Microsoft Publisher 2013
Spring 16 Syllabus
CISA-287; 01/20/16 – 05/28/16 ONLINE
Professor;Lisa M. Snedeker
Phone;Please contact me by the Email address provided. Emails will be returned within
24-48 hours. I am happy to have an online meeting if necessary or a phone call, to review concepts, trouble shoot, etc. Please contact me via email to arrange a time if needed.
Course Description:
Microsoft Publisher 2013: Is a hands-on course covering features of the desktop publishing capabilities of a word processing program. Students will learn to prepare attractive business and personal documents, promotional documents, Web pages, and PowerPoint presentations.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Apply a word processing program to format documents and create desktop publications for daily office use.
Course Objectives:
- Apply the Desktop Publishing Process to business correspondence
- Prepare internal business documents
- Create letterheads, envelopes and business cards
- Create personal documents
- Create promotional documents
- Create brochures
- Create Web pages
- Create presentations using PowerPoint software
Text: Microsoft Publisher 2013:Comprehensive(978-1-285-16727-5)
Blackboard: Set up your Blackboard account to retrieve lessons and exam information
Handouts: Additional handouts may be required. Instructor will provide information on obtaining this material.
Online Materials: select Companion Site to access Assignment Data Files
Reinforcements, Exercises, Instructions, Crossword Puzzles, Flashcards and Glossary’s/Chapter Terms.
Teaching Methods:
- Lectures: Important material from the text and outside sources will be covered in class. Students should plan to take careful notes as not all material can be found in the texts or readings. Discussion is encouraged as is student-procured outside material relevant to topics being covered.
- Assignments: End of chapter activities and online activities will be assigned weekly to reinforce material in the text. These assignments may require the application of various software packages.
- Quizzes: Occasional unannounced quizzes may be given to help ensure students keep up with assigned material.
- Exams: Three exams and a final will be given. The exams will be closed book/notes and will test assigned readings and material discussed within your course.
- Participation: Student participation will be graded by the level of class participation and attendance.
Total points will be computed as detailed in the week breakdown of the syllabus. The total points for quizzes, cases, and assignments and exams may vary.
Point System: 520 total assigned points
A>= 468
B>= 416
C>= 364
D>= 312
Course Policies:
Missed Classes: The student is responsible for obtaining material distributed on class days when he/she was absent. This can be done through contacting a classmate who was present or by contacting the instructor during his office hours or other times. Missed or late quizzes can not be made up under any circumstances but with good cause and adequate notice, an early quiz may be given. One quiz (lowest score) will be dropped at the end of the semester.
Assignments: All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the date due. Late submission of assignments will be assessed a penalty of 10% per day. No exceptions are made.
Academic Dishonesty: Plagiarism and cheating are serious offenses and may be punished by failure on exam, paper or project; failure in course; and or expulsion from the University. For more information refer to the "Academic Dishonesty" policy in the University Undergraduate Catalog. For this class, it is permissible to assist classmates in general discussions of computing techniques. General advice and interaction are encouraged. Each person, however, must develop his or her own solutions to the assigned projects, assignments, and tasks. In other words, students may not "work together" on graded assignments.
Need for Assistance: If you have any condition, such as a physical or learning disability, which will make it difficult for you to carry out the work as I have outlined it, or which will require academic accommodations, please notify me as soon as possible.
Posting of Grades: Final grades will not be posted. If you wish to have your final grade sent to you, please bring a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the final exam.
Incomplete Policy: Students will not be given an incomplete grade in the course without sound reason and documented evidence as described in the Student Handbook. In any case, for a student to receive an incomplete, he or she must be passing and must have completed a significant portion of the course.
Course Outline
Assignment Descriptions:
- Apply Your Knowledge is an assignment that helps students reinforce their skills and apply the concepts learned in this chapter.
- Extend Your Knowledge is an assignment that challenges students to extend the skills learned in this chapter and to experiment with new skills. Students may need to use Help to complete the assignment.
- Analyze, Correct, Improve is an assignment that asks students to analyze a document, correct all errors, and improve the design.
- In the Labs is a series of assignments that ask students to design and/or format a document.Naming Instructions; LastnameChapterLabNumber.
