Meeting March 5, 2012
The Board of Directors of the Cedar Hill Economic Development Corporation met at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, March 5, 2012 in the City of Cedar Hill Government Center, Administrative Conference Room, 4th Floor, 285 Uptown Blvd, Bldg. 100, Cedar Hill, Texas 75104.
Directors Present: President Jerry White, Vice President Bill Strock and Directors Dennis Brock, Michael Lemmon, Lee Taylor, Johnny Wallace, Earl Wooten, Kenneth Govan and Chamber President Amanda Skinner
Staff Present:Director Allison Thompson and Executive Assistant Jean Dyer
1.Call the meeting to order:
President Jerry White called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m., declaring it an open meeting, that a quorum was present, and that the meeting was duly posted.
2. Pledge of Allegiance: United States and Texas Flag
3.Invocation: Director Michael Lemmon
4. Consent Agenda:
Items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine and are generally enacted in one motion.
The Board considered the following Consent Agenda items:
A. Consider approving the February 6, 2012 Regular Meeting Minutes
- Consider the January 2012 Financials
-Benchmark/Incentive Status Reports
President Jerry White entertained a motion to approve the Consent Agenda.
Lee Taylor requested the January 2012 Financials to be pulled and reconsidered at the April 2012 meeting.
MOTION: Michael Lemmon made a motion to approve the amended Consent Agenda seconded by Bill Strock, and passed unanimously.
5. Citizens Forum:
No citizens appeared.
6. Presentation Items:
A. The use of Type A Sales Tax by City Manager Alan Sims and Mayor Rob Franke
Mayor Franke was unable to attend. President Jerry White introduced City Manager Alan Sims. Mr. Sims reviewed a Power Point Presentation that introduced the City of Cedar Hill FY 2011-2012 Budget Workshop “Going Greener” which was presented to the City Council in August of 2011.
B. Appreciation to Jean Dyer
ED Director Allison Thompson stated that Jean Dyer has decided to take a new position with the City of Cedar Hill in Customer Service and requested Jean to provide a short synopsis of the position (Customer Service Specialist). Jean stated that she started her career with the City 14 years ago and has been with EDC 8 years but looked forward to a new position with the City family in which she will be working closely with Assistant City Manager Melissa Stephens. Allison briefly visited about Jean’s replacement Louis Castillo of the Utility Billing department came highly recommended and that both would begin their new positions on Monday, March 19th. Ms. Dyer was presented with a token of appreciation.
7. Discussion Item:
A. Presentation to Peggy Wilson at the March 27, 2012 City Council meeting
ED Director Allison Thompson stated that Peggy Wilson will be honored with the Life Time Achievement Award Presentation at the City Council meeting on Tuesday, March 27, 2012. A video presentation is being completed by Administration and that Jerry and she had been asked to be a part of it and will be videoed Tuesday afternoon March 6, 2012. After viewing several choices for an appreciation gift, a vase was chosen.
8.Executive Session – Convene Executive Session pursuant to Section 551.087 Texas Gov’t Code for deliberation regarding economic development negotiations: 7:40 pm
(b) Deliberation of the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property in accordance with section 551.072, V.T.C.A., Government Code, as amended;
538 E Beltline Road, Project Office and Future Projects
(e) Discussion or deliberation regarding commercial or financial information that the board of directors of the corporation has received from a business prospect that the corporation seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the corporation and with which the corporation is conducting economic development negotiations in accordance with section 551.087(1), V.T.C.A., Government Code as amended; Project Office and Future Projects
(f) Deliberation of an offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect the corporation seeks to have locate, stay or expand in or near the territory of the corporation and with which the corporation is conducting economic development negotiations in accordance with section 551.087 (2), V.T.C.A., Government Code, as amended; Project Office and Future Projects
9. Reconvene in Open Session and consider action to be taken from Executive Session: 8:05pm
No action was taken.
10. Information Items:
- Board Member Announcements & Updates:
Chamber President Amanda Skinner thanked all for the success of The Power of Layered Leadership event with guest speaker Bob Goshen. The next Chamber luncheon is Thursday, March 22nd at Northwood University.
- Cedar Hill Business Park Property Owners Association (CHBPPOA) Report:
Director Michael Lemmon stated that a Cedar Hill Business Park Association meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 6, 2012, Los Lupes at 8:00am. There was a brief discussion about the new electrical line by Oncor. Area Representative, Kenneth Govan provided information regarding a “Dig Test” to locate lines.
- City Council February 2012:
There was no comment made regarding the City Council meetings in February 2012.
- EDC Director’s Report:
Director Thompson reported the following:
-Michaela Dollar plans to return to the office on Monday, March 26th
-The Cell Tower project is moving forward
- Executive Assistant Report: Asst. Dyer handed out mail.
- Next Board meeting:
President Jerry White stated that the April board meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 2, 2012, the first Monday of the Month.
11. Adjourn:
President Jerry White entertained a motion for adjournment. Bill Strock made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Johnny Wallace, with unanimous approval. The board meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.
President, Jerry White
Jean Dyer, EDC Executive Assistant