Carbon County School
District One
Unit Plan / / Concert Band

Unit/Topic Title: Evaluate pep band music and marching fundamentals1st Quarter

Estimated Time (When): August-September (about 6 weeks)

Standard 1: Creative Expression Through Production: Students create, perform, exhibit or participate in the arts.
●1.1- Students refine musicianship through individual practice, rehearsal, revision and performance
●1.2- Students perform independently and with others a varied repertoire of music, refining musicianship and technical accuracy.
●1.5- Students demonstrate musical literacy through reading, sightreading and notating music
I Can Statements / Essential Questions
Students can:
● understand classroom expectations for the year
●comprehend the importance of warming up properly on a daily basis
●understand the accountability piece of being a member of the program
●understand the concepts that must be implemented for student success.
●develop and review proper playing fundamentals and musicianship
●Demonstrate proper marching technique / Essential Questions:
●How can I practice effectively?
● How can I practice more efficiently?
●Why is it important to play as an ensemble and as an individual?
●Why is it important to learn how to refine our rehearsals as an individual and as a group?
●Why is proper marching technique important musically?
●Why is it important to develop musical listening skills in order to analyze musical performances?
Academic Vocabulary
●ProgramKey Signatures
●ExpectationsConcert Etiquette
● Instrument MaintenancePulse/Metronome
●Marching BandPosture
●Concert pitchEnsemble Concepts
●Teacher evaluations and observations
●Performance/rehearsal recordings
●Playing tests
●practice records
●sectional work
Instructional Resources
●Sheet music: pep band
●Warm up exercises
●Musical Scores
●Scale Sheets
●music tracks
●personal/ensemble recordings
●Band Website

Unit/Topic Title: Pep Band Continued/Veteran’s Day Concert/All-State Auditions1st/2nd Quarter

Estimated Time (When): October-November (about 8 weeks)

Standard 1: Creative Expression Through Production: Students create, perform, exhibit or participate in the arts.
Standard 2: Aesthetic Perception: Students respond to, analyze, and make informed judgments about the arts.
Standard 3: Historical and cultural context: Students demonstrate an understanding of the arts in relation to history, cultures, and contemporary society.
Standard 4: Artistic Connections: Students relate the arts to other disciplines, careers and everyday life.
●1.1- Students refine musicianship through individual practice, rehearsal, revision and performance
●1.2- Students perform independently and with others a varied repertoire of music, refining musicianship and technical accuracy.
●1.5- Students demonstrate musical literacy through reading, sightreading and notating music
●2.2- Students respond to aural examples by evaluating musical elements and expressive devices of a varied repertoire of music
●2.3- Students apply criteria in evaluating their own and others’ performances, compositions, arrangements, or improvisations by comparing and contrasting them to similar or exemplary models.
●3.1- Students classify, by genre or style and by historical period or culture, unfamiliar music and explain the reasoning behind their classifications
●3.2- Students listen to a varied repertoire of music, emphasizing American music, and analyze the characteristics that cause a work to be consideredhistorically or culturally significant
●3.3- Students evaluate the various purposes of music, select music for a specific purpose, and defend their choice
●4.1- Students demonstrate safe, responsible and appropriate behavior in a variety of musical settings
I Can Statements / Essential Questions
Students can:
●Practice the required All-State materials slow and then begin increasing the tempo as each measure is mastered.
●Analyze and critically listen to their own performances
●Learn the skills to continue to improve and build upon proper musicianship and techniques in order to play more technically accurate.
● make connections and apply the concepts to their actual musical performance.
●Prepare music and play accurately, with proper musicianship, in a concert
●Understand the historical and cultural significance behind the music they are performing / Essential Questions:
●Can there be music without proper musicianship?
●Why is it important to play a variety of music in a variety of settings?
●What is the importance of proper concert etiquette and performance?
●How can I practice more efficiently and with purpose?
●Why is balance so important within the ensemble?
●What roles do personal responsibility and dedication play in the music ensemble?
●What should I listen to in rehearsal besides my own playing?
●Why is music so important in our culture and history?
●What role does patriotic music play in our society?
●What role does music play in American history?
Academic Vocabulary
●Key SignaturesBlendConcert EtiquetteEnergy
●TempoArticulations PostureAccents
● BreathingMeterBalanceDynamics
●Concert PitchHistorical Context
●Teacher evaluations and observations
●performance/rehearsal recordings
●playing tests
●practice records
●sectional work
●performance review worksheets
Instructional Resources
●sheet musicmics
●music recordingscables
●auditoriumaudio/video recorder
●speakersBand Website

