Author Photo30 mm
40 mm / Author Photo
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40 mm / Author Photo
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The abstract should consist in a concise description of the paper. Both the abstract and the author identification must be written in Times New Roman 10 pt. The title is to be written in Bold, 10 pt Times New Roman.
The paper layout must follow these instructions that are themselves an example. Please respect them as closely as possible.
Papers shall be written in English with a maximum of 20 pages, including title, 300-word abstract, diagrams and bibliography. A camera-ready copy of the original as well as the corresponding digital file should be sent to the Conference Secretariat (using mail and e-mail, respectively) at the following address:
School and Workshop
Smart Structural Systems Technologies (S3T-2010)
DECivil - Faculdade de Engenharia – Att: Clotilde Bento
R. Dr. Roberto Frias, s/n
4200-465 PORTO
2.1 Text formatting
2.1.1 Text area
The text should be written using WORD for WINDOWS. A4 paper size (210x297 mm) should be used, with top and bottom margins of 51 mm and left and right margins of 37.5 mm. The text area shall be therefore 135mm wide and 195mm high. Headers, footers and page numbering should not be included. On the hard copy each page should be numbered in the bottom right corner using blue pencil.
2.1.2 Paragraphs
Paragraphs should be fully justified (left and right) with single line spacing. Please use one blank line between each paragraph and after each heading. Between a paragraph and the next heading two blank lines should be left. All headings should be left justified.
2.2 Font
The body text must be written in 10pt Times New Roman font.
Main headings must be written in upper case using bold 10pt Times New Roman font. Subheadings must be also in bold 10pt Times New Roman font but with only the first letter in upper case (Sentence case). Lower level headings will be written in sentence case 10pt Times New Roman font.
Equations should be centred and sequentially numbered, with the equation number right justified between normal parentheses and using arab numbering. For multiple line equations, the numbering should be done in the last line.
Equations and body text should be separated by one blank line. Equations should be written in the same font with subscripts 3pt below. Conventional symbols and SI units should be used.
Tables, figures and photos should be inserted into the text next to their first reference and respecting the above referred text area. Footnotes must not be used.
Table captions should be placed above them, centred and sequentially numbered using arab numbers and 10pt Times New Roman font. If the caption is more than one line in length, the second and subsequent lines must be left aligned with first word of the caption and should be justified (see Figure 1).
Table 1: Identification of table 1.
Figures should be clear and with adequate quality for good reproduction. Captions should be centred immediately below the figures, respecting the text area. If the caption is more than one line in length, follow the alignment style given for table captions. Sequential numbering is to be used with arab numbers. All figures should be identified by a text written in sentence case 10pt Times New Roman font.
Photos should also be clear and in black and white. Concerning their identification and numbering the rules for the figures apply.
Figure 1: Identification of figure 1. If the caption is more than one line in length, the second and subsequent lines must be left aligned with first word of the caption and should be justified.
If acknowledgements are to be included, they should be done in a separate section at the end of the text and before the references.
References should be included in the body text using arab numbers between right parentheses (example [1]). Numbering should be sequential in accordance with the order of appearance in the body text.
All reference paragraphs should include the last name and the author initials, the paper title (between inverted commas), the publication title (in italics), volume, year and page numbers.
Should references have three or more authors, the first one must be mentioned followed by et al.. Reference numbering should be placed between right parentheses and left aligned. The text is to be 7.5mm indented from the left margin.
[1] Shenoy A. – “Refinement of the Superpave Specification Parameter for Performance Grading of Asphalt”. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 127, Nº 5, pp.357-362, September-October, 2001.
[2] Brown, E.R. and S.A. Cross. - “A Study on In-Place Rutting os Asphalt Pavements. Proceedings, Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, Vol. 68, 1999, pp.35-63.
[3] Hoyt, D., R.L. Roberts. – “Criteria for Asphalt-Rubber Layer in Civil Airport Pavements: Evaluation of Asphalt-Rubber Layer”. Texas Transportation Institute, Texas A&M University, 1986.