## Discipline - Anthropology

  1. American Antiquity
  2. American Ethnologist
  3. American Journal of Human Biology
  4. American Journal of Physical Anthropology
  5. Annals of Human Biology
  6. Annual Review of Anthropology
  7. Antiquity
  8. Cultural Anthropology
  9. Current Anthropology
  10. Evolutionary Anthropology
  11. Global Networks-A Journal of Transnational Affairs
  12. Human Ecology
  13. Human Nature-An Interdisciplinary Biosocial Perspective
  14. Journal of Anthropological Sciences
  15. Journal of Human Evolution
  16. Journal of Peasant Studies
  17. Journal of World Prehistory
  18. Medical Anthropology
  19. Social Networks
  20. Transcultural Psychiatry

## Discipline - Applied Biology & Chemistry Technology

  1. Accounts of Chemical Research
  2. Annual Review of Biochemistry
  3. Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology
  4. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry
  5. Cancer Cell
  6. Cell
  7. Cell Metabolism
  8. Cell Stem Cell
  9. Chemical Reviews
  10. Chemical Society Reviews
  11. Energy & Environmental Science
  12. Nano Today
  13. Nature Biotechnology
  14. Nature Cell Biology
  15. Nature Chemistry
  16. Nature Medicine
  17. Nature Methods
  18. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery
  19. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
  20. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science

## Discipline - Applied Mathematics

  1. ACTA Mathematica
  2. Annals of Mathematics
  3. Annals of Statistics
  4. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering
  5. Bioinformatics
  6. Briefings in Bioinformatics
  7. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics
  8. Database-The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation
  9. Econometrica
  10. Foundations of Computational Mathematics
  11. Journal of Statistical Software
  12. Journal of The American Mathematical Society
  13. Journal of The Royal Statistical Society Series B-Statistical Methodology
  14. PLOS Computational Biology
  15. Research Synthesis Methods
  16. SIAM Review
  17. Statistical Methods in Medical Research
  18. Statistical Science
  19. Structural Equation Modeling-A Multidisciplinary Journal
  20. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Computational Molecular Science

## Discipline - Applied Physics

  1. ACS Nano
  2. Advanced Energy Materials
  3. Advanced Materials
  4. Advances in Optics and Photonics
  5. Advances in Physics
  6. Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics
  7. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics
  8. Light-Science & Applications
  9. Living Reviews in Relativity
  10. Materials Science & Engineering R-Reports
  11. Nano Energy
  12. Nano Letters
  13. Nature Materials
  14. Nature Nanotechnology
  15. Nature Photonics
  16. Nature Physics
  17. Physics Reports-Review Section of Physics Letters
  18. Reports on Progress in Physics
  19. Reviews of Modern Physics
  20. Surface Science Reports

## Discipline - Applied Social Sciences

  1. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
  2. Archives of Sexual Behavior
  3. BMJ Quality & Safety
  4. Child Maltreatment
  5. Criminology
  6. Future of Children
  7. Gerontologist
  8. Health Affairs
  9. Health Policy and Planning
  10. Implementation Science
  11. Journal of The American Geriatrics Society
  12. Journals of Gerontology Series A-Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences
  13. Journals of Gerontology Series B-Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences
  14. Medical Care
  15. Milbank Quarterly
  16. Multivariate Behavioral Research
  17. Psychology and Aging
  18. Review of Economics and Statistics
  19. Trauma Violence & Abuse
  20. Value in Health

## Discipline - Archaeology

  1. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
  2. Archaeology in Oceania
  3. Australian Archaeology
  4. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology
  5. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology
  6. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory
  7. Journal of Archaeological Research
  8. Journal of Archaeological Science
  9. Journal of Social Archaeology

## Discipline - Building & Real Estates

  1. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
  2. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
  3. Journal of Agrarian Change
  4. Journal of Planning Literature
  5. Journal of Regional Science
  6. Journal of Rural Studies
  7. Journal of The American Planning Association
  8. Journal of Urban Economics
  9. Landscape and Urban Planning
  10. Long Range Planning
  11. Planning Theory
  12. Policy Sciences
  13. Progress in Planning
  14. Research Policy
  15. Sustainable Development
  16. Technological Forecasting and Social Change
  17. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening
  18. Urban Studies
  19. World Bank Research Observer
  20. World Development

