Montgomery County High School
Subject: World CivilizationUnit Title: The Great Depression and WWII
Resources: Textbook, computer, document camera, projector
Teachers: Donaldson, Manley, Whaley, Reffitt
Common Core Standards / Day
pacing / Date / DO
By the end of this lesson, I CAN …
(daily learning target/objective) / Target Type
or DOK / Vocabulary / Activity (ies) / Formative Assessment /
1 / 4/13 / I can explain how economic factors resulting from WWI led to the Great Depression. / -Great Depression Begins PowerPoint / -Great Depression Guided Notes
2 / 4/15 / I can detail how the United States, Europe, and Scandinavian countries reacted to the Great Depression. / K/R / Inflation
Great Depression
Stock Market
New Deal / 1.Great Depression Worldwide / -Great Depression Quiz
-Great Depression Worldwide Notes
3 / 4/18 / I can explain Adolf Hitler’s plan for Germany as he moves up in political ranks / K/R / Fascism
Adolf Hitler
Mein Kampf
Lebensraum / 1.PowerPoint “Totalitarianism and Hitler” / Mein Kampf reading and questions worksheet
4 / 4/19 / I can analyze how countries in Europe turned to totalitarian governments in response to the world-wide turmoil and economic crisis that resulted from the Great Depression / K / Josef Stalin
Collectivization / 1.PowerPoint “Stalin” / Primary Source Stalin activity
5 / 4/20 / I can analyze how countries in Europe turned to totalitarian governments in response to the world-wide turmoil and economic crisis that resulted from the Great Depression / Mussolini
Fascism / 1.PowerPoint “Mussolini” / 15.3 Guided Reading Worksheet
4 / 4/21 / I can summarize how Germany, Italy, and Japan invaded other nations and other countries did nothing to stop them. / Appeasement
Axis Powers
Third Reich
Munich Conference / 1)PowerPoint
“Road to War” / WWII Map activity
5 / 4/28 / I can summarize how Germany, Italy, and Japan invaded other nations and other countries did nothing to stop them. / Appeasement
Axis Powers
Third Reich
Munich Conference
Non-aggression pact / 1)PowerPoint “Road to War” / Crossword Puzzle
6 / 5/2 / I can identify how Germany overran much of Europe and North Africa and how it would set off WWII. / Blitzkrieg
Non aggression pact
Atlantic Charter
Battle of Britain / 1.PowrPoint “Hitler’s Lightning War” / 16.1 Guided Reading Activity
Students will evaluate how World War II transformed America socially and politically at home (e.g. influx of women into workforce, rationing) and reshaped its role in world affairs (e.g., emergence of the U.S. as economic and political superpower).
RS 11-12
Int. Knowledge
7. Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of
information presented in diverse formats and media
(e.g., visually, quantitatively, as well as in words) in order to address a question or solve a problem. / 7 / 5/3 / I can describe how the attack on Pearl Harbor provoked the United States to enter the war. / K / Pacific Front
Battle of the Philippine Sea
Island Hopping
Bushido Code / PowerPoint- Pacific Front
Video- Battle of Midway
Guided Viewing Questions- Battle of Midway / Guided Viewing Questions- Battle of Midway
Students will use a variety of tools (e.g., primary and secondary sources, data, artifacts) to analyze perceptions and perspectives (e.g., gender, race, region, ethnic group, nationality, age, economic status, religion, politics, geographic factors) of people and historical events in the modern world (1500 A.D. to present) and United States History (Reconstruction to present).
RS 11-12
Int. Knowledge
7. Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of
information presented in diverse formats and media
(e.g., visually, quantitatively, as well as in words) in order to address a question or solve a problem. / 9 / 5/4 / I can explain Japanese expansion, and how their successes led to war with the Allies in Asia. / K,R / Pearl Harbor
Battle of Midway
Battle of Guadalcanal
Bataan Death March / Guided Reading- Japan’s Pacific Campaign / Guided Reading- Japan’s Pacific Campaign
Students will evaluate how World War II transformed America socially and politically at home (e.g. influx of women into workforce, rationing) and reshaped its role in world affairs (e.g., emergence of the U.S. as economic and political superpower).
RS 11-12
Int. Knowledge
7. Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of
information presented in diverse formats and media
(e.g., visually, quantitatively, as well as in words) in order to address a question or solve a problem. / 10 / 5/5 / I can describe the Battle of Bataan and the subsequent Bataan Death March that took place in the Philippines. / K / Bataan
Douglas McArthur
Bataan Death March / World War 2 Bataan Death March / Exit Slip- What effect did the Battle of Bataan have on American and phillipian soldiers?
11 / 5/6 / I can explain and locate the battles that took place in the Pacific during WWII. / Midway
Doolittle Raid / 1.WWII in Pacific Map / 1.WWII in Pacific Map
Students will explain the reasons why conflict and competition (e.g., violence, difference of opinion, stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination, genocide) may develop as cultures emerge in the modern world (1500 A.D. to present) and the United States (Reconstruction to present).
