SCMP Summer 2010



MATERIALS: These activities are from Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics by John A. Van de Walle and resources can be downloaded from the website For each group of 4 students, copy a set of black line masters (BLM) 13-18 onto card stock or other heavy paper.

PREPARATION: Place each pre-cut set of shapes into an envelope. These sets can be used for several sorting activities.


PRESENTING THE ACTIVITY: Provide one shape set for each table group. First, each person should randomly select one shape from the set of shapes. Each group member will then tell one or two things they find interesting about their shape. There is no right or wrong response.

Next, each group member will choose a second shape. This time each group member will find something that is alike about their two shapes and something that is different. Return the shapes to the envelope.

Extension option: Prior to returning the chosen shapes to the envelope, allow students to share their discoveries with the whole group.


Randomly select one shape from the envelope and put it in the center of the table. This is the group target shape. The group must find all other shapes that are like the target shape, but according to same rule. For example, if someone says, “This one is like our shape because it has a curved side and a straight side,” then all other shapes that are added to the collection must have these properties.

Challenge: Do a second sort with the same target shape, but using a different property.


PREPARATION: From an extra set of shapes, choose several shapes to be secret shapes. Glue each shape to a different colored paper and place each one in a separate envelope. Have at least twice as many shapes as you have groups. This activity can be fast moving.

PRESENTING THE ACTIVITY: Designate a shape keeper. This can be done many different ways, including using playing cards, multiplication facts (highest goes first), or colored dots (chosen color goes first). Provide enough secret shapes so that each student will have the opportunity to be the shape keeper at least once. Each shape keeper will receive a secret shape envelope. The other group members will attempt to find the shape fromtheir original set that matches the secret shape by asking questions that the shape keeper can answer with only “yes” or “no”.

These questions should help to narrow down the possibilities. Group members are not allowed to point to a shape and ask, “Is it this one?” Rather they continue to ask questions that reduce the choices to one shape. The final piece is tested against the one in the shape keeper’s envelope. Use what you have learned about the secret shape properties to write a description and draw a picture of it.

SECRET SHAPE color ______

Describe it.


Draw it.