UK- Vietnam Workshop on Innovation in Chemical Engineering for Sustainable Environment


The Abstract is a brief summary of approximately 300 words outlining the background, objectives, the methodology used and key results of your recent research on chemical engineering, electrochemical engineering, environmental engineering, materials and energy. Abstracts of selected applicants will be published in the Proceeding of the Workshop.

Please complete the abstract form below and email to Prof Pham Thanh Huyen via by 24 December 2014.

Title of extended abstract given in up to two rows of text
Presenting author’s first and last name,a 2nd Author,a 3rd Authorb,*
aAuthor’s affiliation, City, Zip code, Country
bAuthor’s affiliation, City, Zip code, Country
*Corresponding author: Faxnumber, E-mail address
Abstract: Abstract is limited to 300 words.
This is a template of abstract for Researcher Links Workshop, HUST, Hanoi, VIETNAM, 2015. You can directly use this template without changing the format. Please fit the abstract to 1 page of ISO A4 sized (210 mm x 297 mm) paper, single-sided with a top margin of 25 mm and side and bottom margins of 20 mm. Use of Times New Roman font (12-point) is strongly recommended. Title of the extended abstract is aligned left with Times New Roman font in 14-point boldface. Authors’ names are below the title in 12-point boldface. Mark affiliations using superscripted letters (starting from a). Underline the presenting author’s name and asterisk (*) the corresponding author’s name. The affiliations and the contact information (fax number and E-mail address) are italicised in 10-point. The affiliations are given as department and institution names with city, zip code and country. Abstract is limited to 300 words. Three keywords are listed directly below the abstract.
Figure 1. Caption of figures (9-point).
Table 1. Caption of tables (9-point).
Keywords: Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3.
1.  W. Ueda, M. Iwamoto, K. Eguchi, H. Yamashita, Appl. Catal. A 123 (2009) 456.
2.  G. Rothenberg, Catalysis, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2008, p. 127.
3.  M.V. Sargent, F.M. Dean, in: A.R. Katrizky, C.W. Rees (Eds.), Comprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1977, p. 599.
4.  J. Ciric, US Patent 3 972 983 (1976).