The Michigan Constitution of 1963

Name ____________________________________ Date ______________________

1. How many individual rights are listed in this constitution?

2. What are the requirements to be…

a. Governor?

b. State senator?

c. State rep?

3. Write completely the preamble to the document.

4. What are the requirements to be a Supreme Court justice?

5. Where is Michigan’s seat of government?

6. List the “line of succession” of the Governor’s office.

7. What is the term of office for… (NOT TERM LIMITS)

a. Governor?

b. State senator?

c. State rep?

8. Which article deals with education?

9. Write out completely the right that gives you the freedom of speech.

10. What does the constitution say about your right to vote if you are in prison?

11. What is the term limit for a rep?

12. What is the term limit for a senator?

13. List the governor’s military powers.

14. What does the constitution say about providing the guv a place to live?

15. Write out the oath of office for public officials.

BONUS: Write your city and zip code here. Then you’ll want to find the state of Michigan House and Senate web sites!!

What senate district do you live in?

What district do you live in for the House of Reps?

Who is your state senator?

Who is your state rep?