Unit/Topic Title: Improvising/Composing/Music Connections to Life2nd Quarter

Estimated Time (When): December (3 weeks)

Standard 1: Creative Expression Through Production: Students create, perform, exhibit or participate in the arts
Standard 2: Aesthetic Perception: Students respond to, analyze, and make informed judgments about the arts
Standard 4: Artistic Connections: Students relate the arts to other disciplines, careers and everyday life.
●1.3- Students improvise rhythms, melodies and accompaniments within a consistent style, meter, and tonality, and discuss their musical choices
●1.4- Students compose and arrange music within specified guidelines, demonstrating creativity in using the elements of music for expressive effect
●1.5- Students demonstrate musical literacy through reading, sightreading and notating music
●2.1- Students analyze compositional devices and techniques used in a musical work and give examples of other works that make similar uses of these devices and techniques
●2.2-Students respond to aural examples by evaluating musical elements and expressive devices of a varied repertoire of music
●2.3- Students apply criteria in evaluating their own and others’ performances, compositions, arrangements, or improvisations by comparing and contrasting them to similar or exemplary models.
●2.4- Students form and defend their preferences for musicians, musical works and genres
●4.2- Students examine the creative and analytical processes of music in relationship to other disciplines
●4.3- Students identify how musical skills and dispositions are applied to careers, cultural and recreational opportunities
●4.4- Students analyze the economics of music including the role of management, patrons, philanthropy and advocacy
I Can Statements / Essential Questions
Students can:
● successfully improvise within the set guidelines of style, meter, and tonality
●explain the reasoning behind their musical choices using proper musical terms and proper musical knowledge.
●compose their own musical line using proper techniques and music guidelines
●understand the different music careers and how music can help them in the future / Essential Questions:
●Why is it important for musicians to compose music?
●Is it necessary to be creative in order to be a successful musician?
●Why is it important to be creative in the process of composing music?
●What is musical improvisation?
●Why is it important for improvisation to have rules and guidelines?
●Is improvisation important to music?
●Can music be successful without improvisation?
●What are the various careers in music?
●What is music advocacy and why is it important?
Academic Vocabulary
●melodyimprovisationbar linescompositionmusic therapysound technician
●stylerhythmtime signaturestaffprofessional
●meterchord progressionkey signatureharmonymusic technician
●Teacher observation
●composing assignments
●improvisation playing tests
●daily work
●theory worksheets
Instructional Resources
●blank staff paper
●Band Website
●Scale sheets
●sheet music

Unit/Topic Title: Basketball Pep Band/Sight Reading Exercises 2nd/3rd Quarter

Estimated Time (When): January (4 weeks)

Standard 1: Creative Expression Through Production: Students create, perform, exhibit or participate in the arts.
●1.1- Students refine musicianship through individual practice, rehearsal, revision and performance
●1.2- Students perform independently and with others a varied repertoire of music, refining musicianship and technical accuracy.
●1.5- Students demonstrate musical literacy through reading, sightreading and notating music
I Can Statements / Essential Questions
Students can:
●Review proper warm up techniques
●Demonstrate proper playing posture and fundamentals
●Identify the important components of music when sight reading new pep band music
●Demonstrate good tone on the instrument
●Play as an ensemble with proper balance
●Demonstrate the difference between energy and volume / Essential Questions:
●Why is it important to review basic fundamentals of musicianship?
●Why are good sight reading skills so vital to the rehearsing process?
●What are the reasons for a proper warm up process after being away from the instrument for such an extended period of time?
●Why is energy more important in an ensemble, than pure volume?
Academic Vocabulary
●Sight ReadingArticulation
● RhythmConducting Patterns
● Energy Balance
●Focused Intensity Blend
● Tonal Center Dynamics
●ExercisesBreathe Athletically
●Teacher Observations
●Sight Reading Playing Quizzes
●rehearsal recordings
Instructional Resources
●sheet music
●scale sheets
●audio recordings
● PowerPoint presentations
●Band Website

