Dyslexia Toolkit –free tools, guidance and websites
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Visual difficulties
Working with words
Mind mapping and graphic organisers
Memory and revision
Reading tools and strategies
Writing tools and strategies
Good websites for developing a range of study skills
Visual difficulties
Free downloadable PC tools
These can all be downloaded from:
T-Bar – downloadablereading ruler. Set your colour, transparency, height, width and lines.
KwikLoupe – magnifies the area around the mouse pointer.
RapidSet - allows quick and easy changing of the background and font colours.
Vu-Bar - an on-screen, slotted ruler to stop the reader skipping lines.
Free downloadable Mac tools
Tofu ( – will lay out text in columns which are easier to read. Will also allow you to change the background colour.
Black Light ( lets you quickly dim your screen, change to white text on a black background or apply a coloured filter.
How to change background colours
Apple Accessibility( explains how users with visual difficulties can customise their Mac, e.g. screen and cursor magnification, high-contrast settings.
My Computer My Way( – clear instructions about how to change your computer’s appearance (PC and Mac).
My Web My Way ( - simple guides explaining how to change how your computer or web browser operates, to make things easier for people who have difficulty seeing.
Windows Display and Readability( – explains how to change background colours, contrast and enlarge parts of your screen.
Working with words – dictionaries, spell checkers and advice on better English
Dictionaries and thesauruses
Howjsay( – online talking dictionary. Type in a word and hear how it is pronounced in British English.
One look reverse dictionary( – describe a concept and it will suggest possible words.
Online Etymological dictionary( – explains where words came from and when they entered the language.
Online thesaurus( – find words with the same or similar meanings.
Visual dictionary online( – look up words by theme or in the index and see detailed pictures and diagrams.
Visuwords( type in a word and see a mind map of related words with definitions.
Ghotit( – paid-for software aimed at dyslexics to check spelling, grammar and punctuation. You can paste short pieces of text (up to 1000 characters) for free checking online.
Ginger( free downloadable spelling and grammar checker.
Improve your grammar, punctuation and spelling
Common Errors in English Usage( – easy to navigate; explains commonly confused words.
Guide to punctuation( – a whole textbook online.
Improve your writing( – online self-marking exercises on punctuation, grammar and confusable words.
Spelling – a lost art( – for people who love to know the rules…
Mind mapping and graphic organisers
Mind mapping software
Freemind( – free downloadable mind mapping software which works on PC and Macs.
Popplet( – very simple and visual online organiser and collaboration tool. Good for creating galleries of work as well as planning ideas.
Mind42( – another free online mind mapping tool.
Ikon( –another simple, free, online mind mapping tool.
Other graphic organisers
Thinking tools( –graphic organisers for many different purposes, presented in a clear table.
Memory and revision
Mnemonics (memory tricks)
Think a Link( – lots of examples of mnemonics to give you inspiration.
Mnemonics and other learning devices( – more strategies and suggestions.
JogLab( – helps you come up with mnemonic sentences (e.g. RHYTHM – rhythm has your two hips moving) to remember tricky spellings.
Improve your memory
Brainsmart( –fun, interactive site from the BBC with games and advice on improving your memory. Really worth a visit.
Memory tips for students( – short, useful article.
Tips and techniques to improve your memory( – clear, simple advice from the BBC.
Online flashcards
Quizlet( – make online flashcards for learning and revision or use and adapt cards made by others.
Reading tools and strategies
Note taking
Cornell System( – explains this note taking method, which is particularly helpful when you have to memorise information, e.g. for exams.
Lectures and taking notes( – good advice from the University of Southampton.
Reading strategies
Learning Strategies from Queens University( – explains how you read and has strategies and exercises to help you improve.
Referencing tools
Zotero ( – must-have online tool for bookmarking and referencing. Runs best with Mozilla Firefox (both can be run from a memory stick).
Menderley( –another reference manager with an emphasis on collaboration and networking between people with similar research interests.
Text to speech software
Balabolka( – free text reader which can be run from a memory stick. Paste text into the box and it will read it using a voice already installed on your computer (not Mac).
Natural Reader( – free downloadable text reader for PC and Mac.
ImTranslator( – will read text aloud in a variety of languages. Also claims to translate text between languages but treat with caution!
Speed reading tools
Spreeder( – online tool to help you build your reading speed. Paste text into the box, then click ‘settings’ to choose speed and number of words at a time. You can gradually increase these as you improve.
Writing tools and strategies
Touch typing software
Typing Web( – register for free and it will take you through tutorials to develop your touch typing skills. Clean, simple, effective interface. Don’t forget to cover your hands with a tea towel!
Sense-Lang( – free touch typing tutor which allows you to do basic exercises or use longer pieces of text (your own or from the BBC).
How to improve your writing skills
Clearer Writing( – very comprehensive online course to help you develop your writing skills.
Purdue Online Writing Lab( – advice and exercises for all stages of the writing process.
Good websites for developing a range of study skills
Study Skills for Students with Dyslexia( excellent interactive resources from Sheffield University on Reading and Writing skills, Organising yourself and Using and acknowledging sources.
Palgrave Study Skills( – provides useful overviews of many areas of study and links with their study guides.
BBC Skillswise( – interactive resources to help adults brush up their basic maths and English skills.
Skills for OU Study( – clear, simple advice.
Skills e-resources( – from University of Exeter.
Study Skills Self Help Information( – has some useful study strategies.
Dropbox( – save and share files between different computers, tablets and mobile devices.
Wunderlist( – create to-do lists and synchronise them between different devices: computers, tablets and smart phones. Add alarms and reminders, organise into different folders, share folders with others.
Concentrate () – blocks applications which distract you, opens the programs you need, changes your desktop to a non-distracting background and keeps it that way until the time you have set has elapsed (Mac only – no longer charges you after free trial).
focus booster ( – simple timer which counts down from 25 minutes then encourages you to take a five-minute break before starting back to work again.
Self Control( – blocks your access to email/social networking/other sites chosen by you for a period of time chosen by you. You will not be able to access these until the timer reaches zero! (Mac only).Freedom ( is similar and works on PCs but costs $10.