Grace Park School
Handbook 2010-11
I. Directory
II. Attendance:
Attendance Policy Sample Absence Note
Telephone Attendance Program (TAP)
Emergency Closing of School
Entrance-Exit Doors - Students
III. Conferences:
The Principal and Parent Concerns
Parent-Teacher Conferences
IV. Discipline
Student Code of Conduct
Lifelong Guidelines / Life Skills
V. Food Services
VI. Health Services:
Immunizations Medications at School
Accident Insurance No Smoking Policy
Dental Care Examinations
Rules for Communicable Diseases
VII. Homework
VIII. School Safety:
Bicycles Possession of Weapons
School Property Student Safeties
Safety Practices
IX. Programs and Services:
Assemblies Library
Charity Drives / Collections Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
Child Support Team Peer Mediation Program
Classroom Special Activities Physical Education
Extended Day Kindergarten Psychological Services
Homebound Instruction School Health Council
Instrumental Music Speech Therapy
Learning Enrichment Prog. Student Service Club
Learning Support Program Vocal Music
VTA Program
Ms. Lee Ann wentzel Superintendent
Mr. Charles Maiers Dir. of Personnel
Ms. Gail L. Heinemeyer Dir. of Student and Staff Support Services
Mrs. Luann Crosby Dir. of Instruction
Mrs. Dana Pinketti Dir. of Instruction
Mr. Raymond Howanski Dir. Of Instruction
Mrs. Kim Woods Dir. of Special Education
Mr. Dave DeYulis Principal
Mrs. Debbie Cullen Secretary
Ms. Kate Scanlan Kindergarten
Ms. Kaitlin Decker Kindergarten
Mrs. Megan Downes Autistic Support
Ms. Lauren Madison Early E.S. Class
Ms. Kristine Jennings Primary E. S. Class
Ms. Maureen Baskin Intermediate E. S. Class
Mrs. Adrienne Rouse Grade 1
Ms. Melissa Hurwitz Grade 1
Ms. Jill Davis Grade 1
Mrs. Carol Raup Grade 2
Ms. Kristine Gormley Grade 2
Mrs. Mary Kopay Grade 3
Ms. Erin Panek Grade 3
Mrs. Marianne Millard Grade 4
Mrs. Karen Pisani Grade 4
Mrs. Peg Berken Grade 5
Ms. Leslie Campo Grade 5
Ms. Jessica Neubauer Grade 5
Mrs. Lillian Martin Reading Support
Mrs. Nancy Helm Reading Support
Mrs. Aimee Hodges Learning Support
Ms. Jamie Day Learning Support
Ms. Melissa Lodise Teacher on Special Assignment
Mr. Jerry Iannaci Art
Mr. Chris Adam Instrumental Music
Mr. Matt Noggle Vocal Music
Mr. Chris Himler Physical Ed/Health
Mrs. Kathy Pecko School Nurse
Mrs. Bernie Doyle C.S.N. School Nurse
Mrs. Lisa Pezick Library Paraprofessional
Ms. Rachel Ravitch Speech & Language
Ms Kelly Rampson School Psychologist
Mr. Bill McNicholas Custodian
Morning Session
Kindergarten 8:40 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Grades 1 to 5 8:40 a.m. to 11:40 a.m.
Afternoon Session
Kindergarten 12:15 p.m. to 3:05 p.m.
Grades 1 to 5 12:15 p.m. to 3:05 p.m.
(Wednesday - 2:15 p.m.)
Special Note:
In order for the staff to engage in a purposeful in-service training programs and to allow time for individual parent-teacher conferences when needed, all grades will be dismissed at 2:15 p.m. on Wednesday of each week.
It is the responsibility of the total school community to create and maintain an atmosphere that will encourage and sustain regular school attendance. By helping to develop in students, a sense of responsibility, discipline, and good work habits, it is felt that a positive attitude toward attendance can be achieved. Regular attendance and punctuality improve the chances children have for academic and social accomplishments. Finally, close communication and cooperation between home and school should be encouraged to avoid unnecessary absences.
The School Laws of Pennsylvania classify all absences as unexcused or illegal except for the following reasons. Illness of the pupil, death in the immediate family, quarantine, exceptional urgent reasons that effect the child, educational trips, and evidence of urgent reasons.