## Discipline - Building Services Engineering

  1. ACI Structural Journal
  2. Automation in Construction
  3. Building and Environment
  4. Building Research and Information
  5. Cement & Concrete Composites
  6. Cement and Concrete Research
  7. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering
  8. Construction and Building Materials
  9. Energy and Buildings
  10. Indoor Air
  11. Journal of Building Performance Simulation
  12. Journal of Building Physics
  13. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
  14. Journal of Constructional Steel Research
  15. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
  16. Journal of Structural Engineering
  17. Lighting Research & Technology
  18. Materials and Structures
  19. Structural Control & Health Monitoring
  20. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology

## Discipline - Civil & Structural Engineering

  1. Coastal Engineering
  2. Computers & Structures
  3. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics
  4. Engineering Structures
  5. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
  6. Journal of Advanced Transportation
  7. Journal of Composites for Construction
  8. Journal of Hazardous Materials
  9. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
  10. Journal of Hydraulic Research
  11. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
  12. Journal of Hydrology
  13. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
  14. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics
  15. Marine Structures
  16. Ocean Engineering
  17. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
  18. Structural Safety
  19. Thin-Walled Structures
  20. Water Resources Management

## Discipline - Communication

  1. Communication Monographs
  2. Communication Research
  3. Communication Theory
  4. Human Communication Research
  5. International Journal of Advertising
  6. International Journal of Press-Politics
  7. Journal of Advertising Research
  8. Journal of Communication
  9. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
  10. Journal of Health Communication
  11. Journal of Language and Social Psychology
  12. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
  13. Management Communication Quarterly
  14. Media Psychology
  15. New Media & Society
  16. Personal Relationships
  17. Political Communication
  18. Public Opinion Quarterly
  19. Public Understanding of Science
  20. Science Communication

## Discipline - Computing

  1. ACM Computing Surveys
  2. ACM Transactions on Graphics
  3. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology
  4. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials
  5. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
  6. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems
  7. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
  8. International Journal of Neural Systems
  9. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
  10. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
  11. IEEE Wireless Communications
  12. International Journal of Computer Vision
  13. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
  14. Journal of Cheminformatics
  15. Journal of Information Technology
  16. Journal of Machine Learning Research
  17. Medical Image Analysis
  18. MIS Quarterly
  19. Remote Sensing of Environment
  20. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences_176368

## Discipline - Design

  1. Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education
  2. Design and Culture
  3. Design Issues
  4. Design Studies
  5. Eye
  6. International Journal of Art and Design Education
  7. Journal of Urban Design
  8. The Design Journal

## Discipline - Economics

  1. American Economic Journal-Applied Economics
  2. American Economic Journal-Economic Policy
  3. American Economic Journal-Macroeconomics
  4. American Economic Review
  5. Annual Review of Economics
  6. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity
  7. Ecological Economics
  8. Economic Geography
  9. Economic Journal
  10. Economic Policy
  11. Economic Systems Research
  12. Energy Economics
  13. Journal of Economic Geography
  14. Journal of Economic Literature
  15. Journal of Economic Perspectives
  16. Journal of Political Economy
  17. Journal of the European Economic Association
  18. Quarterly Journal of Economics
  19. Review of Economic Studies
  20. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy

## Discipline - Education

  1. Academic Medicine
  2. Academy of Management Learning & Education
  3. American Educational Research Journal
  4. Computers & Education
  5. Educational Psychologist
  6. Educational Research Review
  7. Educational Researcher
  8. Exceptional Children
  9. Internet and Higher Education
  10. Journal of Learning Disabilities
  11. Journal of Research in Science Teaching
  12. Journal of The Learning Sciences
  13. Learning and Instruction
  14. Medical Education
  15. Metacognition and Learning
  16. Reading Research Quarterly
  17. Review of Educational Research
  18. Science Education
  19. Scientific Studies of Reading
  20. Studies in Science Education

## Discipline - Geography

  1. Annual Review of Earth and Plantary Science
  2. Annual Review of Marine Science
  3. Cryosphere
  4. Earth and Planetary Science Letters
  5. Earth-Science Reviews
  6. Geochemical Perspectives
  7. Geology
  8. Geoscientific Model Development
  9. Global Biogeochemical Cycles
  10. Global Ecology and Biogeography
  11. Global Environmental Change
  12. Gondwana Research
  13. Journal of Biogeography
  14. Journal of Petrology
  15. Nature Geoscience
  16. Precambrian Research
  17. Progress in Human Geography
  18. Quaternary Science Reviews
  19. Review of Geophysics
  20. Reviews in Mineralogy & Geochemistry

