
1.1  Present

No. / Name / Title / Organization / Email /
1 / Regina Kikuli / Ag.PS / MoHSW
2 / Donan Mmbando / Ag.CMO / MoHSW
3 / Bernard Konga / A/Dir Budget / BFC / MoHSW /
4 / Eng.K. C. L Mwambene / H/Building / MoHSW /
5 / Raynold John / Admin – DPP / MoHSW /
6 / Dr.Gozibert Mutahyabarwa / Ag.DHR / MoHSW /
7 / Anna Matowo / Ag.DPP / MoHSW /
8 / Ollympia Kowero / PP’cist HSS / MoHSW /
9 / Dr Mohamed A. Mohamed / Ag. DHQA / MoHSW /
10 / Emmanuel Malangalila / Sen. H. Spec. / WB /
11 / Dr. Anna Nswilla / CDHS&SS / MoHSW /
12 / Gradeline Minja / PO-Health / DANIDA /
13 / Sudha Sharma / Chief Health & Nutrition / UNICEF /
14 / Raphael Munohi / Economist / MoHSW /
15 / Velda Aloyce / Adm-DPP / MoHSW /
16 / Lusajo E. Ndagile / Economist / MoHSW /
17 / Mutagabwa Didace / CRHS / MoHSW /
18 / Patricia M. K Maganga / PSA / MoHSW /
19 / Pascal W. Kanyinyi / PO / KFW /
20 / Shauna Flanagan / First Secretary / CIDA /
21 / Christopher Armstrong / Health Team Leader / CIDA / Christopher.armstrong@ international.gc.ca
22 / Olivier Praz / Head of Health / SDC /
23 / Jovitus Mukele / H/ICT / MoHSW /
24 / Njau Faustine / NPO/HSS / WHO /
25 / Helen S. Mwakipunda / CA / MoHSW /
26 / Mollel T.N / ADSS / PMORALG /
27 / Godfrida Clement / PHSDP – Coordin. / PMORALG /
28 / Salehe H. Msanda / Econ. / PMORALG /
29 / Dr Erasto Mujemule / TL-HS-WG / PMORALG /
30 / Jumanne S.N. Mwasamila / HBF Coordinator / PMORALG /
31 / Peter Sinienga / Acc / PMORALG /
32 / Dunford Makala / CSW / MoHSW /
33 / Elias M. Chinamo / ADEHS/Ag.DPS / MoHSW /
34 / Ayoub Magimba / Ag. ADNCD / MoHSW /
35 / Winna Shango / Ag.ADPS / MoHSW /
36 / Jeanne K. Ndyetabura / ACSW / MoHSW /
37 / Rukayya Mansab / DPG Health / WHO /
38 / Njau Faustine / NPO – HSS / WHO / njauf@tz. afro.who.int
39 / Sally Lake / Advisor, PPM / MOHSW /
40 / Pascal Kanyinyi / PO - Health / Kfw /
41 / Clavery Mpandana / CNO / MoHSW /
42 / Mariam Khan / Dep Rep. / UNFPA /
43 / Nsachris Mwamwaja / CO / MoHSW /
44 / Lucas Suka / PSO / MoHSW /
45 / Shilungu Ndaki / SWO / MoHSW / Sndaki2000@yahoo.
46 / Naikwa Mzava / PEC / MoHSW /
47 / Charles G. Massambu / Ag. DCS / MoHSW /
48 / Nick Bain / PFM Advisor / MoHSW /
49 / Andy O’Connell / Advisor / PPM /
50 / Dr Harun Kasale / Advisor – HWI / MoHSW /
51 / Dr Makamla Mnungu / Admin HSS&SS / MoHSW /
52 / Richard Mnyenyelwa / SEHO / MoHSW
53 / Olivier Praz / Deputy HoC / SDC /
54 / Levina Wingia Kimaro / Econ / MoHSW /
55 / Janeth Kibambo / Econ / MoHSW /
56 / F. Masaule / H/ Advocacy / MoHSW /
57 / Anna Mhere / CIA / MoHSW /
58 / Dr Henock Ngonyani / Ag.AD-HSIQAS / MoHSW /
59 / Claud Kumalija / Ag. H/ M&E / MoHSW /
60 / Rahibu Abdulrahman / Legal Officer / MoHSW /


