Adventurer Club
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 1
2. Adventurer Curriculum 2
Busy Bee Class Requirements 4
Sunbeam Class Requirements 6
Builder Class Requirements 8
Helping Hand Requirements 10
1. IntroductionThe church's greatest resource is our children. Therefore, it is imperative that as a church we meet the challenge to provide a program for our children during their early, formative years. We want right habits, thoughts, motives, dispositions, and attitudes to be established. The Wise Man wrote, "Bring up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it" (Prov. 22:6, NIV). This is more than a cliché-it is a scientific formula. This is the purpose for developing the Adventurer Club (Adventurer Administration Manual, 2004).
1.1. Philosophy
The Adventurer Club is a Seventh-day Adventist church - sponsored ministry open to all children ages 6-9, in which the church, home and school join together to help children grow joyfully in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. The Adventurer Club is offered to assist parents in making the development of their child richer and more meaningful.
1.2. Objectives
The Adventurer Club provides fun and creative ways for children.
i) to develop a Christ-like character;
ii) to experience the joy and satisfaction of doing things well;
iii) to express their love for Jesus in a natural way;
iv) to learn good sportsmanship and strengthen their ability to get along with others;
v) to discover their God-given abilities and to learn how to use them to benefit self and serve
vi) to discover God's world;
vii) to improve their understanding of what makes families strong;
viii) to develop parental support for the training of children.
1.3. Non-discrimination Policy
It is the policy of the Seventh-day Adventist Church to admit children to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities made available by the church, regardless of race, gender, handicap, or religion.
1.4. Adventurer Pledge, Law and Song
Because Jesus loves me, I can always do my best.
Be obedient
Be pure
Be true
Be kind
Be respectful
Be attentive
Be helpful
Be cheerful
Be thoughtful
Be reverent
Click here for the Adventurer Song Sheet Music
Click here for the Adventurer Song (We are Adventurers –with lyrics) mp3
Click here for the Adventurer Song (We are Adventurers –music only) mp3
2. Adventurer Curriculum
The Adventurer curriculum is divided into four levels.
§ TheBusy Beelevel is designed for 6 year olds or Year 1 children;
§ TheSunbeamlevel for 7 year olds or Year 2 children;
§ TheBuilder levelfor 8 year olds or Year 3 children;
§ TheHelping Handlevel for 9 year olds or Year 4 children.
Each level builds on the levels which came before it and is especially designed to interest, challenge, and provide successful experiences for children of that grade level.
BASIC / To ensure that the children have the background necessary to receive maximum benefit from the Adventurer program. / ·Responsibility / ·Commitment to the common goals of the group
·Reinforcement / ·Introduction and review of the Adventurer concepts through reading
MY GOD / To facilitate the development of a growing and fruitful relationship between the child and Jesus Christ. / ·His Plan to Save Me / ·God’s love, sin and forgiveness, conversion, obedience
·His Message To Me / ·Memory verses, Bible books, using and trusting the Bible
·His Power In My Life / ·Prayer, Bible Study, witness, living for Christ
MYSELF / To enhance the children’s care and appreciation for the individuals God created them to be. / ·I Am Special / ·Uniqueness and value of each person, responsibility for service, talents
·I Can Make Wise Choices / ·Feelings, values, decision-making, media
·I Can Care For My Body / ·Health, fitness, anatomy, temperance, sexuality
MY FAMILY / To empower the children to be happy and productive members of the families God gave them. / ·I Have a Family / ·Uniqueness of families, family changes, roles and responsibilities
·Families Care For Each Other / ·Authority and respect, appreciation, family activities
·My Family Helps Me Care For Myself / ·Safety, stewardship, indoor skills, outdoor skills
MY WORLD / To enable the children to encounter God’s world with confidence and compassion. / ·The World Of Friends / ·Social skills, courtesy, prejudice, peer pressure
·The World Of Other People / ·Serving the church, community, country, world
·The World Of Nature / ·God and nature, nature study, nature recreation, concern for the environment
3. Adventurer Progressive Classes
3.1. Busy Bee Class
Click here for the Busy Bee Instructor’s Manual
Click here for the Busy Bee Student Activity Diary
Basic Requirements
I. Responsibility
Repeat from memory and accept the Adventurer Pledge.
