Anu Kasmel
Lumiku 511913 Tallinn
Phone +3726005344
Mobil +3725105621
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1976 Medical Doctor, Faculty of Medicine, Tartu University, Estonia.
1996 Master inSocial Sciences c(Health Promotion), Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen, Norway.
2006Doctor of Philosophy, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark.
2010- Medical doctor, OY Mediverkko, Finland
2009-2010 Senior lecturer, Institute of Political Science and Governance, University of Tallinn, Estonia
2007-2008 Senior lecturer, Institute of Public Health, University of Tartu, Estonia
2002-2006 Doctorant and lecturer, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
1993-2002 Director, Estonian Centre for Health Education and Promotion.
1981-1993 Head-Doctor, Out-Patient Clinic, TallinnPsychiatric Hospital.
1977-1980 Psychiatrist, PõlvaHospital.
1992 Seminar: Counselor training for Health Administrators,University of Leipzig, Germany.
1993 Summer School: Planning of Health Promotion,University of Wales, UK.
1995-1996 Series of seminars:Organization of the institutional work, assessing local needs, planning intersectoral health promotion interventions, building partnerships, managing projects, working with media, evaluating process and impact of interventions, Health Education Authority of England, UK.
1996 Seminar: Applying Health Services Indicators to Management Decisions. WHO/EURO, The Netherlands.
1996 Seminar: The Health Management Workshop on Training of TrainersThe American International Health Alliance & The Association of University Programs in Health Administration, Tallinn, Estonia.
1997 Travelling Seminar: Safe Communities, Principles and Planning, WHO/Karolinska Institute/Johannesburg, South-Africa.
1998 Training courses 'Strengthening MoSA in Pre-Accession Framework' project: Project Management and Staff Management; PHARE, Tallinn, Estonia.
1999 Seminar: Health Promotion Evaluation: Theory and Practice.SydneyUniversity, Tallinn, Estonia.
2000 Seminar:Public Health In Europe – Accession to the EU. Netherlands Public Health Institute, Amersfort, The Netherlands.
2002 Training course:Evaluation Research on Public Policy Programs – Prevention, Promotion and Cleaning up the Mess.University of Helsinki, Lammi, Finland.
2002 Training course:The Process ofProblem-based Learning. Hogeschool Zuyd, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
2002Research Courses: A. Health Science Ethics and Theory,B. Clinical and Epidemiological Research. Faculty of Health Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark.
2003 Training course: Advanced Research Statistics. Faculty of Health Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark.
2003 Training course: Reflective Evaluation. Karolinska Institute, Sweden.
2003 Training course:Understanding and Doing Qualitative methods in Health Psychology’, European Health Psychology Society. Kos, Greece.
2003Training course: Written communication in Biomedicine.SyddanskUniversity, Odense, Denmark.
2004 Summer school: Integrating Sociological Theory and Research in Europe'. ECSR Trento, Italy.
2005 Training course: Literature search and reference manual.SyddanskUniversity, Odense, Denmark.
2007 WinterUniversity: Health Policy Development. Canberra University/Tartu University, Tallinn, Estonia.
2008 Training course: Future Health Promotion – Dilemmas and opportunities. Tartu University/Auckland University, Tartu, Estonia.
1997 The Healthier Communities Award, Honoured by the Healthcare Forum OF Medical Association of the U.S.A, San Francisco, USA.
1997 Award foroutstanding developments in health promotion, Ministry of Social Affairs, Tallinn, Estonia.
1999 Research Award, The Merck SharpDohme, UK.
2001 Award for remarkable achievements in health development in Estonia, Ministry of Social Affairs,Estonia.
1997 –2006 President and Vice-President of the Estonian Union for Health Promotion.
1997 –2000 Member, WHO/EURO European Committee for Health Promotion Development.
1996 –2000Accredited Representative and Trustee Memberof the Board of Trustees, International Union for Health Promotion and Education.
2000 – until now twice Elected Member of the Board of Trustees, International Union for Health Promotion and Education
2000 –2004 Member, Board of the European Network of Health Promotion Agencies.
2004 – until now,Member, Governing Council, European Union for Public Health Associations.
2011 – until now, Vice-President, International Union for Health Promotion and Education.