No. / Name / Title / Organization / Email /
1 / J. J Rubona / Ag.DPP / MoHSW /
2 / Dr. Edwin P. Mung’ong’o / ADPPHF / MoHSW /
3 / Mehjabeen Alarakhia / Advisor Health / Emb. Norway /
4 / Harriet Tonesse / Nutrition Manager / UNICEF /
5 / Columba O’Dowd / Dev. Sp. / Emb. Of Ireland /
6 / Dr. Bjarne O. Jensen / HSS Advisor / MoHSW /
7 / Ibadat Dhillon / Consultant / Emb. of Ireland /
8 / Hanif Nazerali / PS Advisor / MoHSW /
9 / Inge Baumgarten / Chair DPG-Health / GDC/GIZ /
10 / James M. Boyi / HRIS / MoHSW /
11 / Dr. Vincent Assey / Ag.DFSW / TFNC /
12 / Dr. Neema Rusibamayila / Ag.DPS / MoHSW /
13 / T. A. Chando / DAHRM / MoHSW /
14 / Maxmillian Mapunda / NPO / WHO /
15 / Gastro E. Simba / Ag.DPM / MoHSW /
16 / Kirstine Nojgaard / Councillor / DANIDA/EDK /
17 / Rik Peeperkorn / First Secretary / EKN /
18 / Rita Noronha / Prog Officer / UNFPA /

2.0 Agenda Item no. 1: Opening Remarks

Ag. CMO welcomed members and appreciated the support on the crisis of the Doctors strike the Ministry was going through. He said the Government was committed in ensuring the crisis and the challenges do not recur.

He then welcomed the Acting Permanent Secretary to officiate the meeting. She pointed out the importance of the meeting in the provision of health services in the country. She apologized for the absence of PS – PMORALG because of budget preparations which was ongoing and welcomed the large senior delegation from PMO-RALG in attendance.

3.0 Agenda Item no. 2: Adoption of the Agenda
The following agenda was approved as drafted

1.  Opening Remarks

2.  Adoption of the Agenda

3.  Minutes of the last BFC meeting held on 16th April, 2012

4.  Income and Expenditures Statements

(a)  MoHSW


5.  Implementation reports for the Third Quarter 2011/2012

(a) RHMT

(b)  LGAs

6.  Update on 2012/2013 Plans for;

(a)  LGAs - CCHP

(b)  RHMT

7.  MTEF Summary for 2012/2013

(a)  MoHSW


8.  Preparation of Side Agreements for 2012/13

9.  Any other business

10. Closing Remarks

4.0 Agenda Item no. 3: Minutes of the last BFC meeting held on 16th April, 2012
Minutes were approved with some minor corrections;

Item no 1.0: should include the list of members who did not attend the meeting;

Item no 5.2.1: Remove the word “external” from the sentence; “Draft TORs for technical support on the assessment of CCHPs and council reports”. It was agreed that the MoHSW would circulate these TORs as soon as possible.

Item no 6.2.3: the term “Audit Forum” needs to be explained. It was informed that this if the Audit team at the MoHSW / PMORALG.

Item no 7.1: Population number for Tanzania has to be indicated which is 45.8 million people.

4.1 Matters arising
Issue no. 6.2.1. It was agreed that there are still inconsistencies in the reporting and the information provided was not sufficient. It was agreed more details were required on the position and status of the Deposit Account from the Chief Accountant during the AOB session.

Issue no. 6.2.2. Chair of the Task Force Ag.CP presented the status on the new layout of the report as it was outlined in the TORs. However members wanted to know when the final report will be out?

It was responded that the MoHSW will make a follow up to the National Audit Office and circulate to members since it was informed the report was ready.

Issue no. 6.2.3. PMORALG were requested to submit the final JRF Audit report and circulate to members.

Issue no. 7.2.1. DPs requested that more clarity be provided on how funds are captured in the MTEF.

Issue no. 7.2.2. DPs commented that the GAVI co-financing commitment should be demonstrated in both budget allocations and actual expenditures

Issue no. 8.1. It was agreed that it is necessary to have further discussions on how the supplementary budget will be managed given that the funds did not reach the MoHSW before the end of last fiscal year. It was agreed to discuss this further under AOB.

5.0 Discussion and agreements

5.1 Agenda Item no.4: Income and Expenditure Statements

(a)  MoHSW

The report was presented by the ADB. It was informed that all earmarked priority areas being Councils, PMO-RALG and MoHSW had received 100% of their funds except for 1 million for CHF from MoHSW budget.The report will be updated up to the end of the FY 2011/2012 to include the whole budget and their expenditures.


Income and expenditure report for PMO-RALG to the end of the third quarter was presented. DPs noted that there is a very low level of budget expenditure up until the end of the 3rd quarter and therefore a lot of funds left in the 4th quarter. Care should be taken to ensure responsible use of these funds or else they should be returned to the holding account.

