Our Commitment: To be the best at delivering wellness care by measuring where a persons current level of health is and designing specific programs to help them gain the level of health they desire.

Patient Information In Case of Emergency Contact


Patient Name ______Relationship______

Last Name

Home # (____) ______Work # (____) ______


First Name Middle Name Employment/School Information

Address ______Occupation ______

City ______State ______Patient Employer/School ______

Zip______Email ______Employer/School Address ______

Sex □ M □ F Date of Birth ______Employer/School Phone ______

□ Married □ Divorced □ Widowed □ Single □ Minor Spouse/Guardian Information

Phone Numbers Name______

Home # (____) ______Cell # (____) ______Date of Birth ______

Cell Carrier______(for text messages) Employer ______

In case of a medical emergency, if the patient is a

Best time/Way to reach you______minor,it is ok to treat in my absence.


We WILL be calling after your first appt. to see how your visit went Parent/GuardianSignature

Insurance Information Accident Information

Who is responsible for account? ______Is condition due to an accident? □ Yes □ No Date ______

Relationship to Patient ______Type of Accident □ Auto □ Work □ Home □ Other

Insurance Co. ______To whom have you reported your accident?

ID # ______Group # ______□ Auto Insurance □ Employer □ Work Comp □ Other

Subscribers Name ______Attorney Name (if applicable) ______

Date of Birth______SS# ______Attorney Address ______

Relationship to Patient ______

Assignment and Release

I certify that I, and/or my dependent(s), have insurance coverage with ______and assign directly to OptimaHealth & VitalityCenter all insurance benefits, if any, otherwise payable to me for services rendered. I understand that I am financially responsible for all charges whether or not paid by insurance. I authorize the use of my signature on all insurance submissions. The above named clinic may use my health care information and may disclose such information to the above-named insurance company and ______their agents for the purpose of obtaining payment for services and determining insurance benefits or the benefits payable for related services.


Signature of Patient, Parent or GuardianPrint Name of Patient, Parent or Guardian

______Date Signed Relationship to Patient


We believe that REGAINING AND MAINTAINING YOUR HEALTHis our main priority and a clear definition

of our office policies will allow both you the patient, and us the doctor, to concentrate on just that.

M:\Forms - Masters\New Patient Forms\New patient intake forms over 2 years old\Patient Intake Form - complete for printing.doc

M:\Forms - Masters\New Patient Forms\New patient intake forms over 2 years old\Patient Intake Form including 3 problem areas.doc12/18/181 [Type here]

What is your main health concern:______


1a. Where is your PRIMARYproblem area located: _______

Cervical (neck): ____left side ___right side ___upper neck ___lower neck

Thoracic (mid back): ____left side ___right side ___between shoulders

Lumbar (lower back): ____left side ___ right side ___tailbone area

Upper Extremity Problem: ____shoulder- left / right ___elbow- left / right

____wrist- left / right ____hand- left / right ___hip- left / right

____ knee-left / right ____ankle- left / right ___ foot- left / right

b.When did the PRIMARYproblem start:______

Describe onset of problem: ___ acute (new) ___chronic (always there) ____gradual

What is the cause of the problem: ___unknown ___accident ___other

Have you had prior problem here: ___ none ____on & off for yrs ___yes, but not for yrs

c.Description ofPRIMARY problem: ______

Describe your problem: ____improving ____getting worse ____no change

If the problem has changed, how: ____gradually ____slowly ____slightly

Quality of pain: ___achy ____burning ____dull ____sharp ____stiff ___throbbing Description of problem: ____mild ____moderate ____severe

On scale from 1-10, with 1 being mild and 10 being severe, what is your pain? ______

Is problem: ___constant ____frequent ____intermittent ____occasional

How often do you have the problem:____daily ___weekly ___comes & goes___always

Does the pain radiate? If yes, where: ___head __neck ___shoulder/arm- left / right

When is problem the worse: ___morning ____afternoon ____evening ____night

When is problem better: ___morning ____afternoon ____evening ____night

What makes the problem worse: ______

What makes the problem better: ______

Do you have any: __numbness __spasms __weakness If yes, where: ______

2a. Where is your SECOND problem area located: ______

Cervical (neck): ____left side ___ right side ___upper neck ___lower neck

Thoracic (mid back): ____left side ___ right side ___between shoulders

Lumbar (lower back): ____left side ___ right side ___tailbone area

Upper Extremity Problem: ____shoulder- left / right ___ elbow- left / right

____wrist- left / right ____ hand- left / right ___ hip- left / right

____ knee- left / right ____ ankle- left / right ___ foot- left / right

b.When did theSECOND problem start:______

Describe onset of problem: ___ acute (new) ___chronic (always there) ____gradual

What is the cause of the problem: ___unknown ___accident ___other

Have you had prior problem here: ___ none ____on & off for yrs ___ yes, but not for yrs