2009- 2012 member of the EU research group CompHP.
2002- 2011Investigator – Community empowerment study (University of Southern Denmark).
1990-2002 Principal Investigator, Health Behaviour Survey among Estonian Adult Population (FINBALT MONITORING).
1994-1999 Co-investigator, EstonianSchool Children Health Behaviour Study (WHO HBSCS).
1998-2000 Co-Investigator, Compatibility of the Household and Individual Nutrition Surveys and Disparities in Food Habits in Europe (FAIR-97-3096).
1996-1997 Principal Evaluator, Peer Review of the Hungarian Word Bank Health Project, School-Health Sub-Component.
1998 Evaluation Director, Evaluation of the ten local health promotion projects.
1999 Evaluation Director, Evaluation of the five Community Based Health Promotion Projects.
2001 Principal Investigator, Evaluation of the National Tuberculosis Prevention Programme.
2002-2006 Evaluation Director, Evaluation of the International Community Empowerment Research Projects.
2007-2008 Co-investigator, International social capital research.
The foundation of the new state institution Estonian Centre for Health Education and Promotion, and nation-wide infrastructure in health promotion within the health-care reform; the creation of the health promotion system in Estonia.
Working as a peer reviewer in Hungary and United Kingdom within World Bank Health Care Reform Project.
Working with Latvia and Lithuania in the epidemiological research, training and evaluation of health promotion activities.
Teaching health promotion to the physicians, nurses, psychologists and teachers at the Training Centre for Further Education in Public Health.
Teaching in international courses of health promotion
Development of the professional standards in health promotion in Estonia.
Elaboration and initiation of the health promotion bachelor and master programs in Estonia.
Participation in the Pan-European Health Promotion Professional Standards Elaboration Project (2008-2012).
Member of the Experts Group (2009 and 2011) at the EC DG SANCO as a health promotion expert to evaluate European public health projects.
Supervision and evaluation of master thesis.
1997-2001 Member, Advisory Board, Health Curriculum Committee, Ministry of Education,.Estonia.
1998 Member, Editorial Board, Health Education Research Journal.
1998-1999 Member, Scientific Board, 1st Ibero-American Conference Against Tobacco, Las Palmas, Spain.
1998-1999 Vice-president of organizing Committee, 4th IUHPE Conference on Quality and Effectiveness, Helsinki-Tallinn, Finland-Estonia.
1999-2000 Member, Advisory board, 5th European Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education, Santander, Spain.
1998-2000 Member, Steering Committee, Danish-Estonian Community Health Promotion Program, Tallinn, Estonia.
1999 - Member, Editorial Board, The Quarterly Journal of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education “Promotion and Education”.
2001 Member, Advisory Board, XVII World Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education, Paris, France.
2001-2002 Member, Steering Committee, PHARE Estonian-Danish Twinning Program in School-Children Health, Tallinn, Estonia.
2002 Member, Advisory Board, 5th Conference of Quality and Effectiveness in Health Promotion, London, England.
2003 Member, Advisory Board, 12th World Conference Tobacco or Health, Helsinki, Finland.
2004 Member, Scientific Committee, XVIII World Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education“Valuing diversity, reshaping power, exploring pathways to health and wellbeing”, Melbourne, Australia.
2005 Member, Scientific Committee, EAWHR Conference “Gender and Health: Women Health in This Century”,Tallinn, Estonia.
2005 Member, Advisory Board, UK EU Presidency - Tackling Health Inequalities: Governing for Health Summit,17 - 18 October, London, UK.
2006 Member, Scientific Committee, IUHPE 7th European Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education: Globalization and Equity, Inequalities and Health, October 17.-21, Budapest, Hungary.
2006-2008 Head, The Development Committee, National Health Policy Development Program, Ministry of Social Affairs, Estonia.
2010-2012 Member of the Steering Committee, The ESF financed Nationwide Community Development Program, Institute of Health Development, Tallinn, Estonia.
2010-2012 Member of the International Organizing Committee,5th Latin-American and 4th Inter-American Health Promotion and Health Education Conference,forthcoming in April 11.-13. 2012, Mexico City, Mexico.