Regarding potential roll over of funds for RHMTs, PMO-RALG informed BFC members that they have instructed RHMTs to re-plan for unspent funds carried over from last fiscal year (This comment i.e replanning is varied for LGAs not RHMTs. Very little remained as as unspent balance for RHMTs crf income and expenditure statement for RHMTs

(c)  LGAs

It was informed that there were inconsistencies in reporting some of the figures i.e there were differences between closing balances and opening balances between those reported by CAG and the LGAs. These inconsistencies need to be followed up through the ASC.

5.2 Agenda Item no. 5: Implementation reports for the Third Quarter 2011/2012

(a)  RHMT

(b)  LGAs

A general suggestion was made by the DP Basket Coordinator that an implementation report up to the 3rd quarter is not very useful. What is more useful is a proper assessment of implementation for the full year. The full annual reports could then go to the TWG 1 for review and discussion before being presented at the JAHSR. BFC members agreed on this way forward. For the Side Agreement, what would then be required is an agreement on the process for producing and disseminating the reports.

5.3 Agenda no. 6: Update on 2012/2013 Plans for: LGAs - CCHP and RHMT

(a) LGAs - CCHPs

The Coordinator of District Health Services introduced the new tool the LGAs were using to prepare the plans – Planrep3. If well applied, the tool can simplify the assessment work which was previously done manually.

The general findings from 125 LGAs which were assessed were:

100% of all plans were developed and entered into Planrep3 and about 80& of the budget were compiled according to the ceiling. However there were some challenges; wrong selection of activity inputs GF codes, some had no measurable parameters, no link between objectives, targets, activities and inputs.

District Health coordinator requested BFC members to approve the annual budget for all 132 LGAS amounting to Tshs 89,310,000,000.00

Qn. SDC raised a concern that since there were a number of issues that had been raised by UCC, DP were ready to provide TA if requested to support in provision of health services and quality of reports delivered since training was still needed at the CHMT level.

Ans: MoU were drafted and presented at the TWG1 and it is possible to improve the CCHP guidelines to be more user friendly including continuous training of CHMT and more supportive supervision from RHMT to improve from District to the Ministerial levels.

DP wanted to know whether the amounts allocated to BOD included the operational costs of delivering various programs which were involved in the provision of services and since the budget level was declining the issue of capacity was vivid and they (WHO) were ready to provide TA and capacity building in the areas of planning and budgeting at these levels.

Ag. CMO raised a concern on the deteriorating performance of LGAs although they had been preparing Plans over the years, instead of improving, the situation were worsening. He said the Ministry will revaluate the situation to determine what went wrong. Although there is a need for capacity building, we have to determine at which levels this will be more effective i.e LGAs, RHMTs, ZHRC or at the Central, he said. He went on that, sometimes it is frustrating due to limited resources and we cannot address the BOD properly.

The issue of capacity building especially at the Central Ministry was also stressed by the Acting PS. It was responded that DPs are willing to support the central level and have offered this support, they are waiting for the MoHSW and PMO-RALG to tell us what they would like. There are also opportunities to use partners on the ground to support work (e.g. UN focus on certain regions and districts, Canadian MNCH partners).

(b) RHMT plans

Presentation was done by CRHS and highlighted main activities for the RHMT and the amount of funds in percentage as; Supportive Supervision (34%), followed by Coordination of Health Service delivery (16%) RHMT plans and strategies (13%), Ensuring of Quality Health Service (10%) Human Resource Management (7%) Networking (5%) Private Sector Coordination (4%) Policy dissemination (4%), 3% was spent on others, Hospital support (2%) Emergency disaster (2%) respectively

DPs commended the good work from the Regions although previously RHMT were left behind, its good that they are improving from 64% in 2011 to 78% in 2012.

WB asked about the situation in terms of the planning process for FY 2012/13 for new regions and districts?

Answer: The administrative structure for the new regions/ districts is not in place and PMO-RALG is still focusing on the existing regions and LGAs while these regions are still being managed by the regions from which they were formed. On the same issue, A/CMO wanted to know if it is possible for good-performing districts and regions could support and mentor newly created districts and regions.

Answer: The idea to use ‘model districts’ is being formulated and it could be further developed and implemented once these districts have been indentified and supported to perform even better, to support districts which are performing poorly.

The PMO-RALG Basket Coordinator highlighted that the amount allocated to the RHMTs is inadequate for them to perform the expected support and supervisory functions. Sometimes it is not a matter of capacity but of resources. The CHRS agreed that the amount allocated from the basket to the regions is not adequate for them to perform all their supervisory functions. The biggest share of resources to the regions comes from HBF with a smaller amount coming from GIZ. The A/CMO highlighted that there is an overly high reliance on basket funds (and other donor funds) at this level. The government also needs to allocate resources to the region in line with their roles and responsibilities.