LUNCH: Italian Beef’s, Pasta Salad, and leafy green salad!

SONG: America, led by Ralph S. INVOCATION: Joe Gastiger



Live Healthy DeKalb County – Christel Springmire From Apr 7 – June 7 they will be collecting gym shoes. June 7 to Aug 1, sizing, cleaning, new laces, then distributed at food pantries. Volunteer opportunity for the sizing, and perhaps buying new laces.

Holly Peifer from Children’s Advocacy Center was here today to tell us about their upcoming fundraiser, Walk to End Child Abuse on April 26. The walk begins at 10:00 a.m. See attachments.

Next Interclub: April 10th at Belvidere – 7AM !

DeKalb Club’s Spring Fling (formerly their Pancake Day) Coming Soon! $7.00 gets you eggs, pancakes, or whatever. $20. Family Pack – 4 tickets, 4 raffle tickets. March 29, at the First Congregational Church. There will be entertainment (maybe John dancing on a table!)

Eliminate has started a 50/50 raffle. Participation is voluntary..

Jerry Smith read a thank you note from Keaton Leach for our donation to FOCUS after his program the other month. Jerry also, let us know about some upcoming programs that may be great for bringing a guest/potential member. Bill Cummings’ daughter, Meg Galus on April 9th, and our meeting at the Ellwood House to see and hear about their gardens on May 28th.

Our second Kishwaukee Kiwanis Blood Drive with Heartland on the 31st 3-6:00 at First Congregational on First St. Spread the Word ! Sign up to donate at

Volunteer to check-in folks is requested.

Meals on Wheels month is coming up! April - don't forget to sign up!

Birthday TODAY! Norm Schaefer's birthday was today and everybody sang!

Dues are due to Sue.

PoP Box


Our Program today was on Heartland Blood Center, with Camille Piazza presenting. Camille is the marketing representative for our area and it sounded like that job keeps her very busy. Her theme today for us was "reminders", reminding us of why it is important to give blood. Did you realize that a person needs blood every 2 seconds in this country! Also there is a 97% chance that someone you know will need a transfusion. That's a lot of blood. With this year's winter they are behind in collecting for the year. There have been 21 drives already this year that have been cancelled due to weather; and locally Heartland needs 600 units of blood every day. She wanted us to know that blood donations to Heartland stay local to help Kish Hospital among others. If you can donate from 2 to 4 times per year then you are doing your share. If eligible people did this there would never be a shortage! Consider this, would you like to be the kind of person who saves lives? Well, here's your chance, ask how you can help by donating blood. It always feels good to have done it!

Quote for the day

I hear you say, how unlucky that this should happen to me. Perhaps say instead, how lucky I am that I am not broken by what has happened. From Marcus Aurelius

UPCOMING PROGRAMS: (Why not invite a guest? – that could also mean a prospective member!)

Mar 19, 2014 Dan Kenney DeKalb Community Gardens

Mar 26, 2014 Roger Steimel The Faivre Farm Family

Apr 2, 2014 BOARD MEETING @ Lincoln Inn

Apr 9, 2014 Meg Galus Tales of a Chicago Chef

Today’s Attendance:

36 / Kish Kiwanians
1 / Guests: Holly Peifer from Children’s Advocacy Center
0 / Circle K
1 / Guest Speaker: Camille Piazza, Heartland Blood Centers
38 / TOTAL

Meals on Wheels Sign-up so far

(note: Amy has the master file so any additions/changes, please contact her.)

Tuesday, April 1 Mark Sawyer

Wednesday, April 2 NO DELIVERY – MEETING DAY

Thursday, April 3 Bill Cummings

Friday, April 4

Monday, April 7

Tuesday, April 8 Dean Quarnstrom

Wednesday, April 9 NO DELIVERY – MEETING DAY

Thursday, April 10

Friday, April 11

Monday, April 21

Tuesday, April 22

Wednesday, April 23 NO DELIVERY – MEETING DAY

Thursday, April 24 Jack and Marcia Goodrich

Friday, April 25 Debbie Madeley

Monday, April 28

Tuesday, April 29

Wednesday, April 30 NO DELIVERY – MEETING DAY

Monday, April 14

Tuesday, April 15 Diana King

Wednesday, April 16 NO DELIVERY – MEETING DAY

Thursday, April 17 Joe Gastiger

Friday, April 18