2010-2012 Member of the Organizing Committee, 2th IUHPE Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education: Empowerment forHealthy Settings - Healthy City and Community, Healthy School and University, Healthy Hospital and Healthy Workplace, forthcoming in May 4-6, 2012 – Taipei, Taiwan.
2010-2012 President of the Organizing Committee, 8th IUHPE European Conference onHealth and Quality of Life, forthcoming in September 27.-29.2012 inTallinn, Estonia.
2010-2013 Member of the International Organizing Committee, 21st World Conference on Health Promotion, forthcoming in August 25.-29.2013 in Pattaya, Thailand.
Lipand A, Kasmel A, Kivilo M, Tasa E, Berg M-A, Peltoniemi J, Puska P. (1992). Eesti täiskasvanud elanikkonna terviseuurimus 1990.a. kevadel. Health Behaviour among Estonian Adult Population. Spring 1990.National Public Health Institute. B1/1992. Helsinki, Finland.
Lipand A, Kasmel A, Tasa E, Puska P, Berg M-A. (1993). Eesti täiskasvanud elanikkonna terviseuurimus 1992.a. kevadel. Health Behaviour among Estonian Adult Population. Spring 1992.National Public Health Institute. B3/1993. Helsinki, Finland.
Lipand A, Kasmel A, Tasa E, Leinsalu M, Uutela A, Puska P, Helakorpi S.(1995) Eesti täiskasvanud elanikkonna terviseuuring. Kevad 1994. Health Behaviour among Estonian Adult Population. Spring 1994.National Public Health Institute. B5/1995. Helsinki, Finland.
Kasmel A, Lipand A, Kasmel K, Traat U, Markina A, Uutela A, Helakorpi S, Puska P.(1997) Eesti täiskasvanud elanikkonna tervisekäitumise uuring, kevad,1996. Health Behaviour among Estonian Adult Population, Spring 1996.National Public Health Institute B2/1997.Helsinki, Finland.
Elenurm, T., Kasmel,A., Kidron, A., Rüütel, E., Teiverlaur, M. and Traat, U. (1997). Stressi teejuht. Stress management guide.Estonian Centre for Health Promotion, Tallinn, Estonia.
Arslanoski V, Kasmel, A. (1997). Helsinkiläisten ja tallinnalaisten terveyskäyttäytyminen vuosina 1990, 1992 ja 1994 [master’s thesis]. (Health Behaviour in Helsinki and Tallinn in 1990, 1992 and 1994.) University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.
Kasmel, A., Lipand, A. (1998) Südametervise käsiraamat. Handbook of Heart Health.Estonian Centre for Health Promotion,Tallinn.
Kasmel A, Lipand A, Kasmel K, Markina A, Prättälä, R., Uutela A, Helakorpi S, Puska, P.(1999) Eesti täiskasvanud elanikkonna tervisekäitumise uuring, kevad,1998. Health Behaviour among Estonian Adult Population, Spring 1998. The National Public Health Institute B2/1999, Helsinki, Finland.
Prättälä, R., Helasuoja,V., Kasmel,A., Klumbiene, I., Pudule (1999) FINBALT HEALTH MONITOR - Feasibility of a collaborative system for monitoring health behavior in Finland and Baltic countries. National Public Health Institute, Helsinki, Finland.
Kepler K., Maser M., Kasmel A. and Tasa E. (1999). Eesti kooliopilaste tervis, tervisekaeitumine ja sotsiaalne keskkond muutuvas uhiskonnas aastatel 1991-1998. Tallinn:
Estonian Centre for Health Promotion.
Kasmel A, Lipand A, Kasmel K, Markina (2001) Eesti täiskasvanud elanikkonna tervisekäitumise uuring, kevad, 2000. Health Behaviour among Estonian Adult Population, Spring 2000.Estonian Centre for Health Education and Promotion, Tallinn.
Kasmel A, Lipand A, Kasmel K, Markina (2003) Eesti täiskasvanud elanikkonna tervisekäitumise uuring, kevad, 2002. Health Behaviour among Estonian Adult Population, Spring 2002.Estonian Centre for Health Education and Promotion, Tallinn, 2003.
