Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing ArtsIndividual study plan for doctoral student
Name: / Date when study plan was drawn up:Swedish identity number: / Department/School:
Address: / Doctoral subject:
Postal code, Town: / Principal supervisor:
Home tel nr: / Work tel nr: / Assistant supervisor:
Mobile tel nr: / Email: / Examiner (if other than the principal supervisor):
Dissertation subject (title): / Date when studies began:
Intended degree
(please indicate appropriate degree title) / Licentiate degree / Licentiate degree in the arts
Doctoral degree / Doctoral degree in the arts / Estimated completion date for degree (month,year):
Planned leave from studies / Date (from - until)
Reason for leave of absence
Institutional/Departmental employment / Type of work (e.g. teaching) and extent (% of full time)
Funding plan for entire period of study (should be the same as the plan that has been reported to Ladok (student registry):
20xx / 20xx / 20xx / 20xx / 20xx / 20xx
S term / A
term / S term / A
term / S term / A
term / S term / A
term / S term / A
term / S term / A
Use the following codes to indicate type of funding for each term (S(pring) term /A(utumn) term) of your doctoral studies:
DTJ = doctoral position at a university or university college, independent of who is funding the position. HTJ = other position than doctoral position within one’s own or at another university/university college where studies can be pursued within one’s employment tasks. UBB = educational grant. FTG = Company Doctoral Student (trade and industry sector). AUH = position outside university where studies can be pursued within one’s employment tasks, e.g., city council/town district, county council or other authority ( within teaching positions). STP = stipend. ÖVR = no financial support.
The plan in detail
Rate of study (to be given in % of full time for every term of one’s doctoral studies)20xx / 20xx / 20xx / 20xx / 20xx / 20xx
A term / S term / A term / S term / A term / S term / A term / S term / A term / S term / A term
20xx / 20xx
S term / A term / S term / A term
Supervisor’s contribution
Supervisory resources available to doctoral students during the entire period of their studies amount to 544 hours, of which the principal supervisor is allocated 340 hours and the assistant supervisor 204 hours. The supervisory resources allocated to assistant supervisors may be allocated to one or more supervisors. Supervisory resources can also be allocated in other ways between one’s principal supervisor and one’s assistant supervisor; however, each doctoral student should have at least one assistant supervisor.
Supervisor’s contribution, principal supervisor, what has been carried out and what is planned
To be given in hours (normally 42,5 hours/term for full-time studies)
20xx / 20xx / 20xx / 20xx / 20xx / 20xx
term / A
term / S
term / A
term / S term / A term / S
term / A term / S term / A term / S term / A term
20xx / 20xx
S term / A term / S term / A term
Supervisor’s contribution, assistant supervisor, what has been carried out and what is planned
To be given in hours (normally 25,5 hours/term for full-time studies)
20xx / 20xx / 20xx / 20xx / 20xx / 20xx
S term / A term / S term / A term / S term / A term / S term / A term / S term / A term / S term / A term
20xx / 20xx
S term / A term / S term / A term
Allocation of supervisory resources between assistant supervisors (to be given in hours for every term more than one assistant supervisor has taken part / is planned to take part in supervision):
Time plan for dissertation work (e.g. chapters, articles and artistic productions to be included in the dissertation; and also seminars, presentations, exhibitions and concerts ) (make a list for each term, using the heading “ Spring term 2010” etc; for each activity indicate what kind of activity and the content of the activity together with the date and time of each activity).
Dissertation work carried out up to now (chapters, articles and artistic productions [finished or in process] to be included in the dissertation; and also seminars, presentations, exhibitions and concerts) (indicate date and time and also kind of activity)
Working budget
The working budget is intended for courses, conference fees, travelling costs, material, literature, hiring lecturers, external examiners (but not at the public defence of the finished dissertation) etc. Parts of this money can even be used in groups after an agreement has been reached between doctoral students and supervisors.
In addition to the working budget even external incomes should be recorded in the budget e.g. incomes from funds (indicate what fund). Expenses should be specified with the amount and the purpose of this expenditure (in brief).
Unused incomes from previous years:
2010 Income xxx Expenses xxx
2011 Income xxx Expenses xxx
2012 Income xxx Expenses xxx
2013 Income xxx Expenses xxx
Total income: xxx Total amount of expenses: xxx
Budget for public defence of dissertation (does not need to be given until approximately one year before estimated public defence)
The Faculty Board allocates institutional funding amounting to SEK 50,000 per dissertation to cover costs incurred for public defences. The amount allocated per public defence is decided upon on a yearly basis in connection with the annual budget. This funding is intended to cover the cost of producing the dissertation and normal expenses for the examiner and the examining committee (see paragraph 2.9 in the Faculty Handbook). Note: this does not apply to doctoral students at the Centre for Educational Science and Teacher Research.
Printing costs:
Examiner’s fees:
Examiner’s and examining committee’s travelling expenses:
Other costs in connection with the public defence:
Total amount of costs:
Planned courses(give the title and the type of course [e.g.. reading course, cross-faculty course])
(for the number of Higher Education Credits (HECs) required in the subject, see respective syllabus) / term / Examiner / HECs
Courses already completed / Reg. date
(year-mm-dd) / Examiner / HECs
Career Plans
Have the supervisor and doctoral student discussed future career paths? ___ Yes ___ No
Date for talk about career plans:______
International seminars/presentations that have been carried out or that are planned:
Doctoral student Principal supervisor
Head of Academy/School/Department (or the equivalent)
Checked date Approved date
Director of Doctoral Education Dean
Project description
An up-to- date description of your dissertation project should be attached to the individual study plan (approximately 1 A4 page in length).