
Chapter 9 Section 1 Notes

I. The United States Industrializes (pages 308-309).

A. As American industry expanded millions of people left their farms and decided to work where?

B. By the early 1900s, the U.S. had become the world’s leading industrial nation. By 1914 the ______, or total value of goods and services produced by a country, was eight times greater than at the end of the Civil War.

C. What natural resources found in the U.S. helped America become an industrial Power? What was built that helped increase industrialization by bringing settlers and miners to the West and moving resources to the factories in the East?

D. ______could be turned into kerosene for lanterns and stoves. The demand for kerosene created the American oil industry. In 1859 ______drilled the first oil well near ______, ______. As oil production increased, so did economic expansion.

II. Free Enterprise (page 310)

A. What does the term Laissez-faire mean? According to many, what was the role of government when it came to business?

B. ______risked their capital to organize and run a business. In the late 1800s, entrepreneurs were attracted to manufacturing and transportation fields. As a result, hundreds of factories and thousands of miles of railroad were built.

C. Why was Europe and important source of private capital?

III. Government’s Role in Industrialism (pages 310-311)

A. In the late 1800s, state and federal government had a laissez-faire attitude by keeping ______and ______low and by not imposing regulations on industry. The government did not control wages or prices. It adopted policies to help industry.

B. What was the Morrill Tariff? What were some of the problems caused by high tariffs?

C. Many business leaders and members of ______felt tariffs were necessary to protect American industry against the already established European factories.

IV. New Inventions (pages 311-312)

A. In 1876 who invented the telephone?

B. In the late 1800s, who invented or perfected the phonograph, the light bulb, the electric generator, the Dictaphone, the mimeograph, and the motion picture?

C. The ______industry increased productivity with the mid-1800 introduction of the ______loom, the ______, and cloth cutters.

D. How did technology cause the prices of shoes to go down?