Glasgow City Council Education Services
Improvement Planning
/ St. Benedict’s PrimaryLIG Area
/ NE Lig 3Session
/ 2016-2017CONTENTS
1. Vision, Values and Aims
2. Summary of Self Evaluation Process
3 Priorities for Improvement in the current year
4 Action planning
5 Appendices:
a. Action Plan Summary for Stakeholders
Head of Establishment / Teresa Carr / DateQuality Improvement Officer / Kay Hamilton / Date
Area Education Officer / Colin Crawford / Date
1a Our vision, values and aims /
Within St. Benedict’s community of Faith and Learning “Getting It Right For Every Child” is our key priority. On our Journey to Excellence we endeavour to put the child at the centre and help lives and life chances.
We will do this by:
SAFE Providing a nurturing and happy environment in which all children feel safe and valued.
HEALTHY Ensuring each child has the opportunity to access physical, social and emotional programmes which help him or her
ACHIEVING Ensuring children take responsibility for their own learning by setting targets, planning and evaluating their work.
Creating an ethos of the highest aspirations and expectations in which young people are engaged, supported and
challenged in their learning.
Ensuring all children are motivated and learning experiences meet learners’ needs.
Recognising achievement within and out with school.
NURTURED Nurturing all children in their social and emotional well-being and developing talent.
ACTIVE Working with all partners (local and national) and stakeholders to provide each child with a positive lifelong approach to
health and well-being.
RESPECTED Encouraging all within St. Benedict’s School Community to try to live by the Gospel values, promoting at all times respect
for others, their cultures and religions.
RESPONSIBLE Developing young people as leaders within the school, parishes, community and beyond.
Fostering positive attitudes to global issues and encouraging thoughtful and responsible decision making.
INCLUSIVE Working with all agencies to meet the needs of our young people and their families in breaking down barriers to learning.
1b How our vision, values and aims were developed and how our stakeholders were consulted /
Staff carried out a review of the vision, values and aims. Using a carousel model, all staff including teachers, support for learning workers and clerical staff worked collegiately to develop the priorities using the GIRFEC model and Curriculum for Excellence. The identified priorities from each group were displayed and staff selected which aims they felt were most important and relevant to the school.
This exercise was repeated with parents using focus groups. The aims were then put on display at Parents’ Evening and all parents had the opportunity to contribute to the process by selecting their priorities. The majority of parents who attended participated in this exercise.
The children were then involved through the Student Council where the selected aims were discussed with them and they had the opportunity to be involved in the process. The children then worked on and completed a child friendly version of the vision, value and aims.
Parents were invited by stage groups to informal meetings to allow them input towards our Visions Values and Aims. Feedback from our Nurture Questionnaire and professional Dialogue Meetings with staff allowed as many stakeholders as possible to have an input.
2. Summary of self evaluation process
How we carried out our self-evaluation and involved our stakeholders /
The children continually evaluated their academic and social skills through their learning logs, target setting, evaluations on their experiences, class discussion, learners’ dialogue, MY World evaluation, ECO Committee, Student Council, Pupil Profiles and the monthly Headteacher Tea Party. Through sampling of course work and learners’ dialogue with SMT the children’s performance is also evaluated.
Children and carers were involved in evaluating learning through PLPs, focus groups and evaluation exercises at every open forum (ie Parents Nights, Showcases, open afternoons etc.). Using our Values & Visions as a tool for improvement children and parents opinions were sought to design a new Home/ School Agreement. These were designed around the SHANARRI outcomes from our Vision, Values and Aims.
Teachers regularly evaluate their teaching and learning and identify next steps in learning. “The Good Lesson” is used to evaluate teaching on class visits by SMT and Class Teachers and plans are reviewed on a termly basis and evaluated through professional dialogue.