## Discipline - Health Tech & Informatics

  1. ACS Chemical Neuroscience
  2. American Journal of Neuroradiology
  3. Circulation-Cardiovascular Imaging
  4. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
  5. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
  6. Human Brain Mapping
  7. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics
  8. Investigate Radiology
  9. JACC - Cardiovascular Imaging
  10. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
  11. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
  12. Journal of Nuclear Medicine
  13. Marine Drugs
  14. Medicinal Research Review
  15. Natural Product Reports
  16. Neuroimage
  17. Radiographics
  18. Radiology
  19. Radiotherapy and Oncology
  20. Seminars in Radiation oncology

## Discipline - History

  1. Agriculture and Human Values
  2. American Historical Review
  3. Biology & Philosophy
  4. British Journal for The Philosophy of Science
  5. Business History Review
  6. Economic History Review
  7. European Review of Economic History
  8. Explorations in Economic History
  9. Hyle
  10. ISIS
  11. Journal of African History
  12. Journal of Economic History
  13. Journal of Global History
  14. Journal of Historical Geography
  15. Memory Studies
  16. Minerva
  17. New Genetics and Society
  18. OSIRIS
  19. Social Studies of Science
  20. Synthese

## Discipline - History of Art

  1. Architectural History
  2. Art History
  3. Film and History
  4. Film History
  5. History of Photography
  6. Journal of Design History
  7. Journal of the History of Collections
  8. Source-Notes in History of Art
  9. Studies in the History of Gardens and Designed Landscapes
  10. Theatre History Studies

## Discipline - Hotel and Tourism

  1. Annals of Tourism Research
  2. Applied Geography
  3. Cities
  4. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly
  5. Current Issues in Tourism
  6. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
  7. International Journal of Hospitality Management
  8. International Journal of Tourism Research
  9. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research
  10. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management
  11. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism
  12. Journal of Service Management
  13. Journal of Sustainable Tourism
  14. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing
  15. Leisure Sciences
  16. Leisure Studies
  17. Sport Management Review
  18. Tourism Geographics
  19. Tourism Management
  20. Tourist Studies

## Discipline - Industrial & Systems Engineering

  1. Annual Reviews in Control
  2. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics
  3. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems
  4. CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology
  5. Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing
  6. Computers & Operations Research
  7. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
  8. IEEE Control Systems Magazine
  9. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine
  10. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
  11. IEEE transactions on cybernetics
  12. IEEE Transactions on Robotics
  13. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture
  14. International Journal of Production Economics
  15. International Journal of Robotics Research
  16. Journal of Materials Processing Technology
  17. Journal of Process Control
  18. Journal of Product Innovation Management
  19. Reliability Engineering & System Safety
  20. Technovation

## Discipline - Land Surveying & Geoinformatics

  1. Cartography and Geographic Information Science
  2. Earth Science Informatics
  3. Geoinformatica
  4. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin
  5. International Journal of Geographical Information Science
  6. Journal of Geodesy
  7. Marine Geodesy
  8. Survey Review
  9. Surveys in Geophysics

## Discipline - Law

  1. California Law Review
  2. Columbia Law Review
  3. Cornell Law Review
  4. Duke Law Journal
  5. Georgetown Law Journal
  6. Harvard International Law Journal
  7. Harvard Law Review
  8. Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology
  9. Law and Human Behavior
  10. Michigan Law Review
  11. New York University Law Review
  12. Psychology Public Policy and Law
  13. Stanford Law Review
  14. Supreme Court Review
  15. Texas Law Review
  16. UCLA Law Review
  17. University of Chicago Law Review
  18. University of Pennsylvania Law Review
  19. Virginia Law Review
  20. Yale Law Journal

