Appendix I – Supervisor Checklist for Workplace Violence Incidents

☐Step 1 – Supervisor becomes aware of workplace violence, whether reported or not.

☐Step 2 – Supervisor promptly investigates and addresses all incidents of workplace violence.

☐Step 3 – Supervisor assesses the nature of incident and consults with other parties, where appropriate.

(E.g. Corporate Security, Health and Safety staff, Joint Health and Safety Committee/Health and Safety Representative, Employee Health and Rehabilitation, Human Rights Office, Toronto Police Services)

☐Step 4 – In the event of a critical incident, Supervisorinitiates the corporate or divisional critical incident steps and consults Employee Assistance Program, where appropriate.

☐Step 5 – In accordance with the Criminal Code, physical violence or threats of physical violence must be reported to the Toronto Police Services. Depending on the circumstances, management and/or the assaulted/threatened employee will report the incident to the police. [Note: Toronto Police Services may prefer or expect that the report be made by the person directly involved]. In the event that management and the employee who reported an incident are in disagreement on whether the reported incident constitutes workplace violence, either party has the right to contact the police to report the incident should they believe it appropriate to do so.

☐Step6 – In accordance with the Corporate Security Policy, Supervisor ensures all security related incidents are reported promptly to Corporate Security.

☐Step 7 – Supervisor logs incident in Quatro Safety and ensures to check off that workplace violence was a contributing factor. Supervisor completes the supervisor's portion of the Workplace Violence and Threat Report form within Quatro Safety.

☐Step 8 – Supervisor prints the employee portion (last page) of the Workplace Violence and Threat Report formand provides it for the worker to complete and return to the supervisor. The employee may retain a copy if they wish. A complete Workplace Violence and Threat Report form contains both the supervisor and employee portion.

☐Step 9 – Supervisor sends the employee portion of the Workplace Violence and Threat Report form to Occupational Health and Safety in the Human Resources division. Forwarding of an electronic scanned copy of the report to Human Resources is preferred as this will enable it to be appended to the incident in Quatro Safety.

☐Step 10 – Supervisor provides the complete Workplace Violence and Threat Report form (supervisor and employee portion) to the Joint Health and Safety Committee/Health and Safety Representative. Supervisor communicates any additional follow-up activity with the Joint Health and Safety Committee/Health and Safety Representative.

☐Step 11–If the workplace violence event meets any of the following criteria (please check the appropriate box below), Supervisor ensures the completed Workplace Violence and Threat Report form (supervisor and employee portion) to the applicable union(s), within 3 business days after the incident:

☐A shooting at, or impacting, a City building

☐A lockdown where police are involved and whereby external doors are locked

☐A building evacuated for workplace violence reason

☐Any incident involving an assault where police are contacted

☐Use or threatened use of a weapon, including a firearm

☐The nature of the incident means that media are involved or are likely to be involved

☐The incident is sufficiently significant to be escalated to senior management

Supervisor checks this box if Step 11 does not apply.

☐Step 12 – If appropriate, Supervisor initiates further risk assessments to ensure adequate measures are in place to minimize or eliminate workplace violence risks.

☐Step 13 – Supervisor provides results of risk assessments to Joint Health and Safety Committee/Health and Safety Representative.