CLSM process for submission of grant applications
Note: this process applies to all grant submissions (including outlines) to external funding bodies regardless of the applicability of the CLSM peer review and mentoring process.
This process should start at least 8 weeks before your funding body deadline.
- Determine if CLSM peer review and mentoring process is applicable:
-if mentoring process applies, please follow process before embarking on writing your application
-if peer review applies, please ensure you build time for internal peer review into your time line before submission. It is reasonable to offer your internal peer reviewers at least 2 weeks to review your application.
- Contact RFS to help with costing your application. RFS will provide salary and overhead costs, relevant to the funding body. They will advise on commercial pricing and the eligibility of all costs. It is your responsibility to determine costs for consumables, access charges, equipment etc. Core facility access charges must be determined in consultation with the facility manager.
-RFS will help complete the online forms for some funding bodies that ask for detailed breakdown of fEC costs (e.g. Je-S, MRC EAA)
-It is your responsibility to contact your external co-applicants to ask them to provide their costs. Some other universities have internal deadlines for providing costs, so if those offices are not approached in sufficient time this may restrict the submission of your grant. RFS can not calculate the costs for other institutions.
- Contact R&I to indicate which funding body and deadline that you are planning to submit to.
-R&I will check your eligibility for applying to a particular call. Please indicate to R&I if you are planning to use any materials on Material Transfer Agreements (MTA) at this stage so that R&I can check that existing agreements are consistent with the terms of funding.
- Determine if your study requires a sponsor (under research governance) that needs to be named on your application. If so, please contact Dr GailHolland, so that the procedure for determining the sponsorof your study can be followed.
- Complete your application, including peer review where applicable. The peer reviewers should review the application form as well as the case for support.
- Use the internal cover sheet as a checklist when determining resources required for the project. Complete your internal cover sheet (selecting the template relevant to your funder). Use the internal cover sheet as a checklist when determining resources required for the project. You should arrange allthe relevant signatures on the internal cover sheet including you, the facility managers, programme leader and mentor/peer reviewer where applicable. All 4 sections of the cover sheet must be completed. Your Head of School (or Division, see below) should be the last signatory on your cover sheet, as they will only sign when all other signatures are in place.
-N.B.School of Medicine & Dentistry
- Applications under £350K can be signed for by Head of Division.
- All applications above £350K AND applications where fEC is applied, but less than 80%fEC will be received, must go to Head of School.
- Hand in your internal coversheet and final application to RFS at least 5 days before the funding body deadline. RFS an R&I must check all applications before submission, therefore this timescale must be adhered to or your application may not be authorised for submission.
-All applications over £350K must be authorised by combinations of senior management, which will be arranged by R&I. Senior management will NOT sign off applications at short notice or retrospectively. Any high value applications received by R&I within 5 days of the deadline risks not being signed off by senior management, and R&I will not be able to authorise submission.
- After reviewing the application, RFS and R&I may suggest changes to your application are made before submission.
- It is your responsibility to ensure that the application is submitted to the funding body by the deadline.
-For online submission systems, R&I or RFS (and sometimes Head of School) have to authorise your submission on line before the deadline, so please ensure that you submit in adequate time to allow for this authorisation before the deadline. Authorisation will only be completed inside normal working hours. Note: Research Council deadlines are 4pm on the deadline day.
-For paper copies that may require signature, please ensure that the final copy of the application, complete with all other signatures is with R&I at least 5 days beforethe deadline. It is your responsibility to take the requisite number of photocopies, and arrange a courier or special delivery of the application form.
Further reading:
-CLSM Mentoring and Peer Review Process
-Upcoming deadlines
-Preparing an impact statement DRAFTED
-Guidance for fellows
-Guidance for mentors DRAFTED
-Tips for preparing a grant application DRAFTED