#77609 MW 11-12:20E-mail:
KATHRYN ADKINS, InstructorOffice: Rm 4106; 477-3700 ext.1302
Class will center on principles of relaxation, uninhibited release of breath, resonation and connection between the natural sound of the voice and emotion in speaking and singing. Included in technique training will be IPA, diction/articulation study and presentation of text through poetry, song and script.
Learning Outcomes 1. Perform a variety of spoken texts demonstrating the effective use and coordination of breath control, projection, articulation, enunciation, emphasis, pitch, pace, pause appropriate to the prescribed texts.
Objectives1. To read aloud with greater confidence and meaning
2. To analyze material for vocal presentation or performance
3. To apply learned vocal principles and techniques when speaking and/or performing
4. To identify vocal (speaking) problems within his/her own voice
5. To analyze and solve basic pronunciation problems through use of phonetic alphabet
6. To compare and contrast the various types of accents and dialects
REFERENCE TEXTS: Freeing the Natural Voice, Kristen Linklater; Voice and the Actor, Cicely Berry, The Articulate Voice, Lynn K. Wells.
On line viewing and listening to professional speakers, actors and singers is required.
GRADING: 50% Attendance and Participation, 10% Midterm, 15% Final, 25% Class Assignment Notebook
Attendance/Participation: This course requires active participation each day of class so it is important for you to attend every class session, arrive on time, and come prepared. Your participation not only enhances your own learning, it benefits other students in the class, especially when the class is doing group work. Your level of participation is reflected in your grade and since you can’t participate if you are not in class, absences will also be reflected in your grade.”
Students will be required to turn in a notebook with reviews of assigned viewing. Videos/CD/DVD/YouTube viewing response papers in the notebook will be perused periodically at instructor’s request. Room 5131 Music/Theater Lab is in the music building. Videos in the Lab and in the library must be watched on site, they may not be checked-out.
Students needing accommodations should contact the instructor ASAP. As required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), accommodations are provided to insure equal opportunity for students with verified disabilities. If you need assistance with an accommodation, please contact Disabled Student Services, Room 810, (479-6379) or Learning Skills Program, Room 1073, (479-6220).
8/27-29Orientation, Relaxation, Posture, Breathing
Assign: Library viewing of PH4197.A38 Advanced Voice Workout for the Actoror Room 5131, TA42Speak For Yourself-Vocal Workout
Due 9/5: Short prose #1(4-5 sentences)
9/5Prepared Reading #1short prose
Assign: Library video viewing of PN4121.H69 vols. 1-3How to Speak Without Fear and PN4121.I58 Speaking With Confidence.
9/10-12Melody in words, resonance and tone
Assign:You-Tube Maya Angelu; Edith Evens; James Earl Jones
Due 9/17 PPrepared Reading #2 poetry (8-10 lines)
9/17Due: Prepared Reading #2 poetry
9/19Energy and tempo, release, excitement and dynamics
Assign: With a partner, video your midterm selection and critique. YouTube of Martin L. King, John F. Kennedy
9/24-26 Throat anatomy and health
Assign: Room 5131, viewing of TM 116 Performers and Voice Fatigue;
YouTubeof news broadcasters: national NBC, ABC, CNN, Fox and local station broadcasters.
Diction Group presentation
10/1-3IPA Introduction
Assign: TA 43 The Anatomy of Eloquence; YouTube of Martin L. King, John F. Kennedy
10/8-10Due:IPA Presentations Vowels/Consonants
Assign: Midterm- Persuasive prose, 1 minute, memorized. With a partner, video your midterm selection and write a one page critique.
10/15-Midterm: Prepared persuasive prose
10/17Emotional quality of sound: soft/romantic, sharp-edged, aggressive etc.
Assign: Listen to poetry reading of Pablo Naruda, Robert Frost and contrast with reading from Walt Whitman.
10/22-Singing Text: Breath, melody, diction, silence
Assign: You-tube Sprechstimme, Rap
10/24Finding the drama in text.
Assign:Garrison Keiller, “Praire Home Companion” radio program review.
10/29-Character/Cartoon sounds.
10/31Assign: In groups cast, rehearse your radio show.
11/5-Working the script. In class rehearsal of radio show. Connecting breath.
11/7Assign: Rehearse, record and review your radio show.
11/14Class presentation of radio shows.
11/21Assign: YouTube of John Gielgud, Sir Lawrence Olivier others as noted.
Choose and work a 8-15 line Shakespeare sonnet/monoloque.
11/26-28 In class work/evaluation of Shakespeare
Assign: In room 5131, TA3 Shakespeare: Language and Character, TA 25 Shakespeare: Rehearsing the Text, TA13 Shakespeare: Using the Verse, TA 48 Speaking Shakespearean Verse
12/3-5Presentation of Shakespeare sonnet/monologue.
12/12 WED.Final 10:00AM