Council Agenda, June 9, 2003, Page 2 of 3




JUNE 9, 2003 – 7:00 P.M.


JUNE 9, 2003 – 12:00 NOON




1. Call to order and welcome – Mayor Jimmy Palmer.

a. Invocation

2. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag – Mayor Jimmy Palmer.

3. Approve or amend the minutes of the May 26, 2003 regular City Council meeting.

4. Mayor’s comments:

a. Remind the Council and public of the change in the June 23 meeting to June 16, 2003 at 7:00 p.m.

b. Remind the Council of the annual GMA business conference on June 21-24, 2003.

c. Remind the Council of the annual budget scheduled for adoption on June 16, 2003.

d. Remind the Council and public that Councilman Ray Denmon is absent due to military duty for the week in Savannah, Georgia.

e. Remind the Council and public of the hearing on the request for a beer package license by Sidney Collins for 767 Highway 53 East on June 16, 2003 at 7:00 p.m.

5. Council Comments:

a. Mayor Pro Tem Shelton: Police, Fire

b. Councilman Woods: Electric Department, Telecommunications, Revolving Loan Advisory Commission, and Liaison with Coosa Valley RDC

c. Councilman Denmon: Water Plant, Sewer Plant, Water & Sewer Construction Department, Building Inspection

d. Councilwoman Potts: Street, Sanitation, Cemetery, Animal Control, Parks, Zoning Advisory Board, Main Street Partnership and Downtown Development Authority

6. Public hearings and comments:

a. Public hearings and comments.

1) City school board public hearing on local share funds needed.

2) Second public hearing for the city’s annual budget for July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004.

b. Announce at this time, public hearings on zoning matters will be held. The public will have the opportunity to make pro and con comments with a ten minute maximum time limit for each side of the matter, with each person speaking having filed a financial disclosure statement five days prior to the hearing, with each person giving their name and address. An inquiry should be made to determine if any elected official has filed a disclosure statement regarding ownership or special interest in any of the agenda items.

1) A zoning variance request by Dr. Box and Associates of Northwest Georgia Medical Park, at 400 Timms Road for a 60-inch high by 120-inch wide sign for their business office located on site. Open public hearing. Report of Harrison on notices. Report of Zoning Advisory Board. Comments. Close hearing. (May be approved, denied or continued.)

2) A request by Paul Lusk for rezoning from Industrial-H to R-2 of property at the corner of Edmond Street and Pine Street, the site of the old medical arts building, for apartments. Open public hearing. Report of Harrison on notices. Report of Zoning Advisory Board. Comments. Close hearing. (May be approved, denied or continued.)

3) A request for zoning of PRD and annexation of over 15 lots in the Blackwood Subdivision across from the Outlet Mall, by Russell Owen. Open public hearing. Report of Harrison on notices. Report of Zoning Advisory Board. Comments. Close hearing. (May be approved, denied or continued.)

7. Old business:

a. Review of the group health plan options and motion to move forward with acceptable plan.

8. New Business:

a. Distribute proposed utility charge-off list for Council to consider on June 16, 2003.

b. Distribute several policy amendments and new policy considerations for review and action on June 16, 2003.

c. First reading of the amended utility rate schedule resolution to conform to budget requirements. (Adoption or amendment scheduled for June 16, 2003.)

d. First reading of the amended fee schedule resolution to conform to budget requirements. (Adoption or amendment scheduled for June 16, 2003.)

e. First reading of a proposed Municipal Court probation contract amendment. (Adoption or amendment scheduled for June 16, 2003.)

f. First reading of three pension plan resolutions. (Adoption or amendment scheduled for June 16, 2003.)

g. First reading of a zoning variance request by the Gordon County Board of Education for additional mobile classrooms at Ashworth Middle School, Gordon Central High School and the central office. (The earliest date for a public hearing would be July 14, 2003 at 7:00 p.m.)

h. First reading of a zoning variance request by Tyron Johnson for a 6-foot variance to allow construction of a garage at 310 Fain Street. The variance will allow an older oak tree with a diameter of 30 inches to be saved. This is in keeping with the historic aspects of the 99 year old home site. (The earliest date for a public hearing would be July 14, 2003 at 7:00 p.m.)

i. Motion to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign a certificate of ownership and agreement with the Department of Transportation regarding LARP resurfacing for 1.61 miles, part of Dews Pond Road, Holly Avenue, Jones Road and Beamer Road.

j. First reading of an amendment to the alcohol and drug abuse ordinance (A public hearing can be set for June 16, 2003.)

k. First reading of an amended Personnel Policy Ordinance (Adoption or amendment scheduled for June 16, 2003.)

9. Other written items not on the agenda.

10. Work reports:

a. Kelly Cornwell, Director of Utilities

b. Eddie Peterson, Director of Public Safety and Public Works

11. Motion to move to executive session, if necessary.

12. Motion to move to general session.

13. Report of executive session, if appropriate.

14. Motion to adjourn.