St. Timothy Parish Norwood, Walpole, Westwood march 29, 2009 fifth sunday of lent
Monday, March 30, 4pm,Passion Play rehearsal
Monday, March 30, 7pm, Employment Watch Mtg.
Tuesday, March 31, 10am, Bereavement Support Group
Wednesday, April 1, 7pm, RCIA
Thursday, April 2, 4:30pm, Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, April 2, 7:30pm, Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, April 2, 7:45pm, New Jerusalem Prayer Group
Friday, April 3, 9:30am, Blood Pressure Clinic
Friday, April 3, 3:30pm, Stations of the Cross
Friday, April 3, 6pm, Soup Supper
Friday, April 3, 7pm, Prayer Service (led by our Parish Pastoral Council))
Sunday, April 5, 9-12pm, Blood Pressure Clinic
Sunday, March 29
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Sunday, April 5
Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion
Join fellow parishioners for our Soup Supper in the Church Hall at 6pm on Friday, April 3. This will be followed by a Prayer Service in the Church at 7pm, presented by our Parish Pastoral Council.
Please note the change of time on next Sunday’s Mass schedule (11:15am)
Financial Report for March 22, 2009
Envelopes Collected 292
Amount in envelopes $5,823.00
Percentage of collection in envelopes 67% Loose donations $2,898.00
Total parish offertory $8,721.00
Liturgical Minister Schedule
April 4/5
4:30 Lector: Bob Wennerstrand, Ann Daly
4:30 Server: Chris DeMeo, Eileen Howard, Noelle Lacey
8:00 Lector: Joe and Judy White
8:00 Server: Colleen O’Connor, Manny Escobar,
Karl Baer
9:30 Lector: Chris Morrison, Monica Stevenson
9:30 Server: Devin Bartlett, Katie Horsfall, Mike Petro
11:15 Lector: Jeff Weidenaar, Ann Fogarty
11:15 Server: Kelly & Ryan Fogarty, Cullen Weidenaar
5:00 Lector: Evan Metzold, Karen Manor-Metzold
5:00 Server: Patrick Reed, Greg Campion,
Belle DeVingo
Eucharistic Minister’s 1st weekend team
Saturday, March 28
9:00Carl Gonser Memorial
4:30Antonio & Margaret H. Giordano
Sunday, March 29
8:00Joseph Dugan, Jr. 25th Anniversary
9:30John Saltalamacchia 4th Anniversary
11:00Joseph & Catherine DeCota Memorial
5:00Sinead Ryan-Green 8th Anniversary
Monday, March 30
9:00Thomas Concannon & Deceased Members of the Concannon Family
Tuesday, March 31
9:00John O’Neill Memorial
Wednesday, April 1
9:00Sheila Kilroe
Thursday, April 2
9:00Jean MacKenzie Volpe 1st Anniversary
Friday, April 3
9:00Joan Batson Memorial
Saturday, April 4
9:00Rita A. Clifford Anniversary
4:30Joseph Raymond Anniversary
Sunday, April 5
8:00Guido Ciannavei 4th Anniversary
9:30Alice Keenan Memorial
11:15Antonio & Custodia DaFonte
5:00Monica Silva & Silvester DaSilva
Religious Education
Grades K-6
July 20-24, 2009!
Youth Formation Ministry
Grades 7 and 9 YFM Religious Education classes will meet this Sunday, March 29, 2009. Grade 7 will meet at the regular time of 3:15. Grade 9 will meet at 4:45 for the 5 pm Mass, followed by class at 6 pm. The Thursday evening students will meet at St. Catherine’s the regular time of 6:30 for grade 7 and 7 pm for grade 9.
Students of the YFM program will present the Living Stations of the Cross on Monday evening, April 6 at 7 pm at St. Catherine’s Church, and again on Friday afternoon April 10, at 3 pm at St. Timothy’s Church. Students of the YFM Program should attend, as indicated in the syllabus, one of these presentations.
Youth Group
Our Tuesday evening youth group continues to meet each week at 7pm in St. Andrew’s Hall on the second floor of St. Catherine’s Convent. All high school students are welcome to join us. Doors open at 6pm.
Catholic Pastoral Center
“Spiritual Writings” will be held on Thursday evenings in April (except April 9) from 7-8:30pm at Mount St. Alphonsus Pastoral Center. Reflection on the text by Thomas Moore: Dark Nights of the Soul, presented by Dr. Pauline Fournier. The cost is $10 per session. Reservations are required. Call 845-384-8000 for information and directions.
Holy Family Shelter
On April 14 we will be preparing and serving supper for the men at Holy Family Shelter. Desserts are welcomed! Please call for the drop off address (Dot – 781-769-0652).
Thank you to all those who have made generous donations in the past. $500 is sent to the Pine Street Inn each month. Please help to support this ministry. Donations to pay for these meals may be sent to:
Campagna, 86 Countryside Ln., Norwood, MA. Please make checks payable to St. Timothy Christian Service Fund.
Alzheimer's Caregiver Support Group
Beverly Moore will be speaking at the next Alzheimer's Caregiver Support Group meeting on Tuesday, April 14th at 10am.Beverlyis an Alzheimer'sCoach and has many years of experience in the field.For more information, check out her website,
She will be bringing along a few copies of her recently published book, "Matters of the Mind...and the Heart." The cost of her book is $20, with $5 of each sale going to the StilMee Scholarship Fund for coaching families in need.
The Support Group is open to people caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s Disease or a related dementia. By sharing information and supporting each other, many caregivers feel empowered and less burdened by their caregiving responsibilities. The group meets twice a month in Ruocco 6. New members are welcome. Please call the Parish Nurse Office for more information.
