Closing Remarks in Ministry at St Peter’s ~ September 22, 2013

I don’t know how many times I have told you – but you are a unique, wonderful congregation that I have been able to serve for 9 years and three months. We have laughed and cried together, studied, sweated and worked together. We have accomplished much…to the Glory of God in this place & way beyond our walls & village limits.

I am proud of you in so many ways and brag about you to my clergy friends. We have received new members and young families and I’ve done many Baptisms here.

However, one concern I have is that our worship attendance is not increasing and another is we are not meeting some of the needs of our youth…in getting them active & involved in the life of the Church (that we know of). I know there are congregations doing some of those exciting things with all age groups. Having provided a strong and solid basis for ministry on this corner of God’s Kingdom ~ perhaps it is time to let our leaders and a new pastor build on this foundation. I am certain it could be creative & exciting for everyone…well received by you and well- pleasing to God.

With that kind of optimism and faith, and my approaching the 35th anniversary of Ordination (on March 25, 2014), Donna and I have talked about our future ~ mostly our immediate future. With that in mind, I have talked with our congregation president, Mike Wobschall and the four previous presidents (Ron, Shirley, Chuck and Bonnie) and this Council about my retiring here at the end of December 2013. Several details will need to be worked out to do so appropriately, but we are all on good, congenial terms and I know we can work those logistics out. Besides, these previous presidents have all been involved before working with the Synod & Bishop’s office – to do a parish profile in anticipation of interviewing and calling a new pastor.

You may wonder if we are retiring to warmer climes or for me to golf more or for us to do exotic traveling…but it is none of that. Donna will continue to work at Lands’ End, we will eventually move to the Reedsburg area and, next year, I will run for public office. What exactly those plans are ~ are secondary to our reviewing and rejoicing about our Ministry together and your Visioning what the Ministry will look like on this corner of God’s Kingdom in the years to come.

I have one apology to make. It has been a dizzying week; I did not even think this past Monday this was the week for this announcement. After our years together, many of us have a special relationship. I am sorry I just could not tell you all personally of these plans…prior to this public statement. You are each special people to Donna & me that we will treasure our relationship with you into the future ~ wherever it takes each of us. But, for now, for the next three months, we will be still involved with each other…in Ministry and in loving Service to others, all to the Glory of God.

In closing, I thank God for each of you and for all of you ~ young and old. You have respected and revered me as your Pastor. You have honored me by inviting me into your lives and families in crisis and in grief, in celebration and fun times. That is humbling for me. Thank you so much.

I had no idea where or what 35 years of ministry might look like, or where they might be spent…and I sure never expected what may lie ahead, but know: I can only envision it BECAUSE our relationship together here has been so Blest and Fruitful.

Pastor Chris Miller