Name: / Kay Pounds / Grade: 4-5
Lesson Title: / Boot Camp Training Stations / Date:
NASPE Standard(s):
NASPE S3.E3.4-5, S3.E4.4-5, S3.E6.4-5
NASPE S4.E1.4-5, S4.E6.4-5
NASPE S5.1.4-5
Individual Education Plan Goal(s) and Benchmarks specific to this lesson:
Learning - Focus / Strategies
Essential Question(s) / What is circuit training? How does this benefit my physical fitness?
Central Focus/Lesson Objective(s) / Psychomotor:
Students will perform each exercise at the stations correctly twice while doing the day’s activities.
Students will discuss one of the questions with their group.
Students will be respectful and polite to their group members.
Academic Language / Circuit Training: a form of body conditioning. It is one completion of all exercises in the
Exercise: activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness
Hydration: to supply water to restore or maintain a balance of fluids
Warm-up: prepare for physical exertion
Examples: light jogging, stretching
Cool-down: act of allowing physiological activity to return to normal after strenuous exercise
by doing less strenuous exercise
Examples: walking, stretching
Aerobic Capacity: measure of the ability of the heart and lungs to get oxygen to the muscles
Other examples: PACER, 1-mile run
Flexibility: ability to flex or extend a joint through a range of motion
Other examples: back-saver sit and reach
Muscular Endurance: ability of muscles to do a repeated action over long periods of time
Other examples: curl-ups
Muscular Strength: ability of muscles to do a particular action
Other examples: push-ups,
Materials / Music
Exercise boards
Free Weights
Gym Mats
Yoga Mats
Jump Ropes
Exercise Bikes/Treadmills/Steppers
Management Plan / Introduction:
Students will come in and sit on assigned spots.
Body of the Lesson:
Task 1: Move around the gym in the green area to music. When the music stops, students sit.
When music starts, they start. If students do not follow directions, stop the music have
students sit down for further instruction.
At end, have students, return to spots by walking.
Task 2: Students will do stretches on their assigned spots.
Task3: Students will get into groups. Students will move in a clockwise motion around the gym when they hear a beep.
Have students sit close. Review academic language & essential questions.
Introduction to Lesson/
Activating Thinking / Come in. Sit on assigned spot.
Today, we will be learning about circuit training while completing our Boot Camp Training Stations. We are doing this because we want to increase our physical fitness.
Body of Lesson/
Teaching Strategies / Task 1: Warm-up: Locomotor Movements/Activity
Explain spatial awareness. Demonstrate the correct/incorrect ways to move around the gym.
Explain how locomotor movements can increase aerobic capacity.
Choose a locomotor movement. Demonstrate it. Then have students will move around the lines on the floor to music. Have students repeat movement to be done. When the music stops, students will stop. Tell students to high-five classmates while moving around if they are enjoying the activity.
Walk: right foot/left arm forward, left foot/right arm forward
Walk backwards
(Remember to check behind you so you do not bump into another classmate)
Speed Walk
Skip: step, hop, step, hop, repeat
Gallop: Lead leg step, back leg chase, repeat
Sliding: (skating) lead foot slide forward, back leg slide forward and past lead foot, repeat
Jog: faster than walking, slower than running
Run: pacing, fast paced
Have students return to their assigned spots by walking.
What are the physiological effects of exercise?
(heart rate increase, breathing harder, body temperature increase, thirsty, sweating)
Task 2: Stretching
Why do we stretch?
(help with flexibility, reduce activity-injury risks, increase blood flow)
Do these stretches: shoulder chest stretch, back and shoulder stretch, thigh stretch)
Count down from 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Relax.
Task 3: Boot Camp Training Stations
Students will do the activity at each station as described on the station signs. When the music starts, the students start. When the music stops, the students will stop.
Station 1: Pushups
Refinement: Really focus on keeping your back straight.
Extension: How many push-ups can you do while you are at this station?
Station 2: Step Ups/Step Downs
Refinement: Really focus on alternating your feet.
Extension: How many step-ups can you do while at this station?
Station 3: Situps
Refinement: Really focus on using your abdominal muscles to pull you up.
Extension: How many situp/surl-ups can you do while at this station?
Station 4: Bicep Curls
Refinement: Really focus on keeping you elbows tucked.
Extension: How many bicep curls can you do while you are at this station?
Station 5: Lunges
Refinement: Really focus on keeping your balance.
Extension: How many lunges an you do while at this station?
Station 6: Discourse
Discuss 1 or more of the following:
What are the benefits of exercise? Why are healthy-eating habits important? Whys is it
important to stay hydrated while doing physical activity? Why is it important to warm-
up/cool down? Name an exercise that increases aerobic capacity? Flexibility? Muscular
endurance? Muscular strength?
Station 7: Plank
Refinement: Really focus keeping your back straight.
Extension: How long can you hold the plank while at this station?
Station 8: Tricep Extensions
Refinement: Really focus on keeping your elbows pointed to the ceiling.
Extension: How many tricep extensions can you do while at this station?
Station 9: Exercise Machines
Refinement: Really focus on keeping a steady pace while at this station.
Extension: How long can you stay active while you are at this station?
Station 10: Stretching
Perform 1 or more of these stretches:
Feet together. Touch your toes. Feet apart. Right side, left side, middle.
Shoulder-back stretch. Shoulder-chest stretch. Groin stretch (butterfly). Calf stretch.
Quad stretch.
Station 11: Split Squats
Refinement: Really focus on keeping your balance.
Extension: How many split squats can you do while at this station?
Station 12: Bicycle Kicks
Refinement: Really focus on bringing the knee/elbow together.
Extension: How many bicycle kicks can you do while at this station?
Station 13: Side Slides
Refinement: Really focus on keeping a steady pace at this station.
Extension: How many times can you touch the cones while you are here?
Station 14: Rest Station
Get water, use the restroom. Come back and relax.
Station 15: Wall Sit
Refinement: Really focus on keeping your hips and knees bent.
Extension: How long can you hold the wall sit while at this station?
Station 16: Supermans
Refinement: Really focus on keeping your legs straight.
Extension: How long can you hold the superman while at this station?
Station 17: Jump Ropes
Refinement: Really focus on timing your jump over the rope.
Extension: Can you jump rope the entire time while you are at this station?
Wrap Up: Review Day
Review essential questions. The training we are doing focuses on upper body, core/abs, lower body, and cardiovascular. It rotates so that each part gets a break between exercises. We work the front of the body and the back of the body.
Two thumbs up if you got to high-five a classmate twice. Thumbs down if you did not high-five anyone.
Two hands up if you really enjoyed the activities today. Keep hands down if you did not enjoy the activity.
Be aware of students’ abilities to do various movements.
For students with visual impairments, use green card for go and red card for stop.
Modification(s) and/or Accommodations
Evaluation / Visual assessment of students performing the stations’ activities.
Exit Slips to assess student enjoyment and safety.
Station Slips to asses student’s independent drive to refine or extend.
Reflection/Analyzing Teaching Effectiveness