Unit/Topic Title: Spring Concert and District Festival 3rd/4th Quarter

Estimated Time (When): March-April (about 8 weeks)

Standard 1: Creative Expression Through Production: Students create, perform, exhibit or participate in the arts.
Standard 4: Artistic Connections: Students relate the arts to other disciplines, careers and everyday life.
●1.1- Students refine musicianship through individual practice, rehearsal, revision and performance
●1.2- Students perform independently and with others a varied repertoire of music, refining musicianship and technical accuracy.
●1.5- Students demonstrate musical literacy through reading, sightreading and notating music
●4.1- Students demonstrate safe, responsible and appropriate behavior in a variety of musical settings
I Can Statements / Essential Questions
Students can:
●apply essential ensemble concepts to their music performances
●understand the importance of playing in tune not only within the section but within the ensemble as well.
●analyze and begin to critically listen to their pitch and recognize the intonation tendencies on their instrument
●count and clap note placement for rhythmic accuracy.
●Produce the cleanest/purest tone possible.
●work in groups/sections effectively on their own
●Rehearse/perform mature music literature in concert and in front of judges at festival. / Essential Questions:
●What is the importance of never playing beyond your instrument’s best sound?
●Why is accurate and effective counting while sight reading imperative to the success of the band?
●What does a mature and focused tone sound like?
●Why is it important to learn how to refine our rehearsals as an individual and as a group?
●Why is it important for the band program that we perform in front of judges?
Academic Vocabulary
●Sight ReadingArticulation
● RhythmConducting Patterns
● Energy Balance
●Focused Intensity Blend
● Tonal Center Dynamics
●ExercisesBreathe Athletically
●Teacher Observations
●Part checks
●rehearsal recordings
●Judge comments and Ratings
Instructional Resources
●sheet music
●scale sheets
●audio recordings
●Judge comments and Ratings
●Band Website

Unit/Topic Title: State Marching Festival Preparation/Fine Arts Night/Graduation 4th Quarter

Estimated Time (When): May (about 4 weeks)

Standard 1: Creative Expression Through Production: Students create, perform, exhibit or participate in the arts.
Standard 4: Artistic Connections: Students relate the arts to other disciplines, careers and everyday life.
●1.1- Students refine musicianship through individual practice, rehearsal, revision and performance
●1.2- Students perform independently and with others a varied repertoire of music, refining musicianship and technical accuracy.
●1.5- Students demonstrate musical literacy through reading, sightreading and notating music
●4.1- Students demonstrate safe, responsible and appropriate behavior in a variety of musical settings
I Can Statements / Essential Questions
Students can:
●apply essential ensemble concepts to their music performances
●understand the importance of playing in tune not only within the section but within the ensemble as well.
●sight read and perform new music for fine arts night and graduation
●count and clap note placement for rhythmic accuracy.
●begin to know how to read marching drill
●begin learning music for our state marching festival show next year / Essential Questions:
●What is the importance of never playing beyond your instrument’s best sound?
●Why is accurate and effective counting while sight reading imperative to the success of the band?
●What does a mature and focused tone sound like?
●Why is it important to learn how to refine our rehearsals as an individual and as a group?
●Why is it important that we get a head start on marching band music before the school year is even over?
●What is the amount of dedication and work necessary to put on a field marching show?
●How do you read marching drill for a field show?
Academic Vocabulary
●Sight ReadingArticulation
● RhythmConducting Patterns
● Energy Balance
●Focused Intensity Blend
● Tonal Center Dynamics
●DrillBreathe Athletically
●Field MarchingDedication
●Teacher Observations
●Part checks
●rehearsal recordings
●Drill worksheets
Instructional Resources
●sheet music
●audio recordings
●Scale sheets
●PyWare 3D
●Band Website
CCSD1: Department of Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment / Page 1 of 16