Curriculum Information for Parents

Year Group: 2 / Date:Summer 11
In year 2 children will be reading a range of fiction and non-fiction books in guided reading sessions and developing their comprehension skills.
We will be following ‘Read, Write Inc’ lessons every day to develop children’s understanding and recognition of sounds used in reading and spelling, as well as implementing these skills in their writing.
As part of their ‘All Creatures Great and Small’ theme unit, children will have cross-curricular opportunities to write in imaginative ways, including writing their own version of a story and writing a letter to a wildlife sanctuary.
In literacy framework lessons children will be focusing on comparing stories by the same author. / You can help by:
-Reading regularly with your child at least 5 x 20mins a week to enhance their confidence and enjoyment of reading.
-Encouraging your child to make correct spelling choices.
-Providing opportunities for your child to write creatively and discussing the structure of their writing – Are their capital letters and full stops in the correct places? Can they start their sentence with an interesting opening ‘Suddenly.. As soon as..
- Tables for 2, 5 and 10.
- Place value in 2 and 3 digit numbers.
- Partitioning into multiples of hundred, tens and units.
- Solving problems and puzzles involving understanding of numbers and operations, including explaining and justifying their decisions.
- Patterns and sequences, counting on and back in steps of different sizes.
- Solving problems involving numbers, money or measures, using addition, subtraction, multiplication or division
- Patterns, relationships and properties of numbers and shapes / You can help by:
-Practising x2, x5, x10, x3 tables
-Encouraging your child to solve problems or puzzles in everyday life. Which operation is it? (Times, subtract etc)What would the calculation be? How would you work it out?
-Can they recognise the missing numbers in a number sequence?
Theme – ‘All Creatures Great and Small’
Science:Children will be learning all about different creatures and how to treat them. They will be learning about their habitats and the living conditions different creatures require to survive. Children will be sorting creatures into different groups according to their own criteria, focusing on the features of different creatures.
Art: Children will be practising their observational drawing skills using a range of pencils. They will be exploring mixing different primary colours to make secondary colours and will be experimenting with a variety of media to create animal skins.
PSHE:Children will be generating ideas for how to treat creatures and their habitats. They will also be learning about ways to keep ourselves healthy.
Home learning
Children are expected to read 5x per week for 20 minutes. This can be independently or aloud to an adult. The children will bring home reading practice books and should record what they have read in their reading diaries.
Every child will be set a weekly homework task every Friday.This will need to be handed in on every Wednesday.
Other Information:
Your child’s PE days are Monday and Wednesday.
Please ensure that your child has the correct PE kit in school (plain black/blue shorts, white T-shirt, plimsolls for indoors and trainer for outside, plain jogging bottoms/leggings for cold weather).