COUNTY NY Connects

(Name of County)



This Memorandum of Understanding (referred to throughoutas “this Memorandum”) is entered into by the following entities located in, or engaged in providing services in ______County:


Area Agency on Aging (Local Administrative Agency)


Regional Independent Living Center


Local Department of Social Services


Other Entitiesas Applicable (contractors/subcontractors)

These entities will be referred to throughout this Memorandum as “the Parties” or “Parties.”

The Parties are entering into this Memorandum in order to establish the interconnections required of NY Connects at the local level by and among the Parties and their respective contractors and subcontractors. The Parties will act as NY Connects in accordance with the NY Connects State Program Standards. The Parties will also work in collaboration with the local governmental unit (LGU) of mental hygiene and the regional office(s) of the New York State Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD). The Parties agree to fulfill all of the functions of NY Connects and its role as the No Wrong Door (NWD).


The Balancing Incentive Program (BIP) structural reform requires the development of a Statewide NWDsystem to enable consumers to access all long term services and supports through an agency, organization, or coordinated network in accordance with such standards as the State shall establish and that shall provide information regarding the availability of such services, how to apply for such services, linkages to services and supports otherwise available in the community, and assisting with the coordination of assessment processes for financial and functional eligibility as needed. NY Connects has been expanded and enhanced as a result of the BIP structural reform to be the NWD system in New York State.

To achieve the NY Connects NWD system reforms and be consistent with the NY Connects State Program Standardsthe Parties will maintain:

  • On-site presence at each local NY Connects as needed;
  • Off-site visits;
  • Seamless coordinated transfers;
  • Linkages to more intensive services.

The Parties agree to delineate their shared responsibilities and to set forth their respective roles and responsibilities to deliver the core functions of NY Connects with a singular identity and voice. The Parties agree to the following in partnership to deliver NY Connects functions:

A. Administration of NY Connects

  • NWD Implementation Team

[Describe how the parties will work together to deliver the functions of the NWD Implementation Team; e.g., serve as co-facilitators, develop agendas, develop and distribute meeting minutes.]

  • Policies and Procedures

[Describe the processes the Parties will follow to administer NY Connects. These processes must address the following: call flow, cross-program communication, and referrals and linkages.]

  • Long Term Care Council

[Describe how the Parties will work together to achieve the deliverables of the LTCC described in the NY Connects State Program Standards; e.g., serve as co-facilitators, develop agendas, develop and distribute meeting minutes, case conference.]

  • Resource Directory

[Describe how the Parties will coordinate the maintenance of the NY Connects Resource Directory to ensure that information is accurate and current.]

B. Collaboration and Coordination

[(a)Describe how the Parties will coordinate to ensure that staff have the capacity to work together as core team members of NY Connects NWD through established mechanisms that might include: shared office space, off-site meetings, virtual colocation, etc.(b)Describe how the Parties will work together to resolve any disagreements or disputes in the administration of NY Connects]

C. Public Education

[Describe how the Parties will work together to ensure that all public education is coordinated and consistent, not duplicative, and developed according to the NYS branding requirements.]


The exchange of Protected Health Information (PHI) orPersonally Identifiable Information (PII) contained within NY Connects requires necessary confidentiality and data security policies, along with information sharing agreements in place consistent with the NY Connects State Program Standards and relevant program issuances that govern personally identifying information, personal health information, and data sharing. All Parties will need to have these policies and procedures in place to participate with NY Connects.


This Memorandumwill take effect on the date signed by all of the Parties or the date any other required approvals have been obtained, whichever is later, and shall continue thereafter until terminated.


This Memorandum may be modified or amended by written agreement among the Parties hereto.


The Parties agree to the following:

  1. The undersigned parties shall review the terms of this agreement annually.
  2. This Memorandum may be terminated at any time by mutual agreement of theParties with sixtydays written notice subject to the written approval of the New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA).

Signature Page


Name: ______Name: ______

Area Agency on Aging (AAA)Local Social Services District (LDSS)

Director/Commissioner Commissioner



On this____ day of ______, 20__ On this____ day of ______, 20__

Name: ______Name: ______

Regional Independent Living CenterChief Elected Official (if applicable)



On this____ day of ______, 20__On this____ day of ______, 20__

Name: ______Name: ______

Other Entities (Contractor/Subcontractor)Other Entities



On this ___ day of ______, 20__On this ___ day of ______, 20__