What is……
Prayer is fellowship with God Almighty.
Prayer is relationship.
Connecting with God.
My bridge to God – a privilege given by our Father to open communication between us.
A perfect thing when you need to listen or to talk, to be loud or even quiet.
To talk to God, communication with someone who cares.
My conversation with God.
A breath of fresh air from God that isn’t corrupted and a way to peace in your soul.
A comfort and privilege, a gift from God. Communicating with my creator, savior, Father and best friend.
Prayer is when you talk 2 God in a way that comes from the heart.
So mysterious, so powerful
because of the Spirit,
sometimes a weight, a burden
sweet, tender, intimate
confession healing being
moved – talking listening
A time to let God change your heart.
A conversation between God and me.
Talking to God while washing the dishes
Us actively taking part in the conversation that God began with us the moment he created us, and us choosing to acknowledge and be with our closest friend.
Trying to express what cannot be uttered; an overflow of the inner self, reaching toward Jesus.
A conversation with a close friend where all is laid out.
The sense of completeness when you find yourself with God. The unending reality, above all the cheap cheap imitations offered by the world.
Without God, not much, really.
Life is our book that God is writing. A book about ______(your name).
The real expression of grace.
“Today is a gift from God, that’s why we call it the present.”
An option that leads to eternal life or death. A chance to praise God and be loved by a wonderful Lord.
A gift.
An opportunity to spread the Gospel.
Following our savior.
Jesus is the way the truth and the life.
A blink of an eye compared to eternity in heaven or hell.
Life is eternal with God. FOREVER, never ends…that’s a long time. Life is living with Jesus.
Living every day with our creator; not only with him, but for him.
The process by which we try & figure out what it means to be a follower of Jesus the Christ.
The way in which the transcendent creator manifests himself immanently.
Knowing God through His inescapable grace
Relationship with Christ
Apple pie
The now
Suffering, joy, pain, love, friendships, laughter, tears, family, a time to grow with God.
Beauty is being all that God created me to be – when a rose is beautiful it means that it is fulfilling the role God has given it – to be pleasing to my eye, and its smell fragrant to my nose – when it does these things then I say it is beautiful – fulfilling and BEING what God created it to do and BE. When I am, and let God make me, all that I was created to be.
Well said! So it is then that a person living well for God even appears beautiful because of the very presence of God in them.
Beauty isn’t a gift from God. The inner beauty is the gift of God. Everyone is stuck mostly on one thing and that is how pretty they look or how great they have to look in front of everybody. In a scripture it says, “God looks past all of the gold earrings, fragrances, beautiful hair and takes a look at your heart and that’s where he finds the beauty.”
Anything or anyone who touches you in a positive way.
God and his wonderful words.
Beauty is what God made.
Beauty is something that lies within all of God’s creations. It’s a combination of character and the mere touch of God’s creativity.
Knowing God loves you so much that he created you in His own image. How special is that?
All of God’s creation is beauty, especially humans who are created in the likeness of God and He is beautiful.
Beauty is a person who is using all of the gifts God has given them.
Beauty is freedom at its greatest and best moment. It is what God gave us to let us know that we are truly loved by him and will be forever.
The awe-inspiring mountains, the breath-taking sunsets, the vast ocean, the uniqueness of an individual…all created by God’s hands.
New-fallen snow
Every human soul.
Beauty is everything. Beauty is perseverance through the pain, beauty is the aftermath of a wretched disaster, beauty is all that nature has perfected, created, all through God’s hands, divine. Beauty is in all that we see, all that we do, all that we experience, so long as God is there to experience with it, through pain, joy, devastation, poverty, wealth…if God is there it is beautiful. Beauty is the understanding we have in a world full of ugliness.
Love is patient
Love is kind
it does not envy
it does not boast
it is not proud, rude
it rejoices not in suffering
but in the truth.
Basically God in himself is
Love Pure and simple.
The fruit by which everything else comes from.
True open-eyed acceptance
a welcoming to intimacy
a desire to serve.
Trust, faith and tranquility.
Love is an action.
What a Christian should be.
Unfailing, forgiving, never-ending
Knowing, trusting, and enjoying a person or thing. Trusting that person to trust you.
The feeling where you are willing to sacrifice all for that person you love.
To be vulnerable
Love is unfailing & holy devotion
Love is Christ’s sacrifice
Love is what Jesus feels for me. I don’t deserve it but it’s the most secure feeling in the world.
Christ’s sacrifice
God is love
Mercy and Compassion
total gift
Expecting nothing in return.
It is seeking other person’s highest good.
Wanting what’s best for someone else.
Grace is ultimate reality.
A present of forgiveness.
Being given what you don’t deserve.
Power over sin.
Not getting what you deserve.
God’s proof of His love for us.
Is it the nature of the relationship God makes available to us? When does the Created get to become one with the Creator? Only in the real world where God lives.
