PROJECT TWO/ENGLISH 1A/UTSLER/Final Draft Due: Name, define, and discuss a challenge, experienced by some Chaffey College students.
Using the guiding questions below, develop a unified, coherent essay, featuring cause and effect, definition, narration, exemplification, and process analysis.
GUIDING QUESTIONS / RHETORICAL STRATEGIESWhat will you name this challenge? How will you define this challenge for readers? / Definition
Which examples may most effectively communicate your ideas to your readers? / Exemplification Description Narration
What are some specific causes of this challenge? What are some specific effects of this challenge? / Cause and Effect
Which strategies may help students address this challenge? What steps should students take to use each strategy?
Who may help students address this challenge? How may these individuals help students address this challenge? / Exemplification Process Analysis
SOURCE REQUIREMENTS Paraphrase, quote, and/or summarize information from at least one source in the essay. Consider the following source options:
Source Type / ExamplesInterview / other students, instructors, instructional specialists, counselors, administrators, staff members, former students, employers
Questionnaire / other students, instructors, instructional specialists, counselors, administrators, staff members, former students, employers
Brochure / Health center, other campus services and locations
Chaffey College Website /
Textbook / Guidance class, Professor Utsler’s library
library database source / Scholarly journal, dedicated to education
Formatted according to MLA requirements, your essay is expected to include at least 1,500 words. Credit your source use(s) as explained in class.
Assessing your essay, I will apply the English department criteria, included on the syllabus. In addition, I will consider your essay’s success at demonstrating these skills:
1. Understanding and addressing this assignment prompt appropriately
2. Maintaining an appropriate tone with consideration of audience(s) and purpose(s)
3. Developing a specific thesis statement, placed at the end of the introduction
4. Developing appropriate topic sentences for the body paragraphs
5. Incorporating uses of appropriate supporting (major and minor) details in body paragraphs
6. Incorporating description, narration, exemplification, process analysis, and cause and effect
7. Organizing a unified and coherent essay, reflecting appropriate academic essay structure
8. Developing effective introductory, body, and concluding paragraphs
9. Producing a successful final draft through the use of different aspects of writing as a process (idea generation, drafting, revising, editing)
10. Incorporation (quotation, paraphrase, and/or summary) and documentation (in-text citations, works cited page) of evidence from at least one source 11. Selecting and synthesizing limited source information with one’s own ideas in order to complement your essay’s structure and focus
TRAPS TO AVOID FOR ALL ESSAY OPTIONS: When I assess the final draft of your essay, I will also consider how well you avoid the following traps.
- Developing a general or vague thesis statement and/or definition for the challenge
- Forgetting to use detailed examples in order to communicate your ideas effectively
- Telling without showing (i.e. saying you have a lot of experience with this challenge without providing specific evidence from your experiences)
- Failing to use examples, beyond your experiences / making the essay purely personal
- Forgetting to address guiding questions and incorporate uses of description, narration, exemplification, process analysis and/or cause and effect
- Allowing sources to take over the essay, so your ideas and examples are lost
- Expecting readers to interpret your source use(s): Including source information without explaining and analyzing this information for readers / copying and pasting source paragraphs, diagrams, and/or other inappropriate amounts of source materials in your essay
- Forgetting to incorporate and/or document source use(s) as required
- Plagiarizing information from a source and, as a result, earning a failing grade
- Including errors in grammar and/or punctuation that interfere with effective communication of ideas
- Forgetting to consider attention to context (audience, purpose, tone, genre)
- Failing to meet the assignment requirements (Remember to consider the essay’s direct and indirect audiences and purposes; the professor crafts assignments with attention to English 1A course objectives.)