No. AG 6 of 1994
This agreement shall be known as the Wesfarmers Wool Store Operation Employees Enterprise Agreement 1994.
1. Title
2. Arrangement
3. Area, Scope and Objectives
4. No Increases Outside Agreement
5. Term
6. Relationship to Parent Award
7. Definitions
8. Consultative Process
9. Contract of Service
10. Hours of Work
11. Overtime
12. Meal Breaks and Rest Pauses
13. Rosters
14. Public Holidays
15. Work on Public Holidays
16. Classification Structure
17. Wages
18. Training
19. Counselling Procedure
20. Annual Leave
21. Sick Leave
22. Bereavement Leave
23. Payment of Wages
24. Settlement of Disputes and Claims
25. Clothing
Appendix - Resolution of Disputes Requirements
Schedule A. - Signatories
(1) The parties to this agreement are Wesfarmers Limited (the company) and The Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees' Association of Western Australia (the union) in the state of Western Australia. This agreement shall apply to the employees of Wesfarmers Wool Store operation Fremantle employed in accordance with Clause 16. - Classification Structure of this agreement.
(2) The primary objectives of this agreement are:
(a) To improve productivity in the Wool Store operation by providing for greater organisational efficiency through increased flexibility and utilisation of employee skills and significantly more flexible arrangements with respect to employees' working time.
(b) To provide more satisfying secure and better paid employment and a classification structure relevant to current operations.
(c) To provide a sound basis for expanded capital investment and employment opportunities within the Wool Store operation.
(1) Except as provided by this agreement there shall be no wage increases applicable to any employees bound by this agreement during its term. Increases which may become available through National and State Wage Cases shall not be paid during the term of this agreement.
(2) The parties will determine, during the term of this agreement, key performance indicators and other relevant measures of productivity with a view to negotiating a wage increase as provided by subclause (2) of Clause 17. - Wages, and a further agreement to succeed this agreement linking wage increases to, among other things, the achievement of improved productivity relative to agreed indicators and measures.
(1) This agreement shall operate for a period of two years and five months with effect from the first pay period commencing on or after 1 February 1994 and shall cease as of the 30th June 1996.
(2) Notwithstanding the above, this agreement shall be subject to a trial period ceasing on 30th June 1995, at which time either party to this agreement may elect to withdraw from this agreement and the agreement shall be cancelled. In the event that this agreement is cancelled at the end of the trial period, the conditions of employment for persons previously covered by this agreement will revert to those provided by the Wool, Hide and Skin Store Employees' Award No. 8 of 1966.
This agreement shall be read and interpreted wholly in conjunction with the Wool, Hide and Skin Store Employees' Award No. 8 of 1966 as varied from time to time. To the extent of any inconsistency between this agreement and the parent award, the terms of this agreement shall prevail.
(1) "Employer" shall mean Wesfarmers Limited.
(2) "Employee" shall mean a person engaged in accordance with Clause 9. - Contract of Service.
(3) "Union" shall mean the Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees' Association of Western Australia.
(4) "Annual Base salary" means the salary applicable for 1976 ordinary hours of work (38 hours x 52 weeks).
(5) "Competency" means the level of skill and knowledge of all procedures necessary to complete work safely, efficiently and effectively.
(1) The parties agree to monitor the application of this agreement during its term. To this end a consultative committee will be established consisting of employer, union and employee representatives to develop work measurement studies and systems of recording performance and to communicate the outcomes of this process to employees.
(2) The consultative committee will also assist in the resolution of any disputes which may arise through the application of this agreement with a view to minimising recourse to Industrial Tribunals or industrial disruption.
(1) (a) Except in the case of casual employees, one week's notice shall be necessary to terminate the contract of employment or, in the event of such notice not being given, by the payment of one week's pay by the employer or the forfeiture of one week's pay from the employee's entitlements as appropriate.
(b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the employer may, at any time, dismiss an employee for refusing or neglecting to obey a reasonable instruction or for misconduct or if, after receiving one week's notice, the employee does not carry out his/her duties in the same manner as he/she did prior to such notice.
(2) (a) Casual employees shall be engaged for a maximum of 38 hours per week in accordance with Clause 10. - Hours of Work provided that the minimum engagement on any day shall be 4 hours.
(b) A casual employee shall be paid for each ordinary hour of work at the rate of the annual base salary for the appropriate classification divided by 1976 plus 20%.
(3) (a) On termination, a permanent employee who has worked more hours than those for which he/she has been paid pursuant to this agreement shall be paid for all such hours at the ordinary time rate of pay and such payment shall be included with the employee's termination pay.
(b) A permanent employee who has worked fewer hours than those for which he/she has been paid pursuant to this agreement shall have an amount equal to the ordinary time rate of pay for such hours deducted from the employee's termination pay.
(1) All employees, except casual employees, shall be paid in accordance with Clause 17. - Wages on the basis of 1976 ordinary hours per year.
All ordinary hours worked by an employee shall be deducted from the total of 1976 hours. Annual leave, paid sick leave, public holidays, long service leave and bereavement leave shall be deducted from the total of 1976 hours.
(2) Ordinary hours of work shall be:
(a) 6.00am - 6.00pm Monday to Thursday except that from the period 1st August to the end of the 2nd week in December the ordinary hours of work shall be 6.00am to 8.00pm Monday to Thursday.
(b) Friday's 6.00am to 4.00pm except that the employer may roster an employee to work the hours from 4.00pm to 6.00pm on five occasions during the year.
