College of Education
Faculty Assembly Minutes
October 24, 2017
BH 021
Dr. White called meeting to Order at 8:30 a.m.
Dr. Rankin moved approval of minutes ofSeptember 26 meeting, seconded by Dr. Martinez, motion passes.
Standing Committee Reports
- Academic Affairs– Dr. Burenheide
Adult Learning Graduate Certificate had updated program name and needed course edits to reflect this. Motion passes.
EDACE 816 and 817 are prefix changes, motion passes.
Ag. Ed changes to variable hours to EDSEC 620, motion passes
C&I PhD as a clarification of research hours for EDCI ((1 cannot be used for research hours, motion passes.
New course of EDEP 360, motion passes.
C&I MAT from TELERN to put social studies and foreign language into the MAT program, motion passes.
- Faculty Affairs – Dr. Yang
MickeyLosinski is the recipient of the Holen Excellence in Research Award. Congratulations!
- Student Affairs – Dr. Wefald
Nominations for the outstanding undergraduate and graduate awards are being accepted. Micha Barfuss is the commencement speaker. KSDE Teachers of Promise are Matthew Lundy, Secondary (science) & Stephanie Goering, Elementary (music). Distinguished Cooperating Teacher Award is Caitlin Trent.
- Diversity for Community– Dr. Redcorn
Indigenous Peoples day was a success. Everything was archived online so that it can be accessed. Starting to get regional advocates. The Powwow is this weekend in the Union.
E.Technology – Dr. Knackendoffel
Revisiting the COE technical proficiencies, and looking to adopt the ISTE standards.
Other Reports
- Faculty Senate – Dr. Spears
There was a report sent electronically.
K-State 360 has been launched to link courses with industries.
The statement on weapons policy in syllabi is being discussed.
Discussions on math requirements for some programs are being considered.
A dental school is being considered being included.
The deadline for the next round of concept papers is Dec. 15.
- Graduate Council – No report
- EGSO– Dr. Burden
There are new advisors, Spencer Clark and Deepak Subramony. Looking for new officers.
- Global Campus– Julie Hunt
Lots of good recruitment efforts are ongoing.
- Education Council– No report
- Center for Student and Professional Services– No report
- Library– No report
Dean’s Report
- Several searches are being moved forward.
- Budgetary there is going to be a huge cut. We are overall down students and that still impacts us greatly. Within the COE the people are protected. Our callback is a shy $500,000. Our focus this year is recruitment and retention. Overall we are down 121 students, but down only 66 in graduates. At the graduate level down 12 students.
- Board of Regents has mandated that programs need to be 120 hours and if they are not, a solid justification needs to be provided. Dr. Goodson is leading the charge on this project.
- The documentary premiere was a huge success and has started a ripple effect. Possibilities for expanding this and add voices and make accessible for professional development in our courses.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 a.m.