Kasmel, A., Laasner, A. and Lipand, A. (2003). Tervisemõju analüüsi käsiraamat: Abiks poliitikule ja praktikule. Handbook of Health Impact Assessment. Estonian Union for Health Promotion, Tallinn.
Joasaare L, Kasmel A, Kikas T, Laasner A, Laasner Ü, Lipand A, Markina A, Moora L-M, Möldre M, Naelapea A, Ojamuru S, Paugus P, Ristkok A, Rüütel E, Suvi L, Tammar A, Maser M, Pajumäe-Massov K, Kurm J. (2005). Rapla maakonna terviseprofiil. Raplamaa rahva tervis. Rapla: Rapla Maavalitsus.
Kasmel, A. ja Lipand, A. (2007). Tervisedenduse teooria ja praktika I: Sissejuhatus salutoloogiasse. Theory and practice of health promotion: Introduction to salutology. Tallinn: Eesti Tervisedenduse Uhing.
Martinson M, Keldrima V, Tomberg E, Torjus U, Tur I, Hunt K, Raudsepp A, Kuulpak P, Ilver P, Rannala I-E, Pobbul P, Zernask M, Lääts K, Tamm K, Rannala V, Sadam U, Kasmel A. (2010). Tallinna Terviseprofiil. Tallinn. Tallinna Linnavalitsus.
Kasmel, A. (2011). Evaluation as a tool for community empowerment. Tallinn: Alfapress AS.
Kasmel, A. (2012). Evaluation as a Tool for Community Empowerment: A Study of the Three Community Initiatives in Rapla, Estonia. Odense: University of Southern Denmark.
Book chapters
Lipand A. and Kasmel A.(1998.). Health Behaviour in Estonia. In (eds.) R-A. Kiivet and J. Harro. Eesti rahva tervis1990 - 1996 The Health of Estonian Population1990 - 1996. Tartu University, Tartu.
Prättälä R, Helasoja V, Kasmel A, Klumbiene J, Lipand A, Petkeviciene J. (1998) Measuring disparities in food habits in Estonia, Finland and Lithuania. In(eds.) Köhler B, Dowler L, et al.Public Health and Nutrition. The challenge.Ed.Sigma, Berlin.
Prättälä, R., Helasuoja,V., Kasmel,A., Klumbiene, I., Pudule (1999) FINBALT HEALTH MONITOR - Feasibility of a collaborative system for monitoring health behavior in Finland and Baltic countries. National Public Health Institute, Helsinki.
Elenurm, T., Kasmel,A., Kidron, A., Rüütel, E., Teiverlaur, M. and Traat, U. (1997). Stressi teejuht. Estonian Centre for Health Promotion, Tallinn.
Lipand A., Kasmel, A (1999) Tervis ja eluviis. Jagatud õigused ja vastutus. Sooline võrdõiguslikkus Eestis. Gender Equity in Estonia, EV Sotsiaalministeerium, Tallinn.
Kasmel, A., Norheim, L. and Harrisson, D. Community approaches to health promotion in Estonia. Best Practices. A selection of papers on Quality and Effectiveness in Health Promotion. Suomeen Terveyskasvatuksen Keskus, 6/2000, Tallinn.
Kasmel, A. (2000). Kas saame muuta maailma enda ümber. Kultuur ja tervis: Elukvaliteet muutuvas maailmas. Culture and Health: Quality of Life in the World in Transition. Estonian Centre for Health Education and Promotion, Tallinn.
Kunst, A., Leinsalu, M. Kasmel, A. and Habicht, J. (2002).Social Inequalities in Health In Estonia. Ministry of Social Affairs, Tallinn.
Kasmel, A. (2002). Toitumiskäitumine. Kehaline aktiivsus. Tervise enesehinnang.In (eds.) R.-A. Kiivet and J. Harro. Eesti rahva tervis 1991-2002. Health in Estonia 1991-2002. Paar OU, Tartu.
<small>Prättälä R, Helasoja V, Kasmel,A., Klumbiene, J. and Pudule, I. (2003). Finbalt Health Monitor. Monitoring health behaviour in Finland and the Baltic countries. In (eds.) D. McQueen, P. Puska. Global Behaviour Risk Factor Surveillance. Kluwer, Atlanta. </small>
Kasmel, A. (2005). Rahvastiku tervis – reaalsus ja voimalused. Toim. E. Raska ja T. Raitviir. Eesti edu hind.Entsüklopeedia Kirjastus, Tallinn.