## Discipline - Literature

  1. 3L-Language, Linguistics, Literature
  2. American literature
  3. Classical Quarterly
  4. Contemporary Literature
  5. Empirical Studies of the Arts
  6. European Romantic Review
  7. GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies
  8. Journal of Biblical Literature
  9. Journal of Victorian Culture
  10. Journal of Writing Research
  11. Modern Language Quarterly
  12. New Literary History
  13. PMLA Journal of the Modern Language Association of America
  14. Poetics
  15. Research in African Literatures
  16. Research in Drama Education
  17. Russian Review
  18. Semiotica
  19. South Atlantic Quarterly
  20. Spanish in Context

## Discipline - Logistics

  1. Accident Analysis and Prevention
  2. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
  3. Journal of Air Transport Management
  4. Journal of Safety Research
  5. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy (JTEP)
  6. Journal of Transport Geography
  7. LOG_LOG_2014_11_Transportmetrica B-Transport Dynamic
  8. Maritime Policy & Management
  9. Mobilities
  10. Traffic Injury Prevention
  11. Transport Policy
  12. Transport Reviews
  13. Transportation
  14. Transportation Research Part A-Policy and Practice
  15. Transportation Research Part B-Methodological
  16. Transportation Research Part D-Transport and Environment
  17. Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review
  18. Transportation Research Part F-Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
  19. Transportation Science
  20. Transportmetrica

## Discipline - Management & Marketing

  1. Academy of Management Journal
  2. Academy of Management Perspectives
  3. Academy of Management Review
  4. Administrative Science Quarterly
  5. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
  6. Family Business Review
  7. International Journal of Management Reviews
  8. Journal of Business Venturing
  9. Journal of Consumer Research
  10. Journal of International Business Studies
  11. Journal of International Marketing
  12. Journal of Management
  13. Journal of Management Studies
  14. Journal of Marketing
  15. Journal of Marketing Research
  16. Journal of Organizational Behavior
  17. Journal of Service Research
  18. Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science
  19. Strategic Management Journal
  20. Supply Chain Management-An International Journal

## Discipline - Mechanical Engineering

  1. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
  2. Advanced Functional Materials
  3. Advances in Applied Mechanics
  4. Annual Review of Materials Research
  5. Biosensors & Bioelectronics
  6. Carbon
  7. Chemistry of Materials
  8. Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences
  9. Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science
  10. International Materials Reviews
  11. Journal of Materials Chemistry A
  12. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
  13. Journal of Power Sources
  14. Materials Today
  15. Nano Research
  16. Nanoscale
  17. NPG Asia Materials
  18. Progress in Materials Science
  19. Progress in Photovoltaics
  20. Small

## Discipline - Music

  1. British Journal of Music Education
  2. Computer Music Journal
  3. Early Music History
  4. International Journal of Music Education
  5. Journal of American Muscological Society
  6. Journal of Mathematics and Music
  7. Journal of Music Therapy
  8. Journal of New Music Research
  9. Journal of Research in Music Education
  10. Journal of the Society for American Music
  11. Leonardo Music Journal
  12. Music Education Research
  13. Music Preception
  14. Music Therapy Perspectives
  15. Musicae Scientiae
  16. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy
  17. Popular Music
  18. Popular Music and Society
  19. Psychology of Music
  20. Research Studies in Music Education

## Discipline - Nursing

  1. American Journal of Bioethics
  2. American Journal of Critical Care
  3. Birth-Issues in Perinatal Care
  4. Cancer Nursing
  5. Ethnicity & Health
  6. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing
  7. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing
  8. International Journal of Nursing Studies
  9. Journal of Advanced Nursing
  10. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing
  11. Journal of Nursing Management
  12. Journal of Nursing Scholarship
  13. Journal of Pediatric Health Care
  14. Midwifery
  15. Nursing Outlook
  16. Nursing Research
  17. Oncology Nursing Forum
  18. Pain Management Nursing
  19. Research in Nursing & Health
  20. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing

## Discipline - Optometry

  1. ACTA Ophthalmologica
  2. American Journal of Ophthalmology
  3. British Journal of Ophthalmology
  4. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
  5. Current Opinion in Ophthalmology
  6. Experimental Eye Research
  7. EYE
  8. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science
  9. JAMA Ophthalmology
  10. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery
  11. Journal of Refractive Surgery
  12. Journal of Vision
  13. Molecular Vision
  14. Ocular Surface
  15. Ophthalmology
  16. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research
  17. Retina
  18. Survey of Ophthalmology
  19. Vision Research
  20. Visual Neuroscience