Staff evaluated the 2015\16 school improvement plan and identified priorities for this year’s plan. The views of the staff were also collated regularly through staff meetings, evaluation exercise and formal written evaluations. Science integration within the Forward Plan and development within Interdisciplinary Learning was evaluated via The Wheel of The Science mentor. The opinions of all staff were sought and raw data used to build CPD for our new SIP. The views of all staff were sought via an online survey to determine ‘How Nurturing is Our School’ and The Autism Toolbox. All staff participated in Policy and Planning meetings and all staff worked cooperatively to reflect, review and update our present policies. All staff participated in a reflective review of our Health and Wellbeing by identifying areas of strength and areas for improvement. A similar exercise was repeated with a focus upon citizenship, the UNCRC, Growing Glasgow’s Citizen’s and The Language and Communication Friendly Establishment. All staff participate in moderation exercises to reflect upon curricular practice, planning and assessment.
Evaluations were completed by children, staff, carers and community members (especially throughout the FAST programme) during evaluative meetings. Evaluations have also been completed by a wide range of visitors to the school, with very positive feedback.
High level question / Our key strengths / Our areas for improvement /
How good is our leadership and approach to improvement? / Leadership is distributed across the school with a positive encouragement for staff to develop leadership of curricular areas.
Staff exercise personal choice in the selection of a working party specific to the SIP and are encouraged to lead within their chosen area.
Opportunities for staff leadership are offered via the sharing of good practice internally at staff CPD sessions.
The HT actively participates in a focus group which leads the LIG in moderation and assessment and supports colleagues in the LIG and LC with WAPs.
The DHT sits on the City working party for Digital Learning STEM and Staff Development.
Two principal teachers are studying a Leadership and Management qualification.
3 staff member have successfully achieved Improving Our Classroom qualifications. / To further promote and develop Distributive leadership across the school.
To ensure staff are provided with opportunities to develop within their chosen area of the SIP in order to lead colleagues.
To support and encourage staff to participate in leadership opportunities within CLPL.
Through PRD process encourage staff to pursue opportunities that develop leadership and to promote opportunities for leadership as and when they arise.
How good is the quality of care and education we offer? / Collegiate and partnership work, sharing practice in moderation and assessment ensures that a high focus remains on quality.
Staff are continually encouraged to look at new research and pedagogical initiatives to raise the attainment of all within our school community.
All staff participate in a thorough monitoring programme across all stages within the school implemented by SMT. / Moderation and assessment of all areas of the curriculum via collegiate working.
Tracking children’s skills across the areas of HWB Numeracy, Literacy and Science.
Further enhance professional dialogue and use of self-assessment tools specifically focussing on raising attainment.
How good are we at improving outcomes for all our learners? / Our programme of continuous self-evaluation including classroom visits demonstrates a clear commitment to collaborative learning.
We have a positive and welcoming ethos throughout the school and we have established and fostered high quality relationships between staff, parents, pupils and our wider partners. / We want the achievements of our children to be recognised both within the school and the wider community.
We want to foster within them a desire for life-long learning and personal achievement.
3. Priorities for improvement in the current year / Year / 2016-2017
No. / Priority / Stage of development / Main driver of priority: / Alignment to:
Exploring, Developing or Embedding / Self- Evaluation/VSE / Education Scotland report / QI / Wellbeing
Framework / Service
Priorities / Collaboration and Partnership
1 / Numeracy / Developing / Self - Evaluation / 1.1
3.2 / Achieving
Responsible / 1, 2, 3 / Schools within L.C.
Attainment Challenge Group
2 / Literacy / Developing / Self - Evaluation / 1.1
3.2 / Achieving
Responsible / 1, 2, 3 / Schools within L.C.
Local Authors and Librarian Service
3 / Health and Well Being / Developing / Self - Evaluation / 1.1
3.2 / Safe
Included / 1, 2, 3 / Glasgow Life, Shettleston Harriers, Celtic FC, S.O.S, The Spark, F.A.R.E. FAST, Local Community Groups, Agency Work, Local Parishes,
4. Action Planning
Priority No. / QI /
/ Expected outcomes for learners which are measurable or observable1 / 1.1
3.2 / Continue to develop numeracy across learning within St Benedict’s through quality teaching and learning, assessment and by incorporating Glasgow’s progressive Pathways to improve standards. Continue to develop SEAL and in line with the improvement attainment challenge of Maths. / · Adoption of Glasgow’s progression pathway for numeracy.
