/ Study Plan for an Authority-registered Study Area Specification
If you are completing this form on-line, do not worry if a table breaks over to a new page.
Use this form to provide information in relation to the school’s plan for teaching and assessing this Authority-registered subject.
You should complete this study plan on the computer.
Please note:This study plan can be accessed from the QSA’s website (www.qsa.qld.edu.au).
Insert the course details into the second page of the school’s study plan.
SECTION 1: School’s statement
School: / School code:Specification: / functional mathematics / Subject code: / 6093
School contact: / Phone:
This is: a new study plan a resubmission an amendment to an approved study plan
(attach a note explaining nature of amendment)
This school intends to use:Approach B Approach C Not possible in this subject
(No VET — 4 semesters) (Vet combined with Non-VET — 2 Semesters)
Application for approval
The school has the resources necessary to implement this program of study and agrees to apply the Principles of assessment as outlined in the study area specification, and to follow the procedures and conditions set by the Queensland Studies Authority, for approval of the study plan and certification of student achievement. The timetabled school time devoted to the study and assessment of this subject is a minimum of 55 hours per semester.
Subject-specific advice to schools:
Functional Mathematics presents five topics from which schools are to design a course of study. The topic Mathematics for interpreting society: number is identified as a study area core. This topic is to be explored through a consideration of the other four topics. It is recommended that the school design an integrated approach to the study of the other topics of the course, rather than treat the four topics of Data, Location and time, Measurement and Finance separately.
The assessment overview must indicate the topics to be covered in any particular assessment piece. Schools must ensure that there is a balance of the three criteria across the course of study; however there may be more emphasis on one particular criterion in any one assessment piece. It is not appropriate to assess the criterion of Communicating on its own.
Section 2: Assessment overview and Sample Student Profile: Years 11 and 12
Unit or topic, technique, length, conditions / Formative
or Summative / Criteria & Standards
Knowing / Applying / Communicating
1 /
3 /
Exit standards
Exit level of achievement
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Queensland Studies Authority, Ground floor, 295 Ann StreetBrisbane. PO Box 307 Spring Hill Q 4004.
Phone: (07) 3864 0299; fax: (07) 3221 2553; email: ; website: www.qsa.qld.edu.au