## Discipline - Philosophy

  1. Annals of Science
  2. Archive for History of Exact Sciences
  3. Biosemiotics
  4. British Journal for The History of Science
  5. Bulletin of The History of Medicine
  6. Centaurus
  7. Engineering Studies
  8. Historical Studies in The Natural Sciences
  9. History of Geo- and Space Sciences
  10. History of Science
  11. History of The Human Sciences
  12. Journal of The History of Biology
  13. Journal of The History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
  14. Medical History
  15. Medicine Health Care and Philosophy
  16. Philosophy of Science
  17. Science as Culture
  18. Science in Context
  19. Social History of Medicine
  20. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science

## Discipline - Politics

  1. American Journal of Political Science
  2. American Political Science Review
  3. Annual Review of Political Science
  4. British Journal of Political Science
  5. Comparative Political Studies
  6. European Journal of International Relations
  7. Global Environmental Politics
  8. International Organization
  9. International Security
  10. Journal of Conflict Resolution
  11. Journal of Peace Research
  12. Journal of Politics
  13. Marine Policy
  14. Perspectives on Politics
  15. Policy Studies Journal
  16. Political Analysis
  17. Political Behavior
  18. Political Geography
  19. Political Psychology
  20. World Politics

## Discipline - Psychology

  1. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology
  2. American Journal of Psychiatry
  3. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology
  4. Annual Review of Psychology
  5. Behavioral and Brain Sciences
  6. Biological Psychiatry
  7. Clinical Psychology Review
  8. JAMA Psychiatry
  9. Journal of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
  10. Molecular Psychiatry
  11. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
  12. Personality and Social Psychology Review
  13. Perspectives on Psychological Science
  14. Psychological Bulletin
  16. Psychological Methods
  17. Psychological Review
  18. Schizophrenia Bulletin
  19. Trends in Cognitive Sciences
  20. World Psychiatry

## Discipline - Rehabilitation Sciences

  1. Advances in Anatomy Embryology and Cell Biology
  2. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  3. Brain Structure & Function
  4. Clinical Rehabilitation
  5. Ear and Hearing
  6. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy
  7. Hearing Research
  8. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering
  9. Journal of Anatomy
  10. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
  11. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
  12. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation
  13. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy
  14. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation
  15. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy
  16. Journal of Physiotherapy
  17. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair
  18. Physical Therapy
  19. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
  20. Supportive Care in Cancer

## Discipline - Sociology

  1. American Journal of Sociology
  2. American Sociological Review
  3. Annual Review of Sociology
  4. Demography
  5. European Sociological Review
  6. Gender & Society
  7. Human Resource Management Journal
  8. Journal of Cancer Survivorship
  9. Journal of Consumer Culture
  10. Journal of Human Resources
  11. Journal of Labor Economics
  12. Journal of Marriage and Family
  13. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health
  14. Population and Development Review
  15. Population and Environment
  16. Qualitative Research
  17. Social Problems
  18. Sociological Methodology
  19. Sociological Methods & Research
  20. Sociological Theory

## Discipline - Textiles and Clothing

  1. AATCC Review
  2. Cellulose
  3. Coloration Technology
  4. Dyes and Pigments
  5. Fiber Chemistry
  6. Fibers and Polymers
  7. Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe
  8. Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research
  9. Industria Textila
  10. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology
  11. Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics
  12. Journal of Industrial Textiles
  13. Journal of Natural Fibers
  14. Journal of the American Leather Chemist Association
  15. Journal of the Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists
  16. Journal of the Textile Institute
  17. Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology
  18. Tekstil Ve Konfeksiyon
  19. Textile Research Journal
  20. Wood and Fiber Science

## Discipline - Accounting and Finance

  1. Accounting Organizations and Society
  2. Accounting Review
  3. Contemporary Accounting Research
  4. Corporate Governance-An International Review
  5. IMF Economic Review
  6. Journal of Accounting & Economics
  7. Journal of Accounting Research
  8. Journal of Banking & Finance
  9. Journal of Finance
  10. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
  11. Journal of Financial Economics
  12. Journal of Financial Intermediation
  13. Journal of Financial Markets
  14. Journal of Financial Stability
  15. Journal of Monetary Economics
  16. Management Accounting Research
  17. Review of Accounting Studies
  18. Review of Finance
  19. Review of Financial Studies
  20. World Bank Economic Review

## Discipline - Linguistics