· Embedded SEAL practices
· Improved attainment
Tasks to achieve priority / Timescale
and checkpoints / Those involved – including partners / Resources and staff development /
Establish a Working Party for Numeracy / August 2016 & as noted in Collegiate Times / J Murphy, L Morgan, M McCready, P Ryan, M Kenny, J Miller, C Carroll
Establish lead staff within each level / Aug – Jun 2017 / J Murphy & Inga Nicolson / CLPL courses, shadowing colleagues and leading the sharing of practice amongst staff. Engage all stakeholders in CLPL on SEAL.
Establish and embed Glasgow’s Progressive Pathways / Aug – Jun 2017 / J Murphy & Inga Nicolson / CLPL courses, shadowing colleagues and sharing practice amongst staff. Build staff awareness and confidence in ‘Glasgow Counts’ to provide a clear pathway which ensures progression, depth and breadth in Mathematics.
Develop Active Maths / Aug – Jun 2017 / Numeracy working party / Consolidate 2 active days with increased shared resources
Heinemann Active Maths
Problem Solving Folders
Establish and embed Tracking of Maths skills / Aug – Jun 2017 / All Staff
T Byatt / Revised policy for Numeracy to include assessment, shared understanding of the vision for Mathematics with the development of a common language within Mathematics.
Integrate more Challenge within numeracy / Aug – Jun 2017 / All Staff & Working Party / Singaporean Maths ideas and developing challenge within numeracy lessons.
Mental Maths Skills / Aug – Jun 2017 / All Staff & Working Party / Moderated planning to develop mental maths strategies and games across stages and levels.
Moderation of planning within stages / August 2016 & as noted in Collegiate Times / All Staff / Focus upon moderated planners to create challenge opportunities at each stage
Identification in planning of significant aspects of learning / Aug – Jun 2017 / Working Party
T. Byatt / Forward Plans will note Significant aspects of learning within numeracy
Shared Assessment that demonstrates the children’s understanding of aspects within each outcome. / August 2016 & as noted in Collegiate Times / All Staff / Examples of practice
Examples of practice of other establishments
Embedding the practice of SEAL across all stages / August 2016 & as noted in Collegiate Times / Numeracy Working Party / As CLPL courses arise and shared practice between staff
Build on shared home learning programme and continue to develop community links with numeracy projects for children, staff and parents. / Aug – Jun 2017 / Credit Union
Triple P
Clydesdale bank
John Wheatley College / Children access Credit Union
Money Week
Each class has at least one experience throughout the year when it engages in a community project related to numeracy.
Opportunities for collaborative teaching/ peer coaching to enhance good practice within St. Benedict’s / Aug – Jun 2017 / Working group
All staff / Programme in place for peer coaching.
Evidence of Impact
Children will be able to talk about their learning, identifying skills and next steps with their peers and class teacher. Numeracy pathway will be embedded into planning at every stage. Children will talk about challenge within numeracy and can note opportunities and experiences of challenge. Moderated planning and Assessment will demonstrate the children’s understanding of aspects within each outcome thus leading to tracking demonstrating that the needs of all learners are being met through effective planning. Tracking of skills within Maths levels will focus on children’s progress and areas that require growth. Showcase for Money week will take place for all stakeholders. Each class will have had at least one experience throughout the year when it engaged in a community project related to numeracy. Mental Maths strategies and greater degree of mental maths activities within numeracy can be evidenced. Forward plans will note the significant aspects of learning Numeracy related to the experiences and outcomes.
4. Action Planning
Priority No. / QI /
/ Expected outcomes for learners which are measurable or observable2 / 1.1
3.2 / Develop Literacy for All across learning within St Benedict’s through quality teaching, learning and assessment. / · Interactive and engaging literacy programme through interdisciplinary learning further developed.
· Children experience success and achievement within literacy across learning.
· Improvement Framework for assessment; recognising attainment and achievement embedded.
Tasks to achieve priority / Timescale
and checkpoints / Those involved – including partners / Resources and staff development /
Establish a Working Party for Literacy / August 2016 & as noted in Collegiate Times / K. Brogan, E Laing, A Magill, L McLean, H Mulgrew
Establish lead staff within each level / Aug – Jun 2017 / K. Brogan / Attend CLPL courses as they arise and lead the distribution of knowledge and sharing of practice between staff