- Consider This: Your Turn is a series of assignments in which students apply creative thinking and problem-solving skills to design and implement solutions. Naming Instructions; LastnamePageNumberStep.
- Learn Online is a series of online activities and resources that reinforce students’ knowledge of chapter content and key terms.NOT REQUIRED
***Syllabus is subject to change during the course. Any changes that are made will be noted in RED and you will be notified on your course homepage.
Class Week / Due Date by Midnight / Reading / Lab / Assignments/Homework / PointsAssigned
1/20/16 / 2/02/16 / Office 2013 and Windows 8: Essential
Concepts and Skills
Office 365 Essentials /
- Extend Your Knowledge
- Analyze, Correct, Improve
- In the Labs
These lessons are for your review only as necessary to improve skills for navigation and saving files in Windows.
Exam / 0
Microsoft Publisher Chapter 1 /
- Extend Your Knowledge
- Analyze, Correct, Improve
- In the Labs
Follow instructions to prepare both Labs, name according to Syllabus Instructions and upload to Blackboard in the correct Chapter Folder. / 40
2/03/16 / 2/16/16 / Microsoft Publisher Chapter 2 /
- Extend Your Knowledge
- Analyze, Correct, Improve
- In the Labs
Follow instructions to prepare both Labs, name according to Syllabus Instructions and upload to Blackboard in the correct Chapter Folder. / 40
2/17/16 / 3/01/16 / Microsoft Publisher Chapter 3 /
- Extend Your Knowledge
- Analyze, Correct, Improve
- In the Labs
Follow instructions to prepare both Labs, name according to Syllabus Instructions and upload to Blackboard in the correct Chapter Folder.
Answer The Consider This Question Page PUB 188 Step 16. Post to the Discussion Forum in Blackboard with the same title. Follow the naming instructions in the Syllabus. / 40
3/02/16 / 3/15/16 / Microsoft Publisher Chapter 4 /
- Extend Your Knowledge
- Analyze, Correct, Improve
- In the Labs
Follow instructions to prepare both Labs, name according to Syllabus Instructions and upload to Blackboard in the correct Chapter Folder.
Exam / 40
3/16/16 / 3/29/16 / Microsoft Publisher Chapter 5 /
- Extend Your Knowledge
- Analyze, Correct, Improve
- In the Labs
Follow instructions to prepare both Labs, name according to Syllabus Instructions and upload to Blackboard in the correct Chapter Folder. / 40
3/30/16 / 4/12/16 / Microsoft Publisher Chapter 6 /
- Extend Your Knowledge
- Analyze, Correct, Improve
- In the Labs
Follow instructions to prepare both Labs, name according to Syllabus Instructions and upload to Blackboard in the correct Chapter Folder. / 40
4/13/16 / 4/26/16 / Microsoft Publisher Chapter 7 /
- Extend Your Knowledge
- Analyze, Correct, Improve
- In the Labs
Follow instructions to prepare both Labs, name according to Syllabus Instructions and upload to Blackboard in the correct Chapter Folder.
- Exam
4/27/16 / 5/10/16 / Microsoft Publisher Chapter 8 /
- Extend Your Knowledge
- Analyze, Correct, Improve
- In the Labs
Follow instructions to prepare both Labs, name according to Syllabus Instructions and upload to Blackboard in the correct Chapter Folder. / 40
5/11/16 / 5/24/16 / Microsoft Publisher Chapter 9 /
- Extend Your Knowledge
- Analyze, Correct, Improve
- In the Labs
Follow instructions to prepare both Labs, name according to Syllabus Instructions and upload to Blackboard in the correct Chapter Folder. / 40
5/11/16 / 5/24/16 / Microsoft Publisher Chapter 10 /
- Extend Your Knowledge
- Analyze, Correct, Improve
- In the Labs
Follow instructions to prepare both Labs, name according to Syllabus Instructions and upload to Blackboard in the correct Chapter Folder.
Exam / 40
5/11/16 / 5/24/16 / Microsoft Publisher Chapter 11 / NOT REQUIRED / NOT REQUIRED / 0
5/25/16 / 5/28/16 / FINAL / TBA / FINAL EXAM / 55
Participation Points; 5 Points per week for ontime submissions of assignments. (16 weeks) / Participation / 80
Course Total 520
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