(c) Saturday 6.00am to 6.00pm, provided that a maximum of 8 ordinary hours are worked on Saturday in any year and provided further that such ordinary hours worked on Saturday shall be deducted from the total of 1976 hours at the rate of one and one half hours for each hour worked.
(3) Employees rostered to work ordinary hours shall be rostered such that:
(a) The maximum number of rostered ordinary hours of work on any day shall be 10.
(b) The minimum number of rostered ordinary hours of work on any day shall be 8 except in the case of Saturday as outlined in paragraph (2)(c) hereof when the minimum number of rostered ordinary hours of work shall be 4.
(1) The following work shall be regarded as overtime and paid at the overtime rate of pay:
(a) Work performed outside of ordinary hours as stated in subclause (2) of Clause 10. - Hours of Work.
(b) Work in excess of 50 hours in any week.
(c) Work in excess of 10 hours in any day.
(d) Work on any day in excess of 5 days in any week.
(e) Work in excess of 1976 hours per year. However if offered an employee may be paid for a block of 76 hours in which case the overtime rate for these hours shall be time and one half.
(f) Work performed on any day when the commencing time for work on that day is within 10 hours of the ceasing time of work on the preceding day.
(g) Work performed on Sunday.
(h) Work performed by employees who have been recalled to work outside their rostered hours provided that the minimum payment for such work shall be as for 2 hours at the overtime rate of pay.
(2) Overtime shall be paid except as outlined in paragraph (1)(e) hereof at the rate of double time except for Saturdays where overtime performed shall be paid at the rate of time and one half for the first two hours and double time thereafter.
(3) Employees shall be required to work a reasonable amount of overtime.
(4) Overtime shall be paid with the employee's ordinary time earnings in the week following that in which the overtime is worked.
(1) Employees shall receive a meal break of 45 minutes on each day on which the employee is required to work more than 5 hours. Such meal break shall be unpaid. However if by mutual agreement between the employer and the employee the meal break maybe reduced to 30 minutes unpaid.
(2) An employee shall not be required to work for more than 5 hours without a break for a meal.
(3) (a) Employees who are required to work more than ten consecutive hours, exclusive of the unpaid meal break, shall receive a second meal break and a meal provided by the employer.
(b) The second meal break shall be taken and paid at single time and shall be of 30 minutes' duration.
(c) Additional paid meal breaks and meals will be provided by the employer consistent with the provision that an employee shall not work for more than 5 hours without a break for a meal.
(4) In the event that the employer is unable to provide a meal as required by subclause (3) hereof, the employee shall be paid the sum of $6.50 for the purchase of any meal required.
(5) In addition to meal breaks, employees shall be entitled to two ten minutes paid rest pauses per day to be taken separately in the first and second half of the day.
(1) Employees shall have input into the construction of rosters through employee nominated representatives to ensure an even spread of hours across the workforce but the supervisor shall be responsible for determining duties to be performed.
(2) Rosters showing each employee's commencing and ceasing time for ordinary hours on each day of the week shall be posted in a place accessible to all employees. The roster may be varied by the employer providing 7 days' notice of change or by mutual agreement between the employer and the employee.
(1) The following days or their nominated substitutes as provided by the award are to be observed as public holidays under this agreement: New Year's Day, Australia Day, Labour Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Anzac Day, Foundation Day, Sovereign's Birthday, Christmas Day and Boxing Day.
(2) Employees, other than casual employees, shall receive a credit towards the employee's 1976 annual ordinary working hours of 7.6 hours for each public holiday not worked.
An employee who agrees to work on a public holiday shall receive a credit towards the employee's 1976 annual ordinary working hours of one and one half hours for each hour worked in addition to the credit prescribed in paragraph (2) of Clause 14. - Public Holidays provided that the minimum additional credit for work performed on a public holiday shall be 6 hours.
Employees will be graded in accordance with the following classification structure:
(1) Store Worker Grade E Level 1
(a) Pre-requisites:
(i) Basic inter-personal and communications skills.
(ii) Literacy and numerical skills.
(b) Skills/Duties:
(i) Familiar with company policies and procedures.
(ii) Responsible for quality of his/her own work under supervision.
(iii) Able to work in a team environment under supervision.
(iv) Able to undertake duties in a safe and responsible manner.
(c) Tasks:
(i) Correct use of wool hook.
(ii) Correct use of wool barrow.
(iii) Placing of sample bags.
(iv) Patching of bales.
(v) Branding.
(vi) Removal of wool from show boxes.
(vii) Sewing.
(viii) Wheeling baskets.
(ix) Sweeping.
(2) Store Worker Grade E Level 2
(a) Pre-requisite:
Store Worker Grade E Level 1.
(b) Skills/Duties:
(i) Obtain knowledge and apply manual handling skills.
(ii) Able to exercise discretion within the limits of skills/or training.
(c) Tasks:
(i) Inserting lot plates and dividers.
(ii) Overweight adjustment.
(iii) Re-packing.
(iv) Non-mechanical core sampling.
(v) Opening and closing.
(vi) Pushing into and taking from elevators.
(vii) Run wool onto show floor.
(viii) Pushing back.
(ix) Hand trucking.
(x) Use of non-licensed material handling equipment.
(3) Store Worker Grade D Level 1
(a) Pre-requisite:
Store worker Grade E Level 2.
(b) Skills/Duties:
(i) Understands and is responsible for quality.
(ii) Control standards.
(c) Tasks:
(i) Grab Operator.
(ii) Able to marshal wool.
(iii) Wool presser.