archived as

more of Dan Burisch is at

note: because important websites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was archived from

on February 16, 2004 . This is NOT an attempt to divert readers from the aforementioned website. Indeed, the reader should only read this back-up copy if it cannot be found at the original author's site.

misc. Dan Burisch postings on the GLP board - (Vol-1 / pp. 31-60)

full un-edited and non-exerpted posts are at the referenced URL

(continued from Vol. 1 / pp.1-30 - …)

(260) starryeyes (nli) 11/12/2003 10:58 am EST

to quote 318:

"A few considerations … … STS comes back to 'cure' his 'future/fallen' race by 'helping' us with reverse genetic engineering …

"We've been warned that deception clothes itself in 'light' … …

"Re 'future': STOs end up in Orion, STSs in Zeta Reticuli … so who's here now -- then - then???"

I thank you. I believe you have hit upon something important. I have felt for some time now that something is not "right" with what is represented by the Zeta Reticuli and their agenda and how it applies to this thread.

It is a strong feeling that I cannot "shake". Unfortunately I am not good at explaining how or why i feel this way - just that I do. Take care.

(261) dondep 11/12/2003 12:33 pm EST

To Man_47 --

The D.C.T.P. is the key to this whole story. There are 2 basic factions -- both of which want this 'package' -- and it's under the control of Dan and whoever he's working for. At least at the moment ...

IF time travel is not only possible but has taken place --which I believe to be the case -- AND we have 'free will', how do we reconcile the two? When we figure that out, we can probably figure out how this story will end. "Everybody wants to own the process; the only way we will succeed is if we all own the solutions" -- Dan Burisch, Sept 18, 2002

(262) greggus 11/12/2003 1:08 pm EST

Why, on the Russian River, here in Sonoma County in the beautiful nation of New Atlantis ...

I call it the lair at the foot of the base of the beast (River front of the Bohemian Grove, or rather just a stones throw)


And, sometimes, dispassionately weed, at least according to A. C. Clark.

If one is going "back in time", not to find a "cure" but to prevent the circumstance from ever happening in the "first" place, in order to obviate the need for a ´cure´.

(263) Dondep unlogged 11/12/2003 1:29 pm EST

Greggus, can you finish that sentence? We're still hangin'...

(264) Dondep unlogged 11/12/2003 1:36 pm EST

So the 'cure' isn't so much the goal as the goal of preventing ... what? That causes this strain of humanity to degenerate in the first place. Is the goal then to prevent a/the Cataclysm? To construct a more-perfect 'world seed' ? To distract us with smoke, mirrors, and 'light beings' in order to do something even more nefarious?

The next installment of the video transcription has Dr. B describing what happens when the J-Rods return to our time, including the architecture of their double eyelids.

(265) greggus unlogged 11/12/2003 4:41 pm EST

Suggest a "quartet" or "tetrahedron" of groups of four musicians, each playing the same music (something in f#) at the same time. Something J. S. Bach will do nicely.

Use Cairo as the triangulation position for the other three points.

Using the Cairo centered equidistant projection method, what are coordinates of the other three points?

Please forgive the misspellings, incomplete sentences, the unfinished thoughts, and the cryptic remarks.

I cannot describe in words the emotions i have experienced while watching Speilberg's 'Taken', but the experience of the girl comes closest to my personal life experience. I have never met my "parents" and "my" adoption records were "sealed", and simply wanting to know was ruled against by the judge whom I'd petitioned as "reason insufficient to unseal the record".

Contact empath/healer, projective telepath.

For me, it wasn't the image of the circus come to town, but the blue bird people who taught me how to fly and be awake out of my body ...for us third and fourth generation hybrids, they don't need to "take" our bodies, but our minds go cooperatively with them as equals, and our bodies must be watched over while we are out. Yes, you alphabet soup monsters, we are "vulnerable" while we are asleep. But ONLY in our physical forms. And I can tell you, we do not need them to be effective in this world now. But you already know that.

