Richmond Behavioral Health Authority
Retiree Benefits Continuation Policy
Enrollment Requirements:
An employee’s health and dental coverage remains in effect until the end of the month in which the retirement becomes effective. To continue coverage or to elect coverage for the employee and spouse or dependents, the retiree must complete and return the enrollment application(s) for continuation of health and dental benefits prior to the effective date of retirement. Failure to complete and return the enrollment forms prior to the effective date of retirement will result in forfeiture of the privilege to continue coverage.
An employee must have elected coverage prior to the effective retirement date in order to continue health and dental benefits. An employee can not exercise this option after the effective retirement date.
Without exception to the terms below which could result in termination of coverage, the retiree, his/her spouse, and dependents may continue coverage until the retiree reaches his/her 65th birth day at which time continuation of coverage through RBHA shall terminate for all enrollees. Further continuation of coverage for the retiree and or his/her dependents shall not be allowed.
Qualifying Events:
Under certain circumstance referred to asQualifying Events, the addition or dropping of dependents is allowed provided the application for enrollment changes is completed and returned to RBHA within 31 days of the qualifying event. The following are deemed Qualifying Events:
- Marriage/divorce
- Death of spouse of child
- Birth of adoption of child
- Eligible child no longer qualifies as a dependent
- Change in spouse’s employment status resulting in a loss of coverage as a result of retirement, termination, or loss of benefits.
Spousal Coverage upon Death of the Retiree:
Upon the death of the retiree, the spousal and dependent coverage shall terminate at the end of the month in which the death occurred. The spouse/dependents shall be notified of their rights to continuation of coverage via COBRA by RBHA’s COBRA administrator. The spouse/dependent has 60 day in which to elect continuation of coverage through COBRA and may be entitled to coverage continuation for a limited period of time not to exceed 36 months. The Authority shall not supplement the premium for COBRA participation. The premium for continuation of coverage via COBRA shall be 102% of the total premium charged to the Authority by the vendor(s). Surviving spousal coverage provided by RBHA prior to August 1, 2010 in which enrollment has occurred, shall continue until the spouse reaches age 65, at which time coverage will automatically terminate at the end of the month in which the 65th birthday is reached.
Termination of Coverage:
If a retiree elects to terminate coverage at any time, reinstatement will not be allowed. Additionally, if a spouse or dependent’s coverage is terminated, reinstatement will not be allowed. The following is a list of events that will result in permanent termination of coverage:
- Retiree or spouse reach their 65th birth day or becomes Medicare eligible
- Death of the retiree
- Retiree elects to terminate coverage
- Failure to make premium payments by seventh (7th) day of each month
- Failure to make COBRA premium payments by seventh (7th) day of each month
Premiums and Payments:
RBHA reserves the right to change the retiree premium contribution rates at any time upon providing written notice 30 days in advance. Premium payments must be made and received by RBHA by the seventh (7th) day of each month. Payments received after the seventh (7th) day of the month will not be processed and will be returned to the retiree (see termination of coverage above).
Open Enrollment:
- Each year RBHA notifies employees and retirees of the benefits being offered by the Authority for the coming year during the open enrollment period. This usually occurs in the month of May but is subject to change. Retirees are encouraged to attend the enrollment meeting. Notice of the open enrollment period and pertinent enrollment information shall be sent to each retiree via U.S. Mail to the address of record.Failure to complete open enrollment forms and return them by the deadline will result in the continuation of coverage as previously elected but at the new retiree contribution rate.
Current Contact Information:
RBHA communicates with its retirees via U.S. Mail, e-mail, and on occasion by telephone. Therefore, it is imperative that the retiree ensure RBHA has their correct address and phone number. Failure to maintain current contact information shall not negate the retiree’s obligation under this policy nor give cause for the extension of any deadline established by the Authority.