After an absence from school, a student must present a written excuse signed by his/her parent or guardian. The excuse should contain the reason for his/her absence and the date(s) of the absence. (Three days or more a physician’s note is required)
A child who arrives after the scheduled beginning time for the morning or afternoon session will be counted tardy, a note of explanation is required.
Students required to leave early must be “signed out” at the school office by the person who picks up the child. A note must also be submitted. Children may NOT leave the building unattended during the school day.
Today’s Date______
Student’s Name______
Date(s) Absent/Late ______
Parent’s Signature______
Through TAP, the parent contacts the school by telephone when his/her child will be absent or late. Participation in TAP is mandatory. TAP was developed to provide parents with a reasonable sense of security that their child has arrived at school. TAP will begin in September. An informational letter and registration card will be sent home with each child. Grace Park’s TAP number is:
Announcements relative to the non-scheduled closing of schools will be broadcast over the local ABC and NBC stations between 6:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. School districts may be referred to by number code rather than by name. Ridley School District’s code number is 453. Our school district radio station is WRSD 94.9 FM. Also, to reach the district emergency message line, just dial, from any touch tone telephone, 610-534-1900. In addition, the district now has an automatic phone notification system in place. Please keep your phone number current with the school office.
Parents are asked to complete an emergency school closing card and return it to school in the beginning of the year. The information will be used in the event of a non-scheduled school closing after children have arrived at school.
On the card, parents list choices of people that may be called to pick-up their child at school in the event of an emergency closing. The PTO phone chain will also be used to help pass along information to parents.
Entrance-Exit Doors-Students
Normal Procedures
The opening bell sounds at 8:40 am. Children will use the regular assigned doors for entering the building.
Students should not arrive at school before 8:00 am.
All boys and girls should line up and enter from their assigned outside doors.
School safeties will be posted at the doors to guide our students until the late bell rings at 8:45.
The “Walk and Talk” rule is enforced for student safety each morning.
Students that arrive after 8:45 are late and should enter through the front door and stop at the office.
Inclement Weather (Including temperatures below 32 degrees)
On inclement weather days, students will be allowed to enter the multipurpose room beginning at 8:00 am. Students will be dismissed at 8:30 to sit outside of their classrooms. Also, look for our STOP/GO sign posted out front of school. STOP means Don’t enter the building and go directly to your line and wait for the bell to ring to enter the building. GO means come into the building and go to the Multipurpose Room.
Parents and visitors should enter the building through the front doors. Those in the building should report to the office before moving through the building.
Student dismissal – Children will use the regular exit doors at the side and the back of the building. Families who will be driving should tell their children to meet them at any one of the side streets or the front parking area. Car pooling would be a great help.
Students required to leave early must be “signed out” at the school office by the adult who picks up the child. A note must also be submitted.
Entrance-Exit Door Assignments:
Rear exit doors at Library Side exit door to playground (Adjacent to Woodland Ave.) (Adjacent to recess play area)
Fourth Grade Third Grade
Fifth Grade
Fenced in Playground Using Classroom Doors
First Grade and Second Grade Kindergarten Room 3, 4, 6
Parents: Please Do Not enter the building in the morning or afternoon. You can really help by dropping children at the door and waiting outside in the car after school.
The principal’s office is the second stop for parents with concerns about classroom occurrences or curriculum design. Our teachers work with your youngsters and our curriculum everyday, please arrange to see them first with your questions. If a matter cannot be resolved, or it needs further study, please contact the office for an appointment. The principal’s first question to parents will invariably be aimed at reviewing the result of the parent-teacher meeting.
During the school year parents will be invited to meet with their child’s teacher for an individual conference. Parents are invited to arrange conferences at any convenient time during the year through the office of the principal. All visitors are required to stop at the office for permission to travel through the school building.
Our Student Lifeskills Pledge requests family support to help students follow school rules. Parents and students sign and return the pledge at the beginning of the year.
Students Will:
*be on time for school/ strive for perfect attendance.
*Treat people right
*treat school and personal property with respect, Do the right thing at all times
*be prepared for class, with homework completed, finish assignments on time, and do their best in all subjects. (For example: be ready with homework, books, instruments, pencils, and/or notebooks.)
*follow school rules, and act in a positive, safe, and caring way at all times. Practice the district’s lifeskills at all times. Report anyone planning to harm a student in any way.
*be neat, clean and dressed properly for school. (School Uniforms are required for all K-5 students)
Truthfulness No Put Downs
Active Listening Trustworthiness
Personal Best
INTEGRITY: To do what is right.
CARING: To treat in a nice way.
COMMON SENSE: To make good choices.
INITIATIVE: To do something because it needs to be done.
EFFORT: To try your hardest.
PERSEVERANCE: To keep at it.
ORGANIZATION: To plan and keep things ready to use.
FLEXIBILITY: To change plans without complaining.
PRIDE: To feel good about doing your personal best.
PROBLEM SOLVING: To find a way to take care of a problem.
RESPONSIBILITY: To take care of yourself and be trusted to do what needs to be done.
COOPERATION: To work together.
SENSE OF HUMOR: To laugh and have fun without hurting others.
PATIENCE: To be willing to wait as part of the process to resolve a particular situation.
FRIENDSHIP: To make and keep a friend.
CURIOSITY: To want to find out and learn about things.
COURAGE: To be brave.
RESOURCEFULNESS: To have good ideas for getting things done.
Daily breakfast and lunch are available through our Food Service
Served daily in the multi-purpose room from 8:00 a.m. - 8:25 a.m. Options include full price $1.00, reduced price $.30, and free breakfast, as well as a la carte menu items.
Lunch Policy
Grades 2 & 4 Lunch 11:20-11:45 Recess 11:45-12:00
Grades 1 & 3 Recess 11:35-11:50 Lunch 11:50-12:15
Grades 5 & ES Recess 12:05-12:20 Lunch 12:20-12:45
Children will eat in the multipurpose room under the supervision of Paraprofessionals and safeties. During this time, the children are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly manner. Parents will be notified if their child is disobedient during the lunch hour. Children may not bring soft drinks, energy drinks, power drinks or liquids in glass containers for lunch.
Kindergarten Milk
Milk may be purchased through our Food Services Department. Your child’s teacher will collect monthly for milk. Milk costs $.12 a day.
Nurse/Medical Examinations
Full time school nurses are employed by the Ridley School District to provide such health services as annual vision and hearing tests, weighing and measuring child growth, periodic classroom examinations, and emergency first aid in case of an accident while in school. They also give classroom instruction as the need arises.
A medical examination is required for all kindergarten children. It is recommended that this be done by the family physician. (A form for such an examination is available from either the school secretary or school nurse.) Any child not examined by the family physician will be examined in school by the district physician. The parent will be notified in advance of such examination.
The nurse will be on call in cases of emergency.
The following immunizations are required by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for all school students:
Diphtheria 4 doses of toxoid (4th after 4th birthday)
Tetanus 4 doses of toxoid (4th after 4th birthday)
Polio 3 doses of toxoid
Measles 2 dose of vaccine (after 1 year of age)
Rubella 1 dose of vaccine (after 1 year of age)
Mumps 1 dose of vaccine (after 1 year of age)
Hepatitis B 3 doses of vaccine
Evidence of Varicella vaccine or chicken pox disease (after 1 year of age)
All parents must show valid proof of such immunizations.
Each year we have a number of requests from parents to give children medication during school hours. The district policy is:
1. Only medications prescribed by a physician for a particular child will be given during school hours.
2. Every effort should be made to give all doses of medication at home.
3. Children should not carry medication to school. Parents should bring the medication to the Principal’s office or to the school nurse.
4. All medication must be clearly marked with a prescription label bearing the child’s name, type of medication, dosage, and time to be given.
5. Written instructions from the physician are required. Any
changes in dosage or medication must be accompanied by a physician’s note.
6. Over-the-counter medications will not be administered in school unless accompanied by a physician’s note. Children will not be permitted to take medication on their own during school hours.
7. When the school nurse is in the building, she will administer the medication. The principal or his/her designee will administer medication on the other days. Any parent who wishes to come to school and administer medication to their child may do so. Please check with the Principal’s office first.