Grace is giving extra.
Getting what you don’t deserve.
What God offers me through the sacrifice of his son.
Grace is what God gives to me. Letting His Son die on the cross is GRACE.
An intangible emotion evolved from great love.
A gift which we must extend to others
A waterfall – we are the stones; we are being made smooth.
Falling shorts of God’s holiness & purity
being alive when I should be dead
unmerited gift
Unmerited favor
the sun rising every morning
every fibre of life that reminds
me of the beautiful, the
undeserved, that flows from Christ
His blood, my heart
changed forever.
God loving me for no reason.
Extravagant love embracing me at my point of deepest need.
A gift given and received when sins are forgiven which are paid by Christ’s blood.
Undeserved favor; a gift that we can never repay, and are not required to do so.
What is compassion?
Something God gave to men so that men as a whole could help each other through life and so that each of us could by chance come to see God through another member of His creation.
Understanding and wanting to help another person solely for their benefit.
Not human
a heart being moved to act in love
Having mercy and love for those around you, willing to forgive when wronged, and help when hurting.
Doing what’s right.
Justice is making sure compassion is given where it is needed.
It’s what I want none of. Give me mercy, please. Justice speaks my name with all for which I am responsible. Mercy says it’s ok, be forgiven.
Getting the right punishment for what you have done!
Getting what we deserve.
Getting what you deserve whether it be good or bad.
100% accountability for your actions.
Going to Hell without Jesus is what we deserve.
Punishing the wrongdoers and rewarding the good.
Putting the needs of others before your own.
Turning away
All truth emerges from the reliability of God.
Truth can be experienced. But can it be fully known? No. Jesus is truth. We seek to know Him and experience His love and grace, but we will only fully know Him when we see Him face to face.
Truth is the most freeing thing that you can have. You do not have to remember what you said in the end. “Let the truth set you free.” Christ is truth.
In Ecclesiastes, the author declares nearly everything in the end meaningless, fading and a chasing after the wind – all will face, all our pursuits, an illusion – TRUTH is that which ultimately in the end is real, has meaning, that which can never fade – truth then truly is Christ – his words are true – “I am the truth,” he says.
It is Jesus. It is the choice we would always select if we were in God’s presence. It is the razor edge – neither left nor right – but the living center, where God is. If it is true, it is God. And so it is alive. Not changing, but never the same because it is unchanging in the midst of constant change.
Truth is what we always look for and hope we find.
The Bible and the word and God is truth. TRUTH – not lies. Lying is wrong, therefore Jesus is truth.
Something we will never understand till we are face to face with God (truth). Until then it is an abstract concept that we give to what we think we know.
Absolute yet unknown.
Jesus Christ
Jesus’ love for us
Loving God
Loving Others
Reaching those who don’t belong.
Full realization of presence of God.
Heaven: The Anti-Death.
The Kingdom of God made for us to live after we pass away.
Our home with God!
Eternal life w/ur savior (best place!)
Eternal paradise.
Thy Kingdom come. On Earth as it is in Heaven.
My eternal home with God.
Opposite of earth.
A special place God is preparing for those who love, believe and follow the Lord Jesus Christ.
Heaven is what we make it.
Seeing God face to face…terrifying thought.
More than anything anyone has imagined and where we can be continually with God in a way we’ve never experienced.
A big hug from God
Every tribe and nation united in adoration and worship of our Lord and Savior
The very presence of God
Oh that with yonder sacred throng
We at his feet may fall
We’ll join the everlasting song
And crown him Lord of All.
Who is Jesus?
God’s love in skin.
He is Almighty God come for His children.
Abba Father.
He’s God but somehow He is the only real man. As we fail at even being, he constantly is. And when the day comes, because of who he is, we will be equally real.
Part of God, he lived a perfect life and was the sacrifice for all sins.
My personal savior – the ultimate price paid for my life. He is the Lamb.
The son of God.
Son of our Savior.
Our life and way home.
My salvation and sacrifice
Only one who truly knows someone
My Savior
Son of God, the one who died on the cross for you and I.
So much.
Our Savior.
Someone I try to live 4.
My hero and best friend – the sinless sacrifice that saved my entire being.
He’s our savior, he is the son of God. Sacrifice for our sins.
Jesus is the Beginning and the End. He is absolutely holy. There is no one like Him. He is my God, my life, my friend. Forever will I praise Him.
The Way
Lord Jesus Christ. Son of God. Savior, Lamb of God.
The Son of God come to Earth to save us.
Who is God?
Who am I to say?
Someone who knows me, and whom I do not need to understand in order to love, serve and glorify.
Who is the Holy Spirit?
Wondrous mystery
Someone who intercedes
What is real?
Jesus’ love and compassion for us.
God. Love. Other than that, I don’t know and never will.
Real is all that
is without being.
It’s what’s left when there’s
nothing more to look at
or be admired before men.
How do we know?