OES Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Position Checklist

Logistics Section Chief

Position: EOC Logistics Section Chief Name: ______

Positions Managed: Deputy Logistics Section Chief; Branch Leaders: Supplies and Equipment, Facilities, and Human Resources; Unit Leaders: Resource Tracking and Procurement

Report To: EOC Director

The Logistics Section of the EOC is responsible for overall resource support for the Operational Area. The EOC Logistics Section Chief will ensure responders have access to equipment, supplies, communications, facilities, services, and personnel required to respond effectively to the incident.

The Logistics Section Chief is responsible for managing the Logistics Section, reporting to the EOC Director, and carrying out EF #7: Resources. EF #7 guides EOC’s to utilizes all internal resources, including inventories on hand and procurement processes from their vendors, before escalating resource requests to the REOC.

Initial Actions: 0-30 minutes (Activation Phase)

Task / Notes
1. / Report to the EOC, sign-in at the check-in area and receive a vest and badge
2. / Obtain Situation Status Briefing from the previous Logistics Section Chief and the EOC Director
·  Make a list of key issues to be addressed by the Logistics Section
·  Identify objectives to be accomplished during the operational period
·  Review resource status for a number of personnel assigned to the incident
·  Read the EOC Status Boards for information relating to logistics functions
·  Identify immediate resource needs, priorities and projected shortfalls
3. / Ensure the Logistics Section is properly set up and personnel, equipment, and supplies are in place
·  Confirm the resource ordering process
·  Obtain a current communication update
4. / Meet with the Finance/Administration Section Chief and determine purchasing authority for the Logistics Section and related documentation and approval procedures
5. / Continually Maintain and update resource tracking log
6. / Maintain a log of events and actions
7. / Contact the EOC Logistics Section and confirm resource status and information
8. / Organize and assign staff to the Logistics Section based on the situation and the need to activate positions:
·  Deputy Logistics Section Chief
·  Service Branch Director
·  Support Branch Director
Complete EOC Organizational Chart for the Logistics Section and evaluate the need for additional personnel
9. / Provide staff with a summary of the emergency situation and the extent of Logistical support the Section may be asked to provide.
·  Provide personnel with position checklists of duties and responsibilities
·  Identify key issues currently affecting the Logistics Section
·  Discuss Logistics Section objectives during the operational period
·  Determine financial and administrative support needs
·  Provide ESF #7 Logistics Annex for their review
10. / Ensure that all Section personnel have initiated their individual position logs
11. / Review this position checklist to ensure compliance
Continuing Actions: (30 – 60 minutes) Operational Phase
Task / Notes
12. / Ensure the responsibilities of any non-activated Branches/Units are carried out
13. / Attend Planning Meetings and be prepared to specify:
·  Facilities, services, and materials in support of the incident
·  Resource requests, ordering, and tracking
·  Acquisition of transportation and other support resources
·  Identification of resources which may be needed for the next operational period
14. / Hold Section meetings, as necessary, to ensure communication and coordination among Logistics Branches and Units
15. / Ensure effective coordination between Logistics and other Sections:
·  Coordinate closely with the Operation’s Section Chief to establish priorities for resource allocation to activated Incident Commands within the affected areas
·  Advise staff to prioritize and validate resource requests from the EOC Sections or ICP before acting on the request
16. / Ensure information is collected, evaluated, displayed, and communicated:
·  Messages are communicated w/in EOC, to ICP, and to EOC
·  Collect resource information from EOC Sections and ICP
·  Plan if next operational periods are needed
·  Prepare and submit status reports to the EOC Director
17. / Participate in the preparation of the EOC Incident Action Plan (IAP):
·  Provide input on resource availability, support needs, identified shortages, and response time-lines for key resources
·  Develop objectives, strategies and tactics for the next operational period in order to anticipate logistical requirements
·  Identify resources required to implement a plan
·  Identify alternate and contingency resources in the plan
18. / Review the EOC IAP and estimate needs for the next operational period
·  Order relief personnel if necessary
·  Research availability of additional resources (anticipated and required)
19. / Ensure EOC Incident Action Plan is completed and distributed prior to the start of the next operational period
20. / Provide an updated situation report to the EOC Section Chiefs, EOC Director, IC, and EOC upon request
·  At least once prior to the end of the operational period
·  Advise ICP of any significant changes in resource status
21. / Ensure inventory control procedures are implemented at Staging Areas and Warehouses to prevent over-ordering
22. / Ensure Section objectives are accomplished within the operational period
23. / Ensure all internal resource requests are tracked and accounted for, as well as resources ordered through mutual aid
24. / Ensure resource requests are routed to the EOC when not filled by the EOC
25. / Oversee requests for Federal assets and assistance and utilization of materials and equipment received from Federal sources
26. / Ensure that all Section personnel are maintaining their individual position logs
Shift Change (Next Operational Period)
Task / Notes
27. / Fully brief your relief on events and status of actions being taken
·  Should take between 5-10 minutes
28. / Provide your logs, situation reports, and records to your replacement
29. / Conduct shift change briefings of the Logistics Section in detail
·  Identify in-progress and follow-up activities
30. / After conferring and seeking the approval of the EOC Director
·  Meet with the Plans Section Chief and review demobilization plan
Demobilization (Deactivation Phase)
Task / Notes
31. / Ensure the Demobilization Plan addresses the following:
·  Release resource strategies and general information
·  Priorities for release of resources
·  Transfer of authorities/responsibilities/mission
·  Recommendations regarding timing and sequence of demobilizing the Logistics Section
32. / Assist with the deactivation of the EOC, once authorized, and it’s return to normal operations when the emergency is terminated and/or the activation of the EOC is no longer needed
33. / Ensure all required forms, reports, and documents from each Section/Unit are completed and submitted to the Documentation Unit Leader or the Plans Section Chief.
·  Submit time sheets to Finance Section
(If this position was not filled submit the above reports to the EOC Director)
34. / Ensure open action items are completed at deactivation
35. / Participate in debriefing sessions and a critique of the Department’s response to the emergency situation
36. / Contribute to the After-Action Report that captures emergency response lessons, recommendations for future improvements to Dept. Response Plans, the EOC, training, etc.
37. / When determined by the EOC Director, terminate operations and close the Logistics Section

Logistics Section Chief

Activity Log:
Date/Time / Notable Activities

Event Name: ______Event Day: ______Date: ______Time: ______DOC Logistics Section Chief Checklist 08/05/15 Version Page1