Quick Guide to getting started on Akari – Create a New Module

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Creating a new Module on Akari

Choose My Modules from the Modules drop down menu

The My Modules screen will open.

Click on the Create Modules button

The following screen will open prompting you to fill in some basic information about the new module.

Title Short: Enter the title of the module

Valid From: This should be for the academic year from which the new module will be valid. So this should be set to 2016-2017 (Sep 16 to Aug 17)

Teaching Period:Enter the semester in which the module will be delivered

Module Discipline: Choose the owning discipline here. There can be only one discipline entered so if the module is split between 2 disciplines a decision will need to be made as to which one ‘owns’ the module. NB. FTE information is entered separately

In this example the Module title is ‘Test Module’

It will be taught in Semester 1, the other options are Semester 2 or Semester 1 and Semester 2 for year long modules for example.

When you have completed the boxes click ‘Proceed’

The module screen will open. The information you have entered in the previous screen will automatically be populated. You are now required to complete the entries in the other fields.

Module Code: The module codes will be assigned by the final approver, please do not enter anything here, leave it blank if you are a module owner or editor.

Title: This field will be automatically populated based on the information entered in the previous screen.

Language of Instruction: Choose this from a dropdown box. In the majority of cases this will be English.

Teaching period: This will be automatically populated with the details you entered earlier.

Module Owner: This field will automatically populate with your name as you have just created it.

Who can Access /Editor : As the owner of the module you can assign a person to be a module editor. This would be if they need to make changes to the content or to the assessment data. Once they have edit status they can make changes to the module which it is in draft. In the future they can also create a new version of the module and edit it.

Module discipline: This will be populated automatically with the information you entered earlier

NFQ level: You need to choose the NFQ level of the module usually 8,9 0r 10.

ECTS credits: Choose the credits for the module from a drop down list

Description: This is a field in which you can enter additional information.

Full Time Equivalent : Click on ‘Add Content’. The following box appears

Choose the relevantDiscipline from the drop down menu

Enter the percentage of FTE for that discipline.

This will be 100% if there is just one Discipline involved.

Where there is more than one discipline involved, additional disciplines can be entered using the Add button

Acknowledgment: Additional information may be entered here as required

Source: Additional information on Source can be entered here

Module Level: A module can be defined as pass or honours here however this is not required.

When you have completed the fields on the screen click on the Next button which is located at the bottom left of the screen.

Learning Outcomes

To enter Learning outcomes , click on the Add New Learning Outcomes button and enter your first learning outcome

Once this has been entered click on the Add button to enter each additional learning outcome.

NB: Please choose ‘Save Module’ at intervals to save your updates as you go along.

A blue line should appear at the top of your screen to indicate that the records were saved successfully. If you do not see this your information has not been saved, please wait until you see this before you exit the screen.

The process is to go through each tab and update each.

Outcomes -

When you have entered all of your outcomes click on the Next button located at the bottom left of the screen.

This will open the Assessment tab

Click on Add Assessment to create a new assessment for the module.

Choose the Assessment Category you want from the drop down list

The options that appear under the Assessment type will depend on the Assessment Category that you have chosen.

The assessment types that appear when written assessment is chosen are displayed opposite.

The Assessment types that appear when Continuous assessment is chosen as Assessment Category are displayed opposite

Complete the rest of the screen with the description of and details of the assessment e.g. % of marks going for the assessment. Pass mark and semester and sitting details.

The Timing of formal paper assessments is always 2hours.

In this example a written paper is the assessment type. The exam is of 2 hours duration. It represents 50% of the assessment. It is marked out of 100 with a pass mark of 40%

Akari will tot up the % and display it in red if it does not equal 100%. In the above case an additional assessment would be needed

To do this click on the Add Assessment button located to the right of the assessment information

When you have completed the screen click on the Next button.

This opens the Bonds Screen.

NB If you do not require a bond for your module then you can skip this screen and go to the resources screen.

If you wish to add a bond click on the Add bond button. The following screen will open

Select the type of bond you wish to use from the drop down box

Choose the module to which you want to bond this new module .

Click Add module. The 2 modules should be bonded.

When you have created your bond click on the click on the Next button.


You can enter reference material her such as reading lists, journal articles or resources such as websites.

Indicative Content: You can enter a short description of your module here

Click on Add Content and a text box will open.

Enter your heading and description text

Click Add to add the text.

Book List

Click on Add book resource to add book to your reading list.

If you have the ISBN number of the book you can enter it in the ISBN field andit will automatically populate the book details.

When you have finished entering the information,Click on the Add Book Resource button.

You can add additional books by repeating the steps above,

You can add articles and paper list and other resources in the same manner using the relevant buttons

When you have includedall of your book resources click on the Next button

The Workload screen opens


Choose an option from the Workload type

Enter a short description, hours and frequency. Click on the Add Workload Item

The Finish Screen

When you have completed the workload items click on the next button. This will bring you to the Finish screen

Save ad Exit: This saves the module but doesn’t send it anywhere. So you can go back and edit it again if you wish.

Print Preview : This will give you a preview of the module

Submit for approval: Press this button when you are happy with the module and wish to submit it up the line for approval.

You can also add in Discussion notes for the module coordinator who will be looking at the module before submitting it for College approval

What happens now?

The module will go to a Coordinator who will either approve the module or send it back to you for edits.

If the coordinator is happy with the content etc. they will submit it for approval.

It should now show up on your pending approval tab.

Once the module receives final approval, it will be moved to your approved modules list.