Copper Valley Club, Inc.

Board Meeting Minutes for 1/5/2017

Board Members in Attendance: [Present, Absent,Virtual]

Shawna Baron / P / John Bate / A / Logan Brady / A / Paul Cahill / P
Wayne Eddy / P / Nicole Kaya / P / Mary Lee Kelly / A / Jeff Mahar / A
Karin Pasinski / P / Steve Prior / P / Rick Roberts / P / Steve Schneider / P
  1. Meeting Start:6:08 pm
  2. Wayne moved to approve the Jan 7thagenda–2ndNicole– approved unanimously
  3. Discussed an open question on the 12/29 minutes – all agreed to delete sentance
  4. Paul moved to accept 12/29/16 meeting minutes– 2ndby SteveS – approved unanimously
  1. Update on past actions:
  2. Action items list reviewedand updated in Google docs
  1. STC Discussion/Steps:
  2. STC total target is $55,000
  3. Current collected $53,000
  4. Three more checks to collect
  5. Inquiries out by Rick
  6. Shawna to sign note
  1. Banking and Bills:
  2. Tennis Pro Payments
  3. $14338.80 due–Pay Tennis Pros as Employee in Jan
  1. Membership:
  2. Deposits
  3. Motion by Steve S – 2nd by Wayne – 25% deposit from members due 1/31/17 – 6 for 0 against – Approved
  4. Deposit amounts
  5. $395 – Two adult family
  6. $350 – Single adult family
  7. $280 – Couple
  8. $200 – Single
  9. Multi Year discount – pay by April 1st
  10. No vote no action
  11. New Membership discount
  12. $999 – Two adult family
  13. Steve S motioned–Nicole 2nd – 7 for 0 against – Approved
  14. A new member is a member that was not a member in 2016
  15. Wayne motioned – Steve S 2nd– 7 for 0 against – Approved
  16. $949 – Single adult family
  17. Steve S motioned – Nicole 2nd– 7 for 0 against – Approved
  18. $899 – Couple
  19. Wayne motioned – Karin 2nd – 7 for 0 against – Approved
  20. $699 – Single
  21. Paul motioned – 2nd Steve S –7 for 0 against – Approved
  22. For a member who brings a new member – receive $100 discount off 2018 membership
  23. Steve S motioned – Nicole 2nd– 7 for 0 against – Approved
  24. Guests # s and Fees tabled until next meeting
  25. Shawna will send a new BOG survey to capture guest fee feedback
  1. Tennis:
  2. Final proposal went to Wint. Initial reaction was not positive.
  3. BOG discussed options and decided to stick with current offer
  4. New meeting set with Wint Sat 8am 1/7/17
  1. Swim:
  2. Meetings with swim coach candidates in process
  1. Social:
  2. Nicole looking to build a calendar for the year
  3. 2 large events a month – 6 for the season
  4. Social event announcements early in the year – target 1/31/17
  5. Look at hold to date notice to club for end of Jan and/or Mar
  6. Nicole will send ideas to BOG for review
  1. Other
  2. Wayne met with some prospective loggers to review option for some clearing and revenue generation at CVC
  1. Next Meeting:
  2. Thursday, 1/19/17 6:00pm at Nuzzo-Roberts Meeting Room
  1. Motion to Adjourn:
  2. At 7:41 PM Shawna moved –2ndby Rick –Approved

Respectfully submitted

Paul Cahill, Secretary

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