Learning Share
For your share: You will have 5 minutes to share something you have learned thus far from the course – from textbooks, lectures, films, or in group activities. Refer first to the information you are using – tell the class what page to turn to in what book, or refer to a certain activity or lecture. Let them know what point you are starting from
This assignment will illustrate how well you can integrate COURSE INFORMATION with personalexperience. This is about YOU, not anyone else. Your share must relate to YOU and adapted to the course materialof your choice. Do not “teach” the class textbook information. Simply refer to it briefly if it relates to your speech.
DO NOT READ FROM THE BOOKS OR YOUR NOTES!! This is “from the heart” – you should let the class know if you are going to refer to a book so they can follow along but NO READING!
AN OUTLINE IS REQUIRED - (1-2 pages TYPED in Outline Format) which is presented to your instructor before your share. The main points of your share should be outlined CLEARLY. Keep a copy for yourself to refer to during your share. WARNING: NO OUTLINE – NO SHARE.
(See Outline Example online under Handouts). Short outlines receive fewer points.
** “Rambling” indicates to me you are not prepared to share. Do not attempt to “wing it” for this share – but instead, be well prepared as to what you are going to discuss. Perhaps rehearse it with a friend. If you use your outline – do not “read” from the outline. Use the outline as a guide to keep you on track. Prepare for more than 5 minutes so you won’t end too early. It’s better to have more to say and make the time limit, rather than less to say and lose points.
WARNING: IF YOU “READ” YOUR SHARE FROM YOUR OUTLINE – expect at least a one-half point deduction of the worth of the share. Rehearse it so you don’t “read” it. You can “refer” to your outline but NOT READ IT. That is why you do not type full paragraphs in your outline, only short phrases.
Share something from the course that you have put to use in your own life – a concept or theory that has offered you “clarity” in an area that you sought to improve. Tell us where you were before you took this class, and where you are now as a result of working on your communication with self and others. BE SPECIFIC.
If sharing a theory you have used (for example, the Rescue Triangle) briefly discuss the information to refresh the class’s memory.
You will receive all of the points offered if you speak the entire 5 minutes, are organized, well prepared, and have made a sincere effort to affect a positive change in your life based on information offered in this course. Speaking less than 5 minutes amounts to lesspoints. A professional and well organized outline counts toward the total points.
Think “positive!” You can do it!!