c/o 64 Chelmsford Drive, Bentilee, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST2 0JW
Telephone: (01782) 264342 ~ Website:
1st June, 2012
Friends of Berryhill Fields Meeting
The next Friends of Berryhill Fields meeting is being arranged for Wednesday, 27th June, 2012, from 7:30p.m., in the Berry Hill Workingmen’s Club, Calvary Crescent, Bentilee.
The draft agenda for the meeting is:
1) Apologies
2) Minutes of the last meeting (MAY 30th 2012)
3) Matters and Actions arising
4) Guest Speaker(s) (if present)
5) Chair’s report
6) Treasurer’s report
7) Events Report
8) Countryside Team Leader’s Report
9) CTH BH Walking Sub-group Report
10) Any Other Business
11) Date time and venue of next meeting
I hope that you will be able to make the meeting and look forward t seeing you on the night.
Yours faithfully,
John Steele
On behalf of the Friends of Berryhill Fields
If anyone you know would like to join the Friends’, please ask them to complete the form below:
Name ......
Address ......
………………………………………………………. Postcode ......
Tel: …………………………………… Email: ......
Friends of Berryhill Fields
c/o 64 Chelmsford Drive, Bentilee, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST2 0JW
Website: ~ Twitter: @berryhillfields
Minutes of the Management Committee Meeting
Held on Wednesday, 30th May, 2012
Present: John Davis (Chair), Ken Downs, John Steele, Alan Dowson
1) Apologies: Brian Davies, Ken Harper, Paul Shires
2) Minutes of the Last Meeting: Accepted as true record
3) Matters Arising:
- Ken Downs reported that he should have more details about the Anderton Boat Lift by the next meeting but he has currently mislaid his file. John Davis gave him some leaflets Ken had previously handed to him and these were given out to those present.
- Ken suggested that more signage on the ’Fields, in general, would be welcomed.
- Ken reported that about 25% of the fruit trees that had been bought for the Bentilee Valley have survived to date.
4) Guest Speaker: None
5) Chair’s Report: John Davis reported that there was an event this weekend, as part of the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations, at the Etruria Canal Junction, off Etruria Vale Road, from 10a.m. to 5p.m. More details at
John gave out copies of the Closer to Home Newsletter (May 2012) and outlined the checklist sent out with last month’s minutes – very useful prompt sheet for volunteer-led groups.
John read out the emailed report he’d received from Paul Shires:
- Miner’s Memorial has been cleaned of graffiti
- Sighting of more great-crested newts.
- Have done a clean up round the moated site benches.
- The bug hunt will now be going ahead on Wednesday, 6th June.
- Helen Meharg has given birth to a baby boy.
6) Treasurer's Report: John Steele reported that he’s received an invoice from Elise Butler for two display bins (£90) and printing the newsletters for the walking groups over the past year (£18.50) – a cheque was co-signed to pay this. John reminded those present that the monies from the last Quiz Night was £40, as appended to the last minutes. He also reported that Elise has suggested producing some leaflets to promote the Friends’ meetings to the other walking groups to try to get of them to our meetings but noted that we need to be sure whether we’re sticking with Wednesdays or going to revert to Tuesdays at an alternative venue before producing any such promotional materials. John Davis reminded us that we still need raffle prizes for our Quiz Nights.
7) Events Report: Not Present.
8) Countryside Team Leader’s Report: Not Present – See above for his emailed report.
9) CTH Walking Subgroup Report: Not Present.
10) Any Other Business: None
11) Date & Time of Next Meeting: Wednesday, 27th June, 2012, 7:30p.m.,Berry Hill Workingmen’s Club, Calvary Crescent, Bentilee.