(266) starryeyes 11/12/2003 6:44 pm EST

Ok MR Helicopter man, next time just land the bloody thing and chat.

This is not a game to me and it is getting very very old. I have been lived in worse neighborhoods than you can imagine -- shooting Galleries, junky prostitutes, stray bullets in my windows ... The fly-by is meant to do what? Scare us? Make us take notice? Are you afraid that we have forgotten about you? I don't think so.

Out with it. Tells us what you want and we can tell you if we have it. Which I doubt since you read all of our emails and intercept all of my ftp video clips and have talked to many of the people in town anyway. You want us to do what we are doing or else you would politely explain what it is that you and your minions would not like us to post on the thread. And you would stop the flow of what ever info you are worried about. You are just adding credibility to the Burisch issue rather than silencing it. If that is what you really want. It might just be ... but you should really tell us.

Just in case you don't see this, I will post it for you on the GODLIKE thread.

(267) starryeyes 11/12/2003 7:05 pm EST

Anonymous Coward 11/12/2003 4:54 pm EST

Next few days the cat's away and the mice will play. Security is able to turn eyes away.

HA! Except helicopters! We live out in the middle of nowhere . You or your friends turned on a dime right on top of the house. I could easily read all the numbers on your maroon and white rental. Why didn't you just land and deliver Burisch in person?

(268) dondep 11/12/2003 7:08 pm EST

To the ACs of 4:31, 4:38, and 4:53--

Are you all one-and-the-same? What does this vague request mean? Who are you and what is 'your' agenda? Are you connected with the helicopter fly-by just a few minutes ago here?

Now we have to stay on the move, so don't pin us down with yet another trackable email address at a certain time. Cryptic, okay. Vague, not. Better to speak forthrightly if possible. A PM (private message) is useful; it can be eliminated quickly. Otherwise, our faithful carrier pigeon can transmit anything marked 'eyes-only'.

(269) Anonymous Coward 11/12/2003 7:41 pm EST

I am trying to put you in contact with the person you requested. Get a Yahoo email address you will use once and sign on to the messenger. Can't say for sure which of 3 evenings. Today, tomorrow, or the next day. Around 9:30 pm if possible. The only agenda here is trying to fulfill your request. Get it?

(270) dondep 11/12/2003 7:46 pm EST

Next stop, Yahoo then.

(271) Harrdrawk 11/12/2003 8:43 pm EST

I'm with you, Boomerang.

Starryeyes-- The cohorts of IMINVSBL referred to in Peace's first post?? (page 35) Sounds pretty close to your bedroom to me. (Or is Peace and his cohorts calling in the fly-by so you´ll think it was IMINVSBL thus making Peace the more believable?) I'm betting the upcoming yahoos are from Peace's faction. Hang in there, Starry, you are courageous to say the least.

Very exciting and nervous moments here.

Good job, Dondep. Assume nothing. Keep everything well grounded. Land this baby now.

(272) Anonymous Coward 11/12/2003 11:55 pm EST

Aah… DonDep, what is your Yahoo id? I need that to patch this try through? 2130 hours Pacific, give a minute here or there. You will also need to be signed on to the Yahoo messenger service please.

(273) Dondep unlogged 11/13/2003 12:00 am EST


Yahoo messenger on

(274) dondep 11/13/2003 12:04 am EST

Catch that? It's on. Window is there, so hope it works right. Not altogether familiar with it.

To A/C along for the ride-- you have good taste in cheeseburgers. But that Temple isn't the most important one. But you probably already knew that.

(275) dondep 11/13/2003 3:09 am EST

Friends, I have just finished interviewing the great Doctor Dan Burisch himself. I'm thunderstruck, as you will be too shortly. But because I take this responsibility seriously regarding how I came to this, I don't want to jeopardize the good people that helped arrange this. (He did glance around at his backside and laughed as he made sure there wasn't a gun poked in there.)