Jesse, M. ja Kasmel, A. (2005). Tervise- ja tervishoiu poliitika. In (eds.) R. Tammist ja H. Rumm. Estonian politics and policies yesterday, today and tomorrow: Reforms in seven realms. Johannes Mihkelsoni Keskus, Tallinn.
Kasmel, A. (2007-2011). 35 articles in Encyclopedy TEA.Entsuklopeediakirjastus, Tallinn.
Journal articles
Korhonen, H.J., Puska, P., Lipand, A., Kasmel, A. (1993). Combining mass media and contest in smoking cessation. An experience from a series of national activities in Finland. Hygie, 12(1): 14-18.
<small>Helasoja, V., Prättälä, R., Klumbiene, J., Petkeviciene, J., Kasmel, A., Lipand, A., Uutela, A., Puska, P. (2001). Smoking and passive smoking in Estonia, Lithuania and Finland - Identifying target groups of tobacco policy. European Journal of Public Health, 11(2):206-210.
Roos, G., Johansson, L., Kasmel, A., Klumbiene, J. and Prättälä, R. (2001). Disparities in vegetable and fruit consumption: European cases from the North to the South. Public Health Nutrition, 4:35–43.
</small>Kasmel, A., Lipand, A. and Markina, A. (2002). Eesti täiskasvanud elanikkonna tervisekäitumise suundumused aastatel 1990 kuni 2000.Trends in health behavior among Estonian adult population 1990-2000.Eesti Arst, 5:262-268.
<small>Helasoja, V., Prättälä, R., Klumbiene, J., Dregeval, L., Pudula, I., and Kasmel, A. (2002). Late response and item nonresponse in the Finbalt Health Monitor. European Journal of Public Health,12(2):117-123.
<small>Puska, P., Helasoja, V., Prättälä, R., Kasmel, A., Klumbiene, J. (2003). Health behaviour in Estonia, Finland and Lithuania in 1994-1998: Standardised comparison. European Journal of Public Health, 13(1): 11-17.
</small<small>Kasmel, A., Helasoja. V., Lipand, A., Prättälä, R., Klumbiene, J., Pudule, I. (2004). Association between health behavior and self reported health in Estonia, Finland, Latvia and Lithuania. European Journal of Public Health, 14(1):32-36.
Klumbiene, J., Petkeviciene, J., Helasoja, V., Prättälä, R. and Kasmel, A. (2004). Sociodemographic and health behaviour factors associated with obesity in adult populations in Estonia, Finland and Lithuania.European Journal of Public Health, 14: 390-394.
Kasmel, A. (2004) What are my five favourite resources as an Estonian health promoter?Reviews of Health Promotion and Education Online
Kasmel, A., de Leeuw, E. and Laasner, U. (2005). Building community capacity through evaluation research, in 8th Nordic Public Health Conference. Proceedings, Nordic Public Health. Reykjavik, Iceland.
Vernaillen, N., Van den Broucke, S., Kasmel, A. and Buzzeti, T. (2005). Building a strategy to tackle health inequalities: Results of a collaborative project of Flanders with Estonia and Slovenia. Research Group on Health Psychology. Antwerpen, Belgium.
Helasoja, V., Lahelma, E., Prättälä, R., Klumbiene, J., Pudule, I., Kasmel, A. (2005). The socio-democraphic patterning of health in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland in 1994-2000. European Journal of Public Health, 16(1): 8-20.
Kasmel, A. and de Leeuw, E. (2005). Measurement of the community empowerment, in EUPHA 2005, 13th Annual European Public Health Association Meeting, Health Promotion: Research and Challenges, European Public Health Association, Graz, Austria, pp. 122-122.
Helasoja, V., Lahelma, E., Prättälä, R., Klumbiene, J., Pudule, I., Kasmel, A. (2006).Determinants of daily smoking in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland in1994-2002.Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 34 (4): 353-362.