II. Reinforcement
Obtain the Busy Bee Reading Certificate by reading or listening to, either the Book Club selection firm the ABC or two books from the five topics listed in the resource manual.
My God
I. His Plan To Save Me
a) Create a story chart showing the order in which these events took place:
i) Creation;
ii) Sin and sadness begin;
iii) Jesus cares for me today;
iv) Jesus comes again;
v) Heaven.
b) Draw a picture or tell about one of the stories above to show someone how much Jesus cares for you.
II. His Message To Me
a) Earn the Bible I Adventurer Award.
III. His Power in My Life
a) Spend a regular quiet time with Jesus to talk with Him and learn about Him.
b) Ask three people why they pray.
I. I Am Special
a) Make a booklet showing different people who care for you as Jesus would.
II. I Can Make Wise Choices
a) Name at least four different feelings.
b) Play the Feelings Game.
III. I Can Care For My Body
a) Earn the Health Specialist Adventurer Award.
My Family
I. I Have A Family
a) Draw or cut out a picture showing something special about each member of your family.
II. Families Care For Each Other
a) Discover what the fifth commandment (Exodus 20:12) tells you about families.
b) Act out three ways you can Honour your family.
III. My Family Helps Me Care For Myself
a) Earn the Safety Specialist Adventurer Award.
My World
I. The World of Friends
a) Tell how you can be a good friend. Use one of the following:
i) Role playing
ii) Puppets
iii) Other
II. The World of Other People
a) Tell about the work people do in your church. Find a way to help them.
III. The World of Nature
a) Earn the Friend of Animals Adventurer Award.
3.2. Sunbeam Class
Click here for the Sunbeam Instructor’s Manual
Click here for the Sunbeam Student Activity Diary
Basic Requirements
I. Responsibility
Repeat from memory and accept the Adventurer Law.
II. Reinforcement
Obtain the Sunbeam Reading Certificate by reading or listening to, either the Book Club selection from the ABC or two books from the five topics listed in the resource manual.
My God
I. His Plan To Save Me
a) Create a story chart showing Jesus':
· Birth
· Life
· Death
· Resurrection
b) Make a mural or tell about one of the stories above to show someone the joy of being saved by Jesus.
II. His Message To Me
a) Explain two Bible verses about being saved by Jesus:
· Matthew 22:37-39
· 1 John 1:9
· Isaiah 1:18
· Romans 6:23
b) Name the two major parts of the Bible and name the four gospels.
c) Earn the Friend of Jesus Adventurer Award.
III. His Power in My Life
a) Spend a regular quiet time with Jesus to talk with Him and learn about Him.
b) Ask three people why they study the Bible.
I. I Am Special
Make a tracing of yourself. Decorate it with pictures and words which tell good things about you.
II. I Can Make Wise Choices
Play the What If? Game.
III. I Can Care For My Body
Earn the Fitness Fun Adventurer Award.
My Family
I. I Have A Family
Ask each member of your family to tell some of their favorite memories.
II. Families Care For Each Other
Show how Jesus can help you deal with disagreements. Use:
a) Puppets
b) Role playing
c) Other
III. My Family Helps Me Care For Myself
Earn the Road Safety Adventurer Award.
My World
I. The World of Friends
Earn the Courtesy Adventurer Award.
II. The World of Other People
a) Explore your neighbourhood. List things that are good and things you could help make better.
b) From your list, choose ways and spend time making your neighbourhood better.
III. The World of Nature
Earn the Friend of Nature Adventurer Award.