RS 11-12Int. Knowledge
7. Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of
information presented in diverse formats and media
(e.g., visually, quantitatively, as well as in words) in order to address a question or solve a problem. / 12 / I can describe the persecution of Jews by the Nazi party. / K,R / Aryan
Final Solution
Concentration Camp / PowerPoint- The Holocaust
DVD- Auschwitz: Inside the Nazi State
Guided View Questions- Auschwitz: Inside the Nazi State / Guided View Questions- Auschwitz: Inside the Nazi State
Students will compare and contrast (purposes, sources of power) various forms of government in the world (e.g., democracy, republic, dictatorship) and evaluate how effective they have been in establishing order, providing security and accomplishing common goals. / 13 / I can summarize the events that led to the surrender of Germany and Japan, and the victory of the Allies. / K, R / Battle Of StalingradD-Day
Kamikaze / PowerPoint- The Allied Victory
Guided Notes- Winning the War in Europe / Exit Slip- WWII in Europe Before D-Day
Students will evaluate how World War II transformed America socially and politically at home (e.g. influx of women into workforce, rationing) and reshaped its role in world affairs (e.g., emergence of the U.S. as economic and political superpower). / 13 / I can explain the how the brutality of the last major battles of the war in the Pacific influenced the U.S. decision to drop the atomic bombs on Japan. / K, R / Atomic Bomb
Battle of Iwo Jima
Battle of Okinawa / PowerPoint- WWII the Pacific: Dropping the Atomic Bomb
DVD: Black Rain (clips of the aftermath)
Video Questions: Black Rain / Video Questions: Black Rain
Students will use a variety of tools (e.g., primary and secondary sources, data, artifacts) to analyze perceptions and perspectives (e.g., gender, race, region, ethnic group, nationality, age, economic status, religion, politics, geographic factors) of people and historical events in the modern world (1500 A.D. to present) and United States History (Reconstruction to present). / 14 / I can analyze the effects of WWII on European and Japanese life, and identify the political consequences of the Allied victory in postwar Europe. / K / Nuremburg Trials
Democratization / PowerPoint- Europe and Japan in Ruins
Guided Reading- Chapter 16 Section 5: Europe and Japan in Ruins / Guided Reading- Chapter 16 Section 5: Europe and Japan in Ruins
Students will evaluate how World War II transformed America socially and politically at home (e.g. influx of women into workforce, rationing) and reshaped its role in world affairs (e.g., emergence of the U.S. as economic and political superpower). / 15 / I can analyze the effects of World War II on American life on the home front. / K / Rationing
Korematsu V. United States
War Bonds / PowerPoint- World War II on the Homefront
Essential Vocabulary: Chapter 16 / Exit Slip- World War II on the Homefront
Students will use a variety of tools (e.g., primary and secondary sources, data, artifacts) to analyze perceptions and perspectives (e.g., gender, race, region, ethnic group, nationality, age, economic status, religion, politics, geographic factors) of people and historical events in the modern world (1500 A.D. to present) and United States History (Reconstruction to present).
Students will evaluate how World War II transformed America socially and politically at home (e.g. influx of women into workforce, rationing) and reshaped its role in world affairs (e.g., emergence of the U.S. as economic and political superpower). / 16 / I can identify all key terms and concepts from Unit 11: World War II. / K,R / Review all Unit 11 vocabulary and key concepts. / Cooperative Learning – Students work in small groups to complete Unit 11 Study Guide. / Unit 11 Study Guide
Students will use a variety of tools (e.g., primary and secondary sources, data, artifacts) to analyze perceptions and perspectives (e.g., gender, race, region, ethnic group, nationality, age, economic status, religion, politics, geographic factors) of people and historical events in the modern world (1500 A.D. to present) and United States History (Reconstruction to present).
Students will evaluate how World War II transformed America socially and politically at home (e.g. influx of women into workforce, rationing) and reshaped its role in world affairs (e.g., emergence of the U.S. as economic and political superpower). / 17 / I can identify all key terms and concepts from Unit 11: World War II. / K,R / Review all Unit 11 vocabulary and key concepts. / Review ORQ strategy and possible topics for Unit 11 Exam.
Review Game– Baseball, Jeopardy, or Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? / Review Game– Baseball, Jeopardy, or Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
Students will use a variety of tools (e.g., primary and secondary sources, data, artifacts) to analyze perceptions and perspectives (e.g., gender, race, region, ethnic group, nationality, age, economic status, religion, politics, geographic factors) of people and historical events in the modern world (1500 A.D. to present) and United States History (Reconstruction to present).
Students will evaluate how World War II transformed America socially and politically at home (e.g. influx of women into workforce, rationing) and reshaped its role in world affairs (e.g., emergence of the U.S. as economic and political superpower). / 18 / I can identify all key terms and concepts from Unit 11: World War II. / K,R / Summative Assessment- All Unit 11 vocabulary and concepts. / Unit 11 Exam and Open Response Question / N/A
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Stated in “I Can/I will” statements
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Sufficient pre-requisite targets included?
5/6/2011 9 of 16