Petkeviciene, J., Klumbiene, J., Prättälä, R., Paalanen, L., Kasmel, A. and Pudule, I. (2007). Educational variations in the consumption of foods containing fat in Finland and in the Baltic countries. Public Health Nutrition, 10: 518-523.
Prättälä, R., Paalanen, L., Grinberga, D., Helasoja, V., Kasmel, A. and Petkeviciene, J. (2007). Gender differences in the consumption of meat, fruit and vegetables are similar in Finland and the Baltic countries. European Journal of Public Health, 17(5): 520-525.
Kasmel, A. (2009). Salutogenees – uus paradigma rahvatervises. Salutogenesis – the new paradigm in public health. Eesti Arst, 4: 86-90.
Morales, A.S-M., Battel-Kirk, B., Barry, M.M., Bosker, L., Kasmel, A. and Griffiths, J. (2009). Perspectives on health promotion competencies and accreditation in Europe. Global Health Promotion, 16(2): 21-31.
Kasmel, A. andTanggaard Andersen, P.T. (2011). Measurement of Community Empowerment in Three Community Programs in Rapla (Estonia). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,8: 799-817.
Kasmel, A. and Tanggaard Andersen, P. ( 2011). Evaluation of Changes in Individual Community-Related Empowerment in Community Health Promotion Interventions in Estonia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,8(6): 1772-1791.
Kasmel, A. and Tanggaard Andersen, P. (2011). Conceptualizing organizational domains of community empowerment through empowerment evaluation in Estonian communities. Societies,1(1): 3-29.
Abstracts of conference presentations
Lipand, A., Kasmel, A., Tasa, E. (1992). Health Behaviour among Estonian Adult Population. Abstract. 6thEuropean Health Psychology Society Conference, Aug 25-28, Leipzig, Germany.
Kasmel, A., Lipand, A., Tasa, E., Puska, P., Berg, M.-A. (1994). Body Mass Index in Finnish and Estonian Population in 1990. Abstract. 14thWorld Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education, June 16-21, Helsinki, Finland.
Kasmel, A., Lipand, A., Tasa, E., Puska, P. & Berg, M.-A. (1995). Dynamic Changes in Life-style Among Adult Population in Estonia and Finland,1990-1994. 15thWorld Conference of the International Union for Health Promotion and Health Education,Aug 20-25, Makuhari, Japan.
Lipand, A., Kasmel, A. (1995). Health behaviour in Estonia 1990 - 1994. Abstract. Public Health Conference “History and nowadays”, April 20-21, Tartu, Estonia.
Lipand, A., Kasmel, A. (1996). Smoking prevalence in Estonia and Finland 1990 - 1994. Abstract. Conference on Tobacco or Health “Smoke-free Europe”, Oct 2-4,Helsinki, Finland.
Prättälä, R., Helasoja, V., Kasmel, A., Klumbiene, J., Lipand, A., Petkeviciene, J.(1997). Ruokatottumusten sosioeconomiset erot Virossa, Suomessa ja Liettuassa - esimerkki vertailututkimuksen ongelmista. Sosiologipäivät, March 21. Helsinki.
Prättälä, R., Helasoja, V., Kasmel, A., Klumbiene, J., Lipand, A., Petkeviciene, J.(1997). Sociodemografic variation of food habits in Estonia, Finland and Lithuania. Abstract.Annual Meeting of EUPHA, Nov 20-22, Pamplona, Spain.
Kasmel, A. et al.(1997). Partnership in Building Effective Local Delivery of Health Promotion in Estonia. Abstract. Healthcare Forum“The Healthcare Communities Summit”, May 3-6, San Francisco, USA.
Kasmel, A. (1997). Violence: Problems and Prevention in Estonia. Abstract. 6th International Conference on Safe Communities “Consolidating Communities Against Violence”. Oct 15-18, Johannesburg, South-Africa.
Kasmel, A. et al.(1998). Dietary Lipids Intake and its Socio-Demographic Variation in Health Behaviour in Estonia, Lithuania and Finland. Abstract. 1stBaltic Lipid Conference, April 15-16, Tallinn, Estonia.
Kasmel, K., Kasmel,A., (1998). Trends in Health Behaviour in Estonia 1990-1996. Abstract. 16thWorld Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education, June 21-26, San Juan, Puerto Rico.