & motivate students
Milestone – How to set and monitor personal learning targets and intervene when targets are missed
Planning – Share learning goals, promote independent learning and build resilience
Assessment for learning – How to show all students are improving and maximise ‘real time’ feedback in lessons
Core learning – How to embed English, maths, E&D & employability skills from the start
Team good practice – How to collaborated with peers & develop higher order skills
Critical Friendship Group / Bespoke training sessions or collaboration within schools or groups. AdL support for developing these projects are available. oSH
Teaching Squares / Staff express their interest on My CPD by 01.09.2017. This can be completed throughout the year.
Supported Experiments / Staff express their interest on My CPD by 08.09.2017. This can be completed throughout the year supported by an AdL or completed within your team.
- What happens to those who did not attend a MY CPD session?
A)For those who did not attend or do not work Wednesday AdLs will put extra sessions on and complete 1:1s.
- Can staff gain credits who do not book onto courses?
A)To achieve credits staff must first enrol onto the course (this will then show on their dashboard). They then must complete all the activity within that course i.e. attend a course, take the quiz.
- Do all staff need to complete the prevent training?
A)All college staff must complete Prevent and Safeguarding training.
- Do all staff need to complete Dyslexia training?
A)If staff have a qualification in this area there may be some training that they do not need attend i.e. what is dyslexia? However, most of this training is developed with a strategic view across the organisation and adheres to our dyslexia kite mark standard. Please review the course content and email if necessary.
- What happens if a member of staff does not complete all of their minimum credits?
A)This is to be addressed by your line manager. You can also request support from an AdL.
- How many credits do staff complete if they are on a reduced contract?
A)This is to be agreed with your line manager during appraisal. As a minimum we expect that all staff complete the cross college training.
- What kinds of courses are there?
A)The e-bitesize sessions are all online, as are all the How-2 materials. These can be completed at any time. The short courses are a mixture of online only (again can be done at any time), and group sessions. The extended courses are mainly group sessions. Group sessions will largely take place on Wednesday afternoons, and will be held on weeks when the cross college CPD isn’t being delivered. There will be a number of group sessions taking place at the same time so you will have to organise your diaries and sign up for the courses that you want to attend.
- How do I sign up for courses?
A)For an online course (a bitesize session for instance), click on the name of the course, and an option to enrol yourself will appear. Click on this, and the materials will become available to you. For a group course, check out the description of the course, it should have the dates and times available, and the college centre it will be taking place at. There should also be a booking option. Book yourself onto the course. This will alert the person running the course of your interest, it also confirms your place on the course.
- How do I complete a course?
A)For an online course, once you have completed the tasks set for the course, you should write a reflection on how this course has impacted upon your practice (a few of the bitesize sessions have slightly different requirements). This should then be uploaded in the course under evidence. You should then complete the session review. This will help us to improve sessions in the future. For group session courses, there will still be a reflection to be completed, but this will be directed by the person running the course.
- What should my session reflection look like?
A)Firstly it should be produced on a Word document (or whatever document format feels appropriate), this way it can be uploaded. It should detail what it is that you have learned from the CPD course, and what you have implemented that you hadn’t done before. It should then discuss in what ways this has impacted upon your practice, and an evaluation of it (this could include any modifications you might need to make to make it fit your requirements etc).
- Will this mean more CPD for me?
A)No, it will not mean more CPD, it should mean more relevant and meaningful CPD, as you have the choice of what CPD you complete.
- What happens if something doesn’t work?
A)First option is to e-mail the person organising the course (their name should be listed on the course description). If that option isn’t available then e-mail Rebecca Bates or Adrian Greenall or Laura Hastie , they should be able to sort out the problem.
- What are the 'cross college' sessions about, on the calendar?
A)The cross college themes are decided on a college level and will reflect our TLA strategic plan i.e. evidence based practice, research projects, the dyslexia kite mark award. They also reflect topics that are highlighted in the city region.
- What if I cannot attend/ I am absent for one of the 12 credits/ cross college sessions? (eg. HE timetable)
A)You will need to request a 1:1 with an AdL to ensure you receive the cross college training.
- Are all the cross college sessions available online for fractional staff who are not timetabled on Wednesdays?
A)Yes they are available for all, your line manager with let the Learning Manager know if you need to complete CPD on a different day.
- How many optional credits are fractional staff expected to accrue?
A)This is set by your line manager but cross college training is mandatory for all college staff.
- Where is the Self-Assessment reflection survey (PDP prep) stored virtually?
A)It is not, you have to save a copy for your reference or upload with your PDP and it is then stored in your area.
- What internal City of Liverpool College staff have access to CPD record and PDP's?
A)Your line manager and the quality team.