Derby-Shelton Memorial Day Parade Association Float Rules:
Remember safety is always the number 1 priority!
Float Judging
Floats must include somewhere on the float the theme: “Lest We Forget”. This phrase was popularized in the 1800s and later passed into common usage after the First World War and became linked with Remembrance Day observations. Over time, this phrase has most often been used with the military to make sure we remember the sacrifices of our service members. The common meaning is “let us not forget”. It is a plea not to forget past sacrifices and is often found as the only wording on war memorials or as an epitaph.
The colors of the float must be Red, White, and Blue.
People should not be on the float during judging, unless their absence detracts from the float presentation.
For the respect of our veterans there should be no advertising on the floats.
Floats must also meet the following safety rules.
Float Safety
- The basic foundation should be a flat sturdy trailer bed with pneumatic wheels.
- Floats designed to carry people should have decks constructed of at least ¾” plywood.
- Towing safety—adequate primary and secondary connection devices should be made between the towing vehicle and float. All connections shall comply with any and all applicable laws and standards. Primary and secondary connections should be appropriate for the normal and anticipated loads.
- The towing vehicle should have sufficient braking power to safely control the parade float. The vehicle should also be able to turn corners and negotiate curves.
- All floats and float-trucks should have wheel guards on the wheels.
- The float should be able to safely pass under low streetlights and wires on the parade route. The float should have a maximum height of 12’.
- The ground clearance of the float bed should be similar to that of the tow vehicle.
- The decorative float skirt must have a ground clearance of at least two inches above the surface of the street.
- No sharp or unfinished edges should be exposed on the vehicle or float.
- No glass crystals should be used in anyway.
- Floats that are designed to carry people should have guards to prevent occupants from falling off. These should be a minimum of 40” high.
- Objects should not be thrown from the float during the parade---especially INCLUDING CANDY!
- All participants riding shall be in the sitting position and shall have a solid handhold designed for that purpose and readily available to them.
These rules are not meant to be all inclusive. Any matters considered hazardous that pose a risk to the participants or public should be corrected. Failure to correct the hazard(s) can result in the removal of the float from the parade.
Please fill out and sign:
I, ______have read and acknowledge the float judging and safety rules stated above. I wish to enter a float for ______(unit name) from ______(hometown) in the Derby/Shelton Memorial Day Parade.
______Signature ______Date