NACE Education Conference Scholarship Application Form 2017
The Twin Cities NACE Chapter scholarship fund provides member assistance to the National Education Conference or other Catering Industry Conferences to advance our members catering education and to advance development of chapter leaders and their NACE involvement. The chapter President or their representative is required to attend the Educational Conference; a full scholarship is awarded to this position. All other recipients are eligible to receive a scholarship for a conference. Costs of conference, lodging, travel can be applied. Meals, transportation and outside planned events and entertainment are the attendee’s responsibility.
All Twin Cities NACE members in good standing are eligible to apply for conference scholarships. The scholarship review committee is comprised of the chapter president, one executive board member (not seeking a scholarship). The review committee will award scholarships to members who have shown a high level of commitment and dedication to the chapter through participation at chapter meetings and on the chapter board. Actual dollar amounts available for scholarship vary from year to year, and are based on the budgeted amount set forth by the chapter board. In 2017, the scholarship amounts awarded will be up to $ depending on the number of applications approved. Scholarships will be awarded based on the listed criteria as expressed in the statement of eligibility.
Requirements of the recipient are:
- Attend all CPC (Chapter President’s Council) meetings during the National Conference
- Attend all conference breakout sessions, committee meetings and NACE related functions when applicable
- Participate in the Conference Trends Recap Presentation upon return on the local level in the fall of 2017.
Date Submitted:
Funding requested for:
Amount of Educational Scholarship (up to $):
Name and Date of Conference:
Brief statement of scholarship eligibility: (what have you done for the chapter and why are you looking for a scholarship):
What is your Motivation for attending the Educational Conference?
Educational Scholarship Considerations:
____ Application Answers
____Conference Agenda and Focus
____ Committee Participation for the Twin Cities Chapter
____ Board service for the Twin Cities Chapter
____ Past scholarship opportunities
____ Above and beyond dedication to the Twin Cities Chapter
____ Future Leader potential in Chapter
____Regional catering industry leader
Board Approval Signature (President):
Please return the completed application via email to:
Chapter President, Lisa Brenna
Deadline is July 1, 2017 for the NACE National Experience Conference