Doctor's Use



c. Description of SECOND problem: ______

Describe your problem: ____improving ____getting worse ____no change

If the problem has changed, how: ____gradually ____slowly ____slightly

Quality of pain: ___achy ____burning ____dull ____sharp ____stiff ___throbbing Description of problem: ____mild ____moderate ____severe

On scale from 1-10, with 1 being mild and 10 being severe, what is your pain? ______

Is problem: ___constant ____frequent ____intermittent ____occasional

How often do you have the problem: ____daily ___weekly ___comes & goes ___always

Does the pain radiate? If yes, where: ___head __neck ___shoulder/arm- left / right

When is problem the worse: ___morning ____afternoon ____evening ____night

When is problem better: ___morning ____afternoon ____evening ____night

What makes the problem worse: ______

What makes the problem better: ______

Do you have any: __numbness __spasms __weakness If yes, where: ______

3a. Where is your THIRD problem area located: ______

Cervical (neck): ____left side ___ right side ___upper neck ___lower neck

Thoracic (mid back): ____left side ___ right side ___between shoulders

Lumbar (lower back): ____left side ___ right side ___tailbone area

Upper Extremity Problem: ____shoulder- left / right ___ elbow- left / right

____wrist- left / right ____ hand- left / right ___ hip- left / right

____ knee- left / right ____ ankle- left / right ___ foot- left / right

b.When did the THIRDproblem start:______

Describe onset of problem: ___ acute (new) ___chronic (always there) ____gradual

What is the cause of the problem: ___unknown ___accident ___other

Have you had prior problem here: ___ none ____on & off for yrs ___ yes, but not for yrs

c. Description ofTHIRD problem: ______

Describe your problem: ____improving ____getting worse ____no change

If the problem has changed, how: ____gradually ____slowly ____slightly

Quality of pain: ___achy ____burning ____dull ____sharp ____stiff ___throbbing Description of problem: ____mild ____moderate ____severe

On scale from 1-10, with 1 being mild and 10 being severe, what is your pain? ______

Is problem: ___constant ____frequent ____intermittent ____occasional

How often do you have the problem: ____daily ___weekly ___comes & goes ___always

Does the pain radiate? If yes, where: ___head __neck ___shoulder/arm- left / right

When is problem the worse: ___morning ____afternoon ____evening ____night

When is problem better: ___morning ____afternoon ____evening ____night

What makes the problem worse: ______

What makes the problem better: ______

Doctor's Use





Allergies/Lifestyle/Additional Information

Please list any medications: ______

Please list any medications you are allergic to: ______

Please list any foods or chemicals you are allergic to: ______

Do you currently smoke?____ If yes, how many per day:_____ Type: cigarettes / cigarsAlcohol use: (Circle One) Never Rarely Moderate DailyRecreational Drug use: Type: ______Never or Frequency______

Have you had chiropractic care in the past? ______If female- Are you currently pregnant?____ If yes, due date______

Systems Review:List any issues you are experiencing with the followingsystems:

Ears: ______Eyes: ______Nose: ______Mouth: ______Throat: ______Lungs/Breathing: ______

Heart Health: ______Bowels: ______Bladder/Kidneys: ______

Number of times you urinate during the day: ___ During the night:___ How often do you have a bowel movement: _____

Health History-Please circle "Y" for a condition that you currently have,

and "P" for a condition that you have had in the past.

AIDS/HIVY P Diabetes Y P Multiple SclerosisY P

AlcoholismY P Emphysema Y P OsteoporosisY P

AllergiesY P Epilepsy Y P PacemakerY P

AnemiaY P Fibromyalgia Y P Parkinson’s DiseaseY P

AppendicitisY P Glaucoma Y P Pneumonia Y P

ArthritisY P Gout Y P Prostate Problems Y P

AsthmaY P Heart Disease Y P Prosthesis Y P

Blood ClotsY P Hepatitis Y P Rheumatoid Y P

Breast LumpY P Hernia Y P Scarlet Fever Y P

BronchitisY P Liver Disease Y P StrokeY P

CancerY P Lupus Y P Thyroid Problems Y P

CataractsY P Lyme Y P UlcersY P

Chicken PoxY P Migraines Y P Whooping CoughY P

DepressionY P Mononucleosis Y P Yeast Infection Y P

Other Illness: ______

List any injuries or surgeries:______List any broken bones:______

Family History- Please list specific blood relatives who have had the following conditions: indicate either: mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle and which side the grandparent is on maternal (M) or paternal (P)

Arthritis: ______Blood Clots: ______Cancer: ______Memory Loss: ______Diabetes: ______Stroke: ______

Heart Disease: ______High Blood Pressure: ______

Other Significant Family Illness: ______


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