Blood Pressure Clinic
The monthly Blood Pressure Clinic will be held this Friday, April 3rd and Sunday, April 5th after the morning Masses in the church hall. In addition to monitoring your blood pressure, nurses are available for individual health counseling.
Father Augustine Anda of Saint Columbkille Parish in Brighton, is leading a group to see The Passion Play in Germany in May 2010. Father Anda has led groups on inspiring trips to the Holy Land, Italy and Lourdes. We will visit religious and historical sites of Rome, Assisi, Florence, Venice, Innsbruck and Munich. In Rome, we hope to see Pope Benedict XVI at his weekly audience. Daily mass will be celebrated. While in Germany, we will see The Passion Play, which is put on every ten years. Space is limited. If interested, please contact Carolyn Kenney at 978-852-7852 or email address - . A flyer is available upon request.
Epiphany Pageant DVD Available
There are 4 copies of the Epiphany DVD available in the office to borrow for viewing for those who have not been able to see it on Norwood Public Access TV. Please see Kathy Tinson in the office about borrowing one of these DVDs.
One Spot Open for New Orleans Outreach Trip
We have one spot open for anyone who would like to join us April 19-26 in New Orleans. Participants need to purchase their own airfare. If anyone would like to be part of this mission, please contact Jeannette Chambers ASAP at 781-762-7187.
Easter Flowers/Honor’s List
Please make sure you have your Easter flower donation and names of those loved ones you would like to be remembered in the “Easter Honor’s List” to Kathy in the parish office no later than April 6.
Norwood Fine Arts
The Norwood Fine Arts Department presents the “12th Annual Fine Arts Festival” at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 572 Nichols Street, Norwood on April 13th and 14th from 6-8:30pm.
St. Catherine of Siena Class of 1969
The 40th Anniversary Reunion Celebration for the Class of 1969 will take place on April 25, 2009 at 7pm at the Norwood Elks Hall. Please contact Faith at . Spread the word and the email address to your friends in the class!
Lenten Day of Prayer and Reflection
The Pro-Life Office of the Archdiocese of Boston and Women Affirming Life will be hosting a Lenten Day of Prayer and Reflection on the Sacredness of Human Life on Saturday, April 4, 2009 from 9am to 2pm at the Daughters of St. Paul Convent in Jamaica Plain. The guest speaker will be Sister Olga Yagob of the Boston University Catholic Center. Her topic is Witnesses to Life: Ambassadors for Christ. Please call 508-651-1900 or email for more information.
Urgent Need For All Blood Types
Norwood Community Blood Drive will be held at the Norwood Civic Center, 165 Nahatan St., Norwood, on Monday, March 30th from 2-7pm. Donors may call Marie Pretorius at 781-461-2053 for an appt. to donate.
Pre-Spring Recycling Day
The Norwood Recycling Committee and the Coakley Middle School’s Environmental Club have coordinated this community recycling collection event to take place on Saturday, April 4th from 8-11am at the Coakley Middle School on Washington St., Norwood. Call the Town Manager’s office at 781-762-1240 for more information or to volunteer to help.
St. Tim’s Book Group
Our book group met last week, in conjunction with members of the Youth Formation Ministry Program to discuss the book Leap of Faith. Our discussion centered on the ideas of faith, community and belonging, and forgiveness that were raised in the book, as a young girl struggles to understand the role of faith in her life. The book received a rating of 8.5 on our scale of 1-10, and all agreed that this is a wonderful book for youth to read and for families to read it with them.
“A Message From Our Pastor”
As I write these words, we are in the midst of our parish Mission. It has been a wonderful experience as we have “journeyed” from parish to parish each night to reflect on the different topics our Mission director has placed before us. Hopefully, we have had the chance to get to know our neighbors a bit better.
Interestingly, last Tuesday, there was a report in the Globe of the consolidation of three parishes in Dorchester that will be led by one pastor. This arrangement is a reality in many other parts of the country and will probably be more of a reality in the North East in the not too distant future.
I have no inside information and I know of no other plans for similar consolidations in our area at the present time. However, there is no doubt that as we go forward it makes sense for neighboring parishes to work more closely together. If we utilize shared programs and stagger Mass schedules we should be able to use our resources and personnel much more effectively.
The more we plan wisely for the future, the more likely the future will not take us by surprise. If we begin the process of planning now we hopefully will not make rushed decisions in the future—decisions which might not be the best decisions in the long run.
A sincere thank you to all those who have made pledges or payments to this year’s Catholic Appeal. These donations enable the Archdiocese to offer help and programs to those in need and to provide different types of assistance to the parishes of the Archdiocese. Due to the difficult economic issues we all face today, many of these Archdiocesan programs provide a real life line to those who have no place to turn but to the Church.
Our target goal for this year is just over $70,000. Every gift—no matter how small—makes a difference. Next week when we get a report from the Appeal office, I will give you a better update of where we are. In the meantime, if you have not had a chance to read up on the Appeal or do not have a donation envelope, those materials can be found in each pew or at the office.
Next Sunday, April 5, is Palm Sunday—the beginning of the holiest week in the Church year. We are blessed here at St. Timothy’s to have outstanding services that mark this special week. Please plan to set aside some time during Holy Week to participate in our services and deepen your relationship to our God.
Fr. Culloty
Fifth Sunday of Lent
March 29, 2009
March 29, 2009
CHURCH NAME:St. Timothy Parish
CHURCH CITY:Norwood, Walpole, Westwood
PHONE NUMBER:1-781-769-2522
FAX NUMBER:1-781-769-9362
CURRENT FORMAT:WNS Format -- 6th Column is copy
Note to Press: This document printed at: 3/25/09 11:12 AM