Drawing Tool User Guide
2Invoking the Drawing Tool
3Initialize Drawing
4Dragging Components on to the Drawing Area
4.1Dragging an Elbow Bus Connector to the Drawing
5Drawing Tool Toolbar
5.1Savea Drawing
5.2Movea Component
5.3Search for a Component
5.4Add User Comment
5.5Set Breaker Values
5.6Generate Bill of Material
5.7Reinitialize Drawing
5.8Print Preview
5.9Invert Vertically
Document Revisions
Date / Version / Description / Author02-May-2003 / 1.0 / Created / Virtusa
10-Apr-2009 / 2.0 / Added Flip functionality. Document re-formatting. / Virtusa
Document Approval
Virtusa, Inc. and Siemenshave reviewed this document and hereby agree that the contents herein are accurate. Any changes to this document must be communicated in writing and signed off by both parties.
Signature / SignatureDate: / Date:
Name: / Name:
Customer: / Virtusa:
This document describes the functionality of the Drawing Tool and provides instructions for using the tool.
2Invoking the Drawing Tool
Invoke the drawing tool by selecting the Drawing Tool template, which can be located through File Menu New Siemens Drawing Tool Drawing, in Visio.
Note: If prompted by Visio you need to enable all Macro’s prompted for.
Helpful Tip: If the drawing tool is not working properly (parts are not connecting together) then macros are not enabled on your computer. Security settings must be adjusted to “medium” in most cases to allow for macros. Use Tools, Options, Security tab, and “Macro Security” to set to Medium.
3Initialize Drawing
Once ‘Initialize Drawing’ dialog box appears,you should specify a valid value (in inches) for the minimum distance from the ground to the lowest point of a component.
4Dragging Components on to the Drawing Area
Once the tool is invoked and initialized,you can drag and drop components from ‘Shapes’ in the left pane onto the drawing area of the Front Elevation page. The Plan and Inverted Plan pages will get updated automatically.
The components are separated into the following categories in the left pane:
-Circuit Breaker
-Circuit Breaker/PullBox
-Ring Type
-Test Block Bypass
-K Base
-Lever Bypass
-Tap Box
-Tap PullBox
-Pull Box
Note:The categories System Shapes, Plan and Inverted Plan are for system use only and not for user manipulation.
Helpful tip: Shape part number can be seen by scrolling over the shape in the shape window. Right clicking the shape once it has been dragged onto the layout Front Elevation page, choosing “View” and “Custom Properties Window” will reveal key attributes of the shape (description, amperage, phase).
Helpful tip#2: To see overall width and height of a shape in the front elevation view, look for the width at the top of the shape (this is overall outer width of the device) and the height will be the largest internal measurement shown inside the shape. Several other internal measurements are shown, including distance to landing lugs and distance to cross bus center line, but the overall unit height will be the largest of these measurements. Dimensions shown are representative of outside box length, width, and depth and do not include allowances for mounting bumps, covers, hubs, or hardware protrusions.
4.1Dragging an Elbow Bus Connector to the Drawing
The following dialog box appears when an Elbow Bus Connector is dragged onto the drawing area from the Accessories category:
All existing components in the drawing will be arranged on the Primary Wall of the elbow bus connector.
5Drawing Tool Toolbar
The toolbar buttons are described in the following order (left to right):
-Save the Drawing
-Move a Component
-Search for a Component
-Add User Comments
-Set Breaker Values
-Generate Bill of Material
-Re-initialize Drawing
-Print Preview
-Invert Vertically
Note: If the tool bar is accidentally closed, it can be re-displayed by right-clicking the mouse while it is over the Visio Tool bar and then by clicking on Siemens Drawing Tool.
5.1Savea Drawing
Following dialog box appears when you select this icon:
The drawing will be saved with the specified name with a .VSD extension in the specified location.
5.2Movea Component
The following dialog box appears when you select this icon:
A component can be moved within the drawing based on the “Source” and “Destination” selections.
Here, the word ‘Stack’ is used to refer to the group of components stacked together on either the left or the right of the Elbow Bus Connector. The Component number is the number marked above each component on the drawing and the destination position will be the position number between components (i.e. position 1 will be between component 1 and 2) where the source component is to be moved to.
The ‘Elbow Bus Connector’ check-box is used to move the Elbow Bus in a drawing. When moving the Elbow bus only the Destination needs to be specified.
5.3Search for a Component
The following dialog box appears when the Search functionality is invoked:
A component can be searched based on the search criteria specified. The search can be performed based on either a catalog number or a particular component category.
The component categories are divided into three tabs for searching purposes: Mains, Stacks and Accessories. For a given component type, all enabled fields are mandatory and the ‘Search’ button will only be enabled when all enabled fields have been specified.
The resulting component of a search can be inserted onto the drawing area by clicking on the ‘Insert’ button after selecting the stack and the position to be inserted to.
5.4Add User Comment
The following dialog box appears whenyou select this icon:
You can add comments for any component based on the component selection. Once a comment is added to a component, the comment will be displayed under the ‘User Comments’ column in the generated Bill of Material.
To select the component to add a comment, you should specify the stack and the component number or check the ‘Elbow Bus Connector’ check box if the comment is for the Elbow Bus Connector (enabled only if the drawing has an Elbow Bus Connector). Maximum comment size is 120 characters.
Helpful Tip: For field phasing in Power Mod Residential Meter stacks type WMM, phase configuration can be typed into the User comments for display on the Bill Of Materials. The drawing tool will display both user comments and breaker values on the final tab, or “BOM”.
5.5Set Breaker Values
The following dialog box is displayed when you select this icon:
You can set Breaker Values for components that you select from this dialog-box. To set a Breaker Value, specify the component, the Position, the ‘Amperage’ value to be added and press the ‘Add Value’ button. Breaker Values can only be added to components that have breaker positions.
Once a Breaker value is added to a component this value will be displayed in the relevant breaker position of the component as well as under the ‘Breaker Values’ column in the generated Bill of Material. .
5.6Generate Bill of Material
This generates the Bill of Material in the ‘Bill of Material’ Page.
5.7Reinitialize Drawing
The following dialog box appears when youselect this icon:
The minimum distance from the ground line to the bottom of the component can be re-initialized here.
5.8Print Preview
You can display the print preview for the Front Elevation, Plan, Inverted Plan and the Bill of Material pages.
Helpful Tip: Printing to 1 page should be adjusted in the Page Setup option, under the Print Zoom option. Depending on the computer and printer settings, the Page Setup, Print Setup tab can be adjusted to fit a drawing to 1 page or adjust the zoom.
Invert Vertically New!
You can flipthe selected Front Elevation drawing vertically. This feature is applicable only for the below listed catalog numbers in Switches (Amperage 400-800) and Tap boxes. Top and bottom views remain unchanged after flip, so after inverting shapes consider top and bottom views
Copyright © 2009 Virtusa Corp. SIEM-DT-USGD-1.0
Siemens - DT User Guide 110-Apr-2009