3.3. Builder Class
Click here for the Builder Instructor’s Manual
Click here for the Builder Student Activity Diary
Basic Requirements
I. Responsibility
a) Repeat from memory the Adventurer Pledge and Law.
b) Explain the Pledge.
II. Reinforcement
Obtain the Builder Reading Certificate by reading or listening to, either the Book Club selection firm the ABC or two books from the five topics listed in the resource manual.
My God
I. His Plan To Save Me
a) Create a story chart showing the order in which these stories took place:
· Paul
· Martin Luther
· Ellen White
· Yourself
b) Plan a skit or newspaper story about one of the stories above, to show someone how to give one's life to Jesus.
II. His Message To Me
Earn the Bible II Adventurer Award.
III. His Power in My Life
a) Spend a regular quiet time with Jesus to talk with Him and learn about Him.
b) Ask three people why they are glad to belong to Jesus.
I. I Am Special
Put together a scrapbook, poster, or collage, showing some things you can do to serve God and others.
II. I Can Make Wise Choices
Earn the Media Critic Adventurer Award.
III. I Can Care For My Body
Earn the Temperance Adventurer Award.
My Family
I. I Have A Family
a) Share one way your family has changed. Tell how you felt and what you did.
b) Find a story in the Bible about a family like yours.
II. Families Care For Each Other
Play the Love Game.
III. My Family Helps Me Care For Myself
Earn the Wise Steward Adventurer Award.
My World
I. The World of Friends
a) Make friends with a person who has a handicap or a person of another culture or generation.
b) Invite that person to a family or church event.
II. The World of Other People
a) Know and explain your national anthem and flag.
b) Name your country's capital, and the leader of your country.
III. The World of Nature
Earn an Adventurer Award for nature, not previously earned.
3.4. Helping Hand Class
Click here for the Helping Hand Instructor’s Manual
Click here for the Helping Hand Student Activity Diary
Click here for the Advanced Helping Hand Student Activity Diary
Basic Requirements
I. Responsibility
a) Repeat from memory the Adventurer Pledge and Law.
b) Explain the Law.
II. Reinforcement
Obtain the Helping Hand Reading Certificate by reading or listening to either the Book Club selection from the ABC or two books from the four topics listed in the resource manual.
My God
I. His Plan To Save Me
a) Create a story chart showing the order in which these stories look Place:
· Noah
· Abraham
· Moses
· David
· Daniel
b) Make a diorama, poem, or song about one of the stories above to show someone how to live for God.
II. His Message to Me
a) Find, memorize, and explain three Bible verses about living for Jesus.
· Exodus 20:11-17
· Philippians 2:13
· Philippians 4:13
· 1 John 2:1,2
· Jude 24
III. His Power in My Life
a) Spend a regular quiet time with Jesus to talk with Him and learn about Him.
b) Work with an adult to choose one thing in your life that you would like to improve. With Jesus' help, pray, plan, and work together to reach your goal.
My Self
I. I Am Special
a) List some special interests and abilities God has given you.
b) Demonstrate and share your talent by earning one of the Adventurer awards that allow expressions of personal talents.
II. I Can Make Wise Choices
a) Learn the steps of good decision-making.
b) Use them to solve two real-life problems.
III. I Can Care For My Body
a) Earn the Hygiene Adventurer Award.
My Family
I. I Have A Family
a) Make a family flag or banner.
b) Collect stories or photographs about your family history.
II. Families Care For Each Other
a) Help plan a special family worship, family night, or family outing.
III. My Family Helps Me Care For Myself
a) Earn an Adventurer Award, not previously earned, in one of the following areas:
· Crafts
· Indoor skills
· Outdoor skills
My World
I. The World of Friends
Earn the Caring Friend Adventurer Award.
II. The World of Other People
a) Choose a world culture to study. Find a way to share Jesus' love with some of the people of that culture.
III. The World of Nature
a) Earn the Environmentalist Adventurer Award.
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