Great city in Shymkent

Shymkent is one of the oldest cities in Kazakhstan. According to historical data, the city dates back to 60 BC. It was built in the II century. The Shymkent city of Zhibek Zholy is on the way to the caravansary. For many years research works have been conducted in the ancient city, and there is no limit to the number of foreign tourists.

According to researchers in South Kazakhstan, settlements in Shymkent in the XI-XII centuries. emerged. But according to the latest archaeological finds, Shymkent was the sixth to the seventh century. It shows the basis for people to live. Persian historian Sharaf al-Din Ali appeared in the book Zafar Name Shamkent as a city in 1425 and crossed the Great Silk Road. Shymkent is surrounded by ancient medieval cities - Otyrar, Isfidzhab (Sairam), Iasi (Turkestan), Suktent, Syganak, Sauran and other legendary cities. Shymkent - historical and cultural hospitality and industrial infrastructure will remain an attractive area for tourists. In the center of Shymkent, the Old Town has been preserved, and it attracts not only scholars, but also students, historians, and even tourists.

Where did the name of Shymkent come from?

The history of the city of Shymkent and its meaning are still unknown. The answers to this mystery were not found by well-known researchers. Someone describes the city as "city-garden", "green city", some say "a city covered with earth". The word "shim" means the upper surface of the earth, the crust, and the "town", the city. Some researchers believe that the word "Shymkent" originated from the ancient Oriental language. In the eastern tongue, the word "chimney" ("chemen") means "green valley", "blue glacial".

In honor of the 50th anniversary of Kazakhstan's joining Russia in 1914, the city of Shymkent was renamed Chernyaev. However, in 1921, the city was renamed its name.

One of the largest regions of the Republic, bordering on the east, is Zhambyl, in the north - Karaganda, in the west - Kyzylorda, in the south - the Republic of Uzbekistan. The regional center is located at the crossroads of the Shymkent city - Orenburg-Tashkent and Turkestan-Siberian international highways. There is also a convenient connection to the Tashkent-Shymkent-Taraz-Almaty and Tashkent-Shymkent-Turkestan-Samara motorways. Shymkent, which is the modern industrial, trade and cultural center, is one of the largest cities in the Republic of Kazakhstan with its million people. Founded at the crossroads of the caravan roads, located in one part of the Great Silk Road, Shymkent is a part of ancient cities of Central Asia and has rich history and culture.

The city territory is about 300 square kilometers

The population is 627.5 thousand people

Shymkent is the third largest city in the country. However, according to unofficial data, there are much more people in Shymkent. The reason is that migrants from the near and far abroad are registered.

In 2011, 353 industrial enterprises were registered in the city.


- The number of large and medium-sized enterprises - 74;

- Small enterprises - 243;

- Subsidiaries - 36.

Attractions in Shymkent

Shymkent is one of the centers of trade, culture and industrial development of the Kazakh state. There are Kazakh, Slavic, Uzbek, Tatar, German, Hebrew, Korean, Polish, Bashkir, Azerbaijani etc. There are 19 national cultural centers.

One of the attractions of the city is central parks. Three parks were built in the 19th century. One park is located within the framework of the regional philharmonic named after Shamshi Kaldayakov. Also there are parks of rest and culture named after Abai, etnography park "Ken-баба", Dendro park, zoo, hippodrome, entertaining and trading complex "MegaCenter", entertainment center "Nimex Land", "Bamzik" and a comfortable stay for its guests.

The Russian Drama Theater is open for producers. Theatrical performances feature performances by Kazakh and foreign classics.

In 2011, 353 production enterprises were registered in Shymkent. Including 74 large and medium industrial enterprises, 243 small enterprises, 36 subsidiary companies. Transport, chemistry, mining, food, etc. industrial areas are rapidly developing.

Shymkent got the status of "Third City"

Writing novels, stories, poems about the city. Chirva, O. Posnikov, Yu. Let's recall one poet-writer, who is different from Kungurtsev and Haikin, but the language is different. They were the children of this city. Written compositions about the city of Shymkent A.Zhylkshiev, N. Seraliev, O. Malarkov, N. Suleimenov, K.Kaziev, Zh. Tuyakbayev, K. In the year 1991, writer Oralkhan Bokeev wrote to the poetess Abdilda Aymak: "You live in this beautiful city. I rarely meet the surrounding mountains and streams! "He said. The city of Abdilda soon wrote poems to the city. The Silk Road magazine was first published in this city. The editor was Toregeldi Baitasov. The Shamshi Kaldayakov Music Festival was held in Shymkent for the first time. The great writer Chingiz Aitmatov held a meeting at the Zh. Shanin Drama Theater in the city and was honored ...

In August 2011, Shymkent became one of the best. The International Assembly of the Major cities and capitals awarded the Shymkent City Mayor with a special diploma of the III International Competition and was recognized as "The best city in CIS and EurAsEC". All this is for the benefit of the country. Thank you!

Shymkent is becoming more and more popular every year. Along with the architecture and the potential, the magnificent landscape was expanded and the population increased. The capital of the capital Astana and the most beautiful city received the status of the "third city" after Almaty.