Minutes ofFeb22, 2018
The regular meeting of the Grand Blanc Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at
5:33 p.m. by B. Hesterat the Grand Blanc Parks and Recreation Office, 360 E. Grand Blanc Road,
Grand Blanc, Michigan.
Commission Present: Brad HesterChairman
Jason MaccoVice Chairman (Late)
Paula NasSecretary/Deputy Treasurer
Matthew SimpsonCommissioner
Jake MengelCommissioner
Ken ThomasCommissioner (Late)
Staff Present:KaeEidsonDirector
Jamie WeaselAssistant Director
Rob McRaeProgrammer
Chris HesterMaintenance Supervisor
Carol Neumann Office Manager
Misty MoenSenior Coordinator
Absent: Tom PettitTreasurer
B. Hester requested a motion to accept theFebruary agenda as presented.J. Mengelmade the motion to accept the February agenda as presented. B. Hester provided support. Vote taken 4 Yeas – 0 Nays. Motion carried.
B. Hester made a motion to accept theJan 18, 2018Minutesas presented. Support was provided by M. Simpson.
Vote taken 4 Yeas–0 Nays. Motion carried.
Directors Report
B. Hester inquired the status of Consumers Energy part in the installation process of the security cameras. K.Eidson noted they completed their part and we are all set.
Assistant Director
J. Macco inquired if a 2017 year end summary of summer programs could be made available to present to the School Board. J. Weasel said he would provide a report of the requested information. K. Eidson noted Superintendent Garner had informed her the school board has requested quarterly reports, with each school appointed commissioner reporting at oneschool board meeting. Additionally, K.Eidson noted the Board also requested she provide the other two reports. K. Eidson said she would contact the schools to see if there is a particular schedule they would like the Commission to follow.
B. Hester asked how the MParks Annual Conference went this year. J. Weasel stated it was very good and noted Advance Physical Therapy Center, who we do a partner program with, won an award. They sent two representatives to accept the award and were very appreciative of the award and seemed to really enjoy the event.
Recreation Programmer
B. Hester inquired about the status of programs. R. McRae noted everything is going well and Volleyball and Jr. League Basketball will be wrapping up by the end of next week.
Maintenance Supervisor
B. Hester inquired about the vehicle that trespassed on the north side of the park. C. Hester indicated the vehicle gained access by going around the gated area. Tracks could be seen all over that side of the park; however, do to the snow cover nothing was damaged. The security cameras picked up the vehicle make and model but the driver had removed the license plate. M. Simpson indicated the police department could possibly help identify individuals through the vehicle type noting if they have done this once they have probably committed other offenses as well of which there may be a record of that information. Additionally, C. Hester also noted they will be keeping an eye on the dumpsters at the park as there has been a rash of people dumping trash illegally.
K. Thomas inquired about the comment in maintenance staff report regarding the cutting of trees in the park. C. Hester noted it was to clear the area so the signal for the security camera will transmit properly.
Senior Center Coordinator
B. Hester noted he saw there is new Assisted Living Facility being constructed currently. M. Moen noted they are scheduled to open late spring or early summer of 2018. Additionally, M. Moen made note it was the 34th year of the AARP tax preparation assistance program offered at the Senior Center.
K. Eidson made note of a donation made in memory of former Senior Coordinator, Vicki Michelson. It was noted Mrs. Michelson passed away on December 24th, 2017.
Administration & Policy Committee
Did not meet / No Report
Area & Facilities
Did not meet / No Report
Budget & Finance Committee
Did not meet / No Report
Senior Committee
Did not meet / No Report
Old Business
None to report
New Business
None to report
Financial Reports
P. Nasmade a motion to accept the January 2018 Financial Statements as presented. J. Mengelprovided support.
Vote taken 6 Yeas – 0 Nays. Motion carried.
P, Nasmade a motion to approve the January Payable Check register as presented. J. Mengelprovided support.
Vote taken 6 Yeas – 0 Nays. Motion carried.
Round Table
K. Eidson noted that on February 23 she would be celebrating 33 years with Grand Blanc Parks & Recreation. Commissioners and staff offered congratulations on her long time employment with Grand Blanc Parks & Recreation.
J. Weasel thanked the staff for their help and support with the annual Daddy Daughter Dance on Thursday, February 15, 2018. He noted the event was a big success and appreciates the help provided by the staff and volunteers. There were several students from Powers High School that assisted with the evening event along with several staff members from Genisys Credit Union helping. Genisys not only sponsored the event and provided several volunteers, but additionally did a raffle for two $25 gift cards the night of the event.
C. Neumann offered a job well done to J. Weasel for the Daddy Daughter Dance noting the event was extremely well organized. C. Neumann also made mention of the excellent volunteers provided from Genisys Credit Union and Powers High School and our appreciation for the community support for this.
J. Macco noted he is looking to winning big at the Hard Times Party. He is currently working on his winning strategy. Also on a more serious note he inquired if we have started our hiring process for summer programs. J. Weasel indicated he is currently in the process of determining who will be returning from the previous year. It was noted our application is available online and can be turned into the office at any time.
B. Hester reminded the Commissioners to check their email for the original Commission Agreement and submit any suggestions for updates to Kae by Feb. 28th.
As there was nothing further to discuss J. Maccomade a motion to adjourn at 5:48p.m. Support provided by P. Nas
Vote taken 6 Yeas – 0 Nays
Respectfully submitted,
Paula Nas