Version 2
Job Profile
1. Post Information
Job Title / Area Response ManagerGrade / POG/H
Directorate / OCE
Service / Streetscene
Job Family / Operational Services
Type of Worker / Agile
Tier / 5
Reports to / Assistant Head of Streetscene (Responsive Local Services)
No. of Reports / 7
Management responsibility for / Area response team delivering a range of environmental services and operating as service area representative working with elected members,customers and partners within a defined geographical location.
Reference No.
Purpose / The development and delivery of front line services in accordance with the corporate approach to Responsive Local Services, so that service delivery is targeted to meet customer needs and those areas of greatest impact.
2. Council’s Purpose and Values
The purpose of the Council is “to ensure the people and City of Sunderland fulfil their potential” by:- Raising aspirations, creating confidence and promoting opportunity (People)
- Leading the investment in attractive and inclusive City and its communities (Place)
- Creating the conditions in which business can establish and thrive (Economy)
3. Key Areas
Key Area / Statement Part 1(What is done) / Statement Part 2 - Output & Outcome
(How it is done, to what or whom, and with what result)
Communication / Communicate information verbally and / or in writing to different audiences / To internal and external customers (Elected Members, Senior Managers, employees and partner organisations) on relevant policies and methods to shape service delivery and to meet local requirements.
Ensure customers are advised appropriately and to ensure compliance with effective practices.
When managing a team to ensure clear understanding of work requirements.
Service area knowledge is required.
Provide information and / or advice and guidance / To elected members,colleagues and members of the public regarding suggested courses of action,safe use of equipment and the reporting of defects. Compliance with relevant Environmental Legislation. Liaison with Managers, colleagues and apprentices. When dealing with members of the public, traders and councillors and when providing up to date reports.
Undertake complex / contentious negotiations / Liaision with elected members and customers to determine and agree necessary course of action when there are conflicting priorities.
Undertake formal counselling / formal advocacy / Supporting staff to implement service improvement activity arising from new policy, strategy and performance management arrangements
Customer Focus / Establish excellent relationships with customers / Ensure positive relationships with all council employees, partners and elected members and members of the public with the aim of improving satisfaction with services provided.
Assess and / or anticipate customer needs and service delivery requirements / Use of intelligence held on data management systems, interpretation of service requests and/or issues identified as problematic and identification and implementation of required actions.
Exercise customer focus skills / Interpersonal skills when dealing with customers, elected members and decision making skills when assessing action is required.
Influence / Influence and persuade others to adopt policies and courses of action / To advise on issues which may impact on service standards and/or compliance with Health and Safety procedures.
Coordinate joint activity with partners to ensure maximum impact and efficient use of resources.
Planning and decision making / Plan and organise / Own workload and that of the team to ensure that the work is completed to a high standard as scheduled, including the prioritising of tasks.
Make decisions / Undertake risk assessments and identify appropriate actions. Act independently to identify actions and prioritise workload and programmed works when necessary.
Deal with and solve problems / Identify and assess issues, undertake appropriate action and report as appropriate.
Tackle issues as reported by customers, staff or members in a timely manner ensuring a responsive service and increased customer satisfaction.Provide advice on policies, procedures & working practices based on own experience or that of the wider team.
Analyse and interpret information / Continuously review local area and service priorities considering all available intelligence and identify appropriate actions
Independence / Undertake work independently / To work the majority of the timeautonomously with little supervision from line manager.
To manage and prioritise own work load and that of the team when required and deal with customers and take decisions about the operation of the service.
Developing and motivating others / Advise, instruct, check work or train other employees / To provide support, instruction and motivation to all staff managed, responsible for sharing appropriate knowledge and experience.
To supervise and check on the quality of work produced by teams and to advise on any legislation or Safe Working Procedures which need to be adhered to.
Coach and / or mentor others / Provide support,encouragement and opportunity for colleagues to develop personally.
Manage, develop, lead and guide employees / Staff appraisals. Ensure training and development undertaken. Review personal performance and develop as required.
Manage area team to coordinate annual leave and performance matters.
Responsibility for the direction of work of employees and team performance.
Composure and thoroughness / Ensure work is carried out accurately and in an organised and effective way / Identify clear objectives and timescales,arranging resources to be utilised sequentially to achieve identified aims.
Maintain focus on tasks, even in challenging circumstances / Clearly consider and identify priorities ensuring a high standard of service delivery.
Deal with deadlines, interruptions and conflicting demands / Prioritise own workload and that of the team,clearly identifying to all sequence in which each are to be undertaken.