Before I say anything else, I'd like the people responsible to indicate any parameters I should observe. I don't want to endanger any more lives with this. The obvious things -- such as where Dan asked me to keep certain things confidential -- I will observe. Common sense tells me that. And I think I will have to change his online name before posting any of this out of common courtesy.

So, while I recover from this encounter, if the AC would be so kind ... I not, you will learn soon enough what the good Doctor had to say.

(276) Anonymous Coward 11/13/2003 3:23 am EST

Whoever we (and there is more than one of us that had to arrange this super happening) are, we were happy to give you this interlude. We must hide again because the cat returns soon!

Just to let you know, DB looked around at the cams when done with your conversation, held his hands about his head, applauded, and said, in the good ol' fashion "Queen" (rock group) way -- "WE WILL ROCK YOU!" :-) Then he giggled and went back to work with a smile on his face. Something we haven't seen around here for a very long time. We were happy to (FOR ONCE) be of service to the HUMAN RACE!

Thank you, DonDep, for being such a gentleman to this gentle man.

(277) Harrdrawk 11/13/2003 3:34 am EST

What a major break! Can he see this board from time to time? Maybe 'PM' you or something? We have a chance to get this story right---> I mean, what a break!

Thank you A/Cs and DD. The Human Subject 58-001(who Human is honoring) must be starting to feel better, wherever he is.

Much still to come. Standing by after nap.

(278) Crackajack 11/13/2003 4:19 am EST

Powerful appreciation bump for the hard work being put in by HS, Dondep, WR, 318, Starry, many ACs and also to the AC "enabler" of recent. Also, who could ever forget the brave Dr. B.

Patience and calculation is the key now. Too many fail through ass/umption.

Let's all be of one consciousness as much as possible at this important time. Support, analysis, and time will assist all brave messengers of this noble quest.

[StealthSkater note: refer to theInternet chat-interview #3

at for transcript ]

(279) dondep 11/13/2003 5:14 am EST

Like 'Crackajack' said, we have our work cut out for us. After a well-deserved rest and a lot of thought, we've got the hardest row to hoe ahead of us …

(280) SAS 11/13/2003 5:35 am EST

Dondep, Human Subject, Starry Eyes, the ACs (whoever they were --

Thank you for all the effort you have put into this. I will have to read that interview again!! He confirmed my thoughts on PX, anyway. Wow, have to go to bed now and digest this. Thanks again.

(281) carrier pigeon 11/13/2003 8:09 am EST

Mission accomplished

The Rusty Cages, Now Broken Open

Fly Robin Fly - Paint the Red Sky Blue

Be Free in Your Hears, and Soar into Your Dreams

I May Now Fly This High Perch

On To Places, Yet, Known, To Now

T/His Coop, A Memory, A Pixel In Time

The Course of This Mighty River

ReCognized...In Time

HS#58-001...... Your EartH HearT BElieved...




One and All

This Bud's For You,

May Each's Blossom

Burst Open in Joy

The Essences of Love....Universal

Such  Fine Garden;

This Fallowed Soil,

These Seeds of Men




What Å Production -

Such à Performance

Even The Nebulae are Astir

Encore! Encore!

Oops! Better BE CareFull...Circled Continuum can become Conundrums...In Time :)

Soon and Anon

Over and Out...... >...... ?/:)

GodSpeed Every One

Of Peace And Love

(282) 318 11/13/2003 8:16 am EST



(283) carrier pigeon 11/13/2003 8:21 am EST

dondep and HS#58-001 ---

BTW, That POB Is Terminated. Glad it was Handy

A T and An S Is missing in the Above, Oh Well!

...Push Buttons aren´t forever...:)

tot ziens

V/Omega1 Salutes You, All

(284) Anonymous Coward 11/13/2003 9:02 am EST

DB is awake after his long winded 3 hours of sleep. Who wants to take their turn? The cat is still away. Supply a Yahoo address and I will try to patch it through.