Partnership working / Work effectively with others to build relationships, find common solutions and develop and maintain clear working objectives / Work with members of the community and elected members (daily,at Place Boards,Area Committee) in a complimentary fashion agreeing priorities and necessary actions for all.
Improvement / Develop and produce plans and / or strategies / Work with Place Boards / elected members and its service delivery partners to develop and implement an annual strategic work plan, in line with agreed area priorities.
Contribute to the effectiveness of improvement activity / Shape service delivery to meet local requirements managing service resources to ensure a value for money service is delivered
Measure the impact and effectiveness of plans / strategies / improvement activity / Work with Place Boards / elected members and its service delivery partners to review outcomes of the annual strategic work plan and specific actions contained therein
Innovation / Use creative skills to develop novel or unique ideas or products and / or implement or co-ordinate new technology and processes / Work with colleagues from ICT / CSN on the introduction of soft and hardware as an integral part of service delivery streamlining the customer experience and improving efficiency in delivery of services.
4. Additional Information/Other Requirements
Please specify any other relevant information / key facts / requirements not included in the profile:Often unsociable hours including call outs in relation to management of winter maintenance services and other extreme weather situations and also managing environmental services at events across the city.
Knowledge of Service Area that includes street cleansing,parks and grounds maintenance,arboricultural services,environmental enforcement,fixed play maintenance,resorts and winter maintenance.
5. Statutory Requirements
In line with the Council’s Statutory Requirements, all employees of the Council should:Comply with the principles and requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998 in relation to the management of Council records and information, and respect the privacy of personal information held by the Council; Comply with the principles and requirements of the Freedom in Information Act 2000; Comply with the Council's information security standards, and requirements for the management and handling of information; Use Council information only for authorised purposes.
6. Person Specification
Strengths for Matching (IJM Assessment)
(selectthe most appropriate box against each strength, before further selecting 8‘Core Strengths’ – please note these will be kept on file however only those marked as core strengths will be shared with employees)
Strength / In this role it is important that an employee / CoreStrength
Persuasive (Relationships with people) / Dislikes actively attempting to influence others / As happy as most people to persuade / influence others / Likes to get people to do things by presenting a convincing case
X / X
Controlling (Relationships with people) / Lets others take the leadership role and give instructions / As comfortable as most when leading on activities / Likes to take a leadership role and manage and direct the work of others
Outspoken (Relationships with people) / Unprepared to voice own view or opinions and criticise others / As prepared as most people to express views / Freely expresses views, and prepared to criticise others
Independentminded (Relationships with people) / Accepts majority decisions to ensure consensus / Balances own ideas with those of others / Prefers to follow own approach to do things
Outgoing (Relationships with people) / Quiet and considered approach to work / As outgoing as most people in the work environment. / Lively and animated style for carrying out the role
Affiliative (Relationships with people) / Able to work in isolated roles / Can work in either type of role / Best suited to a team based role
Socially confident (Relationships with people) / As comfortable as most in social situations
X / Self assured when meeting new people / in social situations / X
Modest (Relationships with people) / Makes strengths and achievements known to others / Is relatively comfortable to talk about strengths and achievements / Humble, less likely to openly discuss achievements and successes
Democratic (Relationships with people) / Makes final decisions on their own / Can make decisions based on own and others views
X / Listens and widely consults before making decisions / X
Caring (Relationships with people) / Reserves help and support for particularly serious problems / A balanced approach to providing sympathy and support. / Sympathetic and supportive to others
Data rational
(Thinking style) / Deals in opinions and feelings / Is able to deal with both facts and feelings / Likes working with facts, figures and numerical data
(Thinking style) / Dislikes critically evaluating, doesn’t focus on potential limitations of work / Will critically evaluate information when necessary to the task in hand
X / Critically evaluates information looking for flaws and limitations / X
(Thinking style) / Takes little interest in why people behave as they do / Likely to be interested in human behaviour and motivation when critical to the role / Interested in human behaviour psychology and theories of motivation
(Thinking style) / Favours changes to work, prefers new approaches / Able to work with well established and changing processes and procedures. / Likes well established methods or conventional approaches
(Thinking style) / Practical down to earth approach / Interested in considering practicalities as well as concepts / Interested in intellectual hypothetical debate and concepts
(Thinking style) / Builds on ideas generated by others / May generate creative solutions but also develops others ideas.
X / Creative thinker, generates ideas / X
Variety Seeking
(Thinking style) / Can work on repetitive tasks or on structured planned workloads / Has a balanced approach to both variety or repetition / Is comfortable working on a role with a high degree of variety
X / X
(Thinking style) / Behaves the same way with everybody / Is as likely as most to adapt their behaviour to suit the situation / Changes their behaviour to fit the situation or behaves differently depending on who they are with
Forward thinking
(Thinking style) / Focuses on the here and now / Can consider both short term and long term needs when
necessary / Sets long term goals and takes a strategic perspective
Detail conscious
(Thinking style) / Can work in an unstructured manner or remain detached from small details / Able to consider small details when necessary but may not do this as a matter of course. / Is well organised, working in a methodical, systematic way
(Thinking style) / Doesn’t focus too heavily on deadlines and can leave some tasks unfinished / Takes a pragmatic approach to deadlines and the completion of tasks. / Will see tasks through and complete them within set guidelines
X / X
Rule following
(Thinking style) / Likely to be more comfortable in roles with few rules or procedures / Balances working with procedures with a pragmatic approach to delivery. / A strong preference for following rules and regulations, taking care to stick to procedures
(Feeling and emotions) / Finds it as easy to unwind/relax as most people / Is able to remains calm and is able to unwind easily
(Feeling and emotions) / Is free from worry and feels calm before key events / Is likely to feel as anxious as most before key events
Tough minded
(Feeling and emotions) / Is sensitive to their impact on those around them / Moderately sensitive to criticism and in their dealings with others / Is not easily offended and will be able to deal with criticism
(Feeling and emotions) / Makes contingency plans and may dwell on negative outcomes / Broadly positive in their view of the future / Has a positive view of situations and of the future
(Feeling and emotions) / Is able to consider the motives and intentions of others / Considers the motives of others whilst being broadly trusting of them. / Is trusting of people and sees others as reliable
Emotionally controlled
(Feeling and emotions) / Openly expresses feelings and clearly displays emotions / Expresses feelings and display emotions as much as most / Is able to conceal their emotions / feelings in the workplace
Energies) / Works at a steady pace, with a constant manageable workload. / Happy balancing busy workloads with periods of working at a steady pace. / Is comfortable dealing with high workloads - prefers to be busy
Energies) / Feels that taking part is more important than winning / Likely to enjoy competitive activities without the need to win. / Enjoys competitive activities and processes
Energies) / Is motivated by achievable targets / Prefers to balance demanding and achievable targets. / Likes to work to demanding goals and targets
X / X
Energies) / Prefers a cautious approach to making decisions, taking time to reach conclusions / Takes decisions in a considered way, neither overly slowly or quickly. / Regularly makes fast decisions and reaches conclusions quickly
Further Essential Requirements
Requirement / Method of Assessment1. / Communicating (verbal) – Able to communicate and obtain information in order to advise, negotiate and influence internal and external customers. / Interview
2. / Communicating (written) – Able to share information and obtain information from others through written communication. Able to present written information in a variety of structures appropriate to the target audience, for example plans, strategies and briefing notes or guidance. / Application Form/Interview
3. / Listening; Listens to others to assess requirements in order to respond appropriately and efficiently. / Application Form/Interview
4. / Developing and Motivating Others – able to lead others and support their development to achieve the objectives of the service. / Application Form/Interview/Assessment
5. / Improvement – able to assess the effectiveness of current processes and services; and to use appropriate methods to identify and measure improvements. / Application Form/Interview
4. / PC Skills; Able to effectively use a PC to prepare documents, records information or input data. / Application Form/Interview
5. / Strategic Perspective; Takes a long term view, sets goals and evaluates the impact of ideas and policy decisions. / Application Form/Interview
6. / Ability to develop knowledge and experience of:
- A clear understanding of the needs of local residents.
- To co-ordinate service delivery with partners to reduce demarcations.
- Ensuring the health and safety of employees and others, implementing safe systems of work.
8. / Ability to think clearly and objectively during times of high pressure and remain calm in the face of adversity. / Application Form/Interview
9. / Making effective decisions which balance competing objectives and resources. / Application Form/Interview
10. / Excellent communication and presentation skills / Applications Form/Interview
11. / Managing effective budgets / Application Form/Interview
12. / Commitment to Equal Opportunities / Interview
13. / Ability to meet the travel requirements of the post / Interview
14. / The post holder must have the ability to develop skills and knowledge of the service area. / Interview
C:\Documents and Settings\Ian.Richardson\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK7\area response manager (3).doc