(285) 318 11/13/2003 9:44 am EST

I've got Yahoo open and ready

(286) Anonymous Coward 11/13/2003 9:45 am EST

Would need an AOL screen name for that. Yahoo anyone? AOL screen names? He is not in the best of moods, but will do for y'all I think!

(287) 318 11/13/2003 9:48 am EST

[StealthSkater note: refer to theInternet chat-interview #4

at for transcript ]

(288) another watcher 11/13/2003 1:54 pm EST

Get ready for more debunking ACs. We know that what just happened was real.

(289) starryeyes not logged in 11/13/2003 2:09 pm EST

was the real deal folks ... very vivid video camera.

(290) zacksavage 11/13/2003 2:43 pm EST

Wow! Kudos to the lot of ya!

What a difference a day makes. I have only read part 1 so far, Dondep, but you are defiantly Johnn-on-the-spot, man. Cool.

Hey, Human, looks like the brass ring you have been reaching for is with-in reach.

Well, I am going for more coffee and finish reading what you all have worked so hard to bring to light.



(291) Clear Eyes 11/13/2003 3:04 pm EST

Fascinating! Amazing! Chilling!

Thank you Dondep, Starryeyes, HumanSubject and all who made this possible!

Sooo much info to digest but what I keep asking myself is what can we actually DO with the information?

I'm still awe-struck!

(292) mendacity 11/13/2003 3:51 pm EST

dondep -- the pic is here, at least for now. Sure there is nothing 'classified' about this one :

(293) Dondep unlogged 11/13/2003 3:57 pm EST

Clear Eyes --

You just asked the key question "what can we do with this?" For starters, we can begin disseminating it in a sober, rational manner in the wider communities of which we are a part so that it isn't merely relegated to the "Coast-to-Coast" crowd (don't get me wrong; I love that show, but the so-called ´ufer´ community is as tight-lipped and cliquish as any professional association).

The hard part, as I mentioned earlier, is sifting through what we've just learned from Dr B, comparing it to other perspectives (especially since we now know Dan doesn't get out very much), measuring it against what the antagonists in this death-defying dance have told us, and all the while keeping in mind that what our collective consciousness concludes may very well have a bearing on our future.

Think about this: due to the efforts of our good friends on the "inside", there are more people "out here" that know the story than the actual number of people involved in the cover-up. Ponder that! And since we know that each individual soul has a wide impact in the unseen world, we already have achieved a superiority in numbers. Now the drama returns to the 2 equally-split factions in the now-defunct group that has controlled our planet for some time. Our musings and shared wisdom may tip the scale to one or the other, so choose your words carefully when you post on this thread!

(294) Dondep unlogged 11/13/2003 4:03 pm EST

Mendacity --

The link only shows the title Der Hand die Philosophen, with a clickable link to Yahoo! and your email address. A picture starts to show, but only about a 1/4" unfolds. What is this pic?

(295) SAS 11/13/2003 4:28 pm EST

Well, you guys are certainly keeping Draco busy!!!! Thank you, Human Subject, for that follow up interview. I have to go back and read the whole lot again. It's wonderful stuff.

I agree with what Dondep said in his last post about choosing our words carefully. I would go even further and say we need to choose our thoughts very carefully. I think what happens from here on is very much down to us.

We are calling the shots on a subconscious level.

(296) DBaraca 11/13/2003 4:46 pm EST

This is not the first time that ETs have secret (not publicly known) contacts and deals with the Powers-That-Be [PTB]. Babylon, Egypt, and others were similarly contacted and dealt with. In fact, that's how they became PTB.

(297) SAS 11/13/2003 4:55 pm EST

Hmmmm..... There are no accidents ... no coincidences.

The Harmonic Concordance of Nov 8/9 was supposed to "open up human consciousness". By the looks of